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Yep, and I shall submit it to gamefaqs right now since they're accepting.

Anyways, I already have the get through the roof in Trooper Module, the MBBJ.

Anyways, if you have anything you think should be submitted in the guide (with credit of course), drop a post here and tell me. This includes speed tricks for Regulator, Morph Ball, and Survivor as well as Multiplayer.

Anything to add?

EDIT: I have already submitted the guide and hopefully it gets posted. Either way, I'll post the guide here shortly.
Thread title: 
I like your idea, but do you have enough time to do it before the real one comes out? Then you'll have to make a seperate guide for the real MPH. But hey, if there's a time to start, it's now. I have a little trick regarding Survivor mode, which allows you to, if done right, get a MASSIVE (by this I mean 3481 kills in my case before I purposely killed myself out of boredom). By constantly jumping and passing through the the place where you find the Missiles and into the places with the dodgy morph ball launchers, and then going to the one on the opposite side, you'll eventually reach a part where there are Xenomorphs appearing in the middle of the room, surrounded by 3 Metroids. Stay next to the entrance opposite the one with the morph cannon and move forward a little. A Xenomorph will pop out and you can shoot it. When the Metroid to your right draws close, back off towards the entrance to avoid being attacked. When the ammo refill appears in the middle of the room, arm Missiles and run in, killing the 3 Metroids and collecting the ammo. 7 Xenomorphs will appear behind you before the Metroids respawn, so blast them at your leisure. Rinse, lather, repeat. I'll try to make a video, since explaining it is tough.
I actually do something similar to that and will include it in my next update of the guide (shortly).
Your guide is pretty good, especially the Secret Worlds part. But I'm not sure how you'd put my little discovery in-it's far from a speed trick (took me 5 hours non-stop to get my high score) and it doesn't seem to be a glitch either. Maybe it could go under "other stuff", because I think anything that can stop you from dying in Survivor deserves a mention, don't you think so?
Hmm... I think you should add the bomb jump that helps you up to the ball launcher in regulator.

And if it'll help, I could probably find out the damage of each weapon/enemy attack plus the health of each enemy, it's kinda tedious, but if you think it should go into the guide, I'll do it.
That would be very useful. Do the weapons do damage according to the amount of ammo they use up, or does it work differently?
Not really, IIRC the power beam has the best damage/ammo ratio with Electro Lob having the worst. And Missiles have the best damage/time ratio (as in does damage faster) it's very likely that EL is worst here to.

I'd have to go into multiplayer to check that though, I'll check it the next time I get the oppurtunity to.
I do have the bomb jump that gets up you to the bomb launcher in regulator (the EBJ/MBDBJ).

And if you could help me figure out weapon damage/HP, I would love your forever and give you a nice personal credit spot =).
Strategy Guide Writer
Hi Nick,

Very nice guide! Thanks for allowing me to add it to SCU (seen the credits) so I've just gone and done so. Here's the link:


If/When you update it next, could you e-mail me the link to the latest version so I can update it on SCU? Thanks. I'll link to it in a moment and make it public in the site update later tonight. :)

Damage/HP stuff research complete.

Samus's weapons:

Power Beam:
4 Damage
1 ammo

25 Damage (6 splash damage)
10 ammo

Charged Missiles:
35 Damage (5 splash damage)
15 ammo

Electro Lob:
10 damage (7 splash damage)
8 ammo

Charge EL:
20 damage (5 splash damage)
10 ammo

Boost Ball:
10 damage

6 damage

It's strange how the charged weapons do less splash damage.
The EL had worse Damage/ammo ratio than I thought. 1.25 compared to Power Beam's 4 and Missiles 2.5, ouch.


Xenomorph/Mochtroid: 5 HP
Ram: 15 Damage

Zoomer: 10 HP
Ram: 15 Damage

Metroid: 50 HP
Ram: 15 Damage
Suck: 2 damage each "sucking", stops voluntarily after "sucking" 17 times, bringing the total to 34 damage.

Boss: This one's odd, I've yet to get an exact HP, it seems to range between 300-400.
Power Beam: 4 Damage
Bombs: 6 Damage

And I can't see that bomb jump I mentioned anywhere in the guide. Hmm... perhaps you you misunderstood me. I'm not talking about the bomb jump itself, but the speed trick of getting up on that platform using it.
If you indeed understood me, then please point me to where in the guide it is explained, 'cause I can't find it.
Ah, you're right. I'm sorry. I'm going to explain it in the update with everything you provided.

Thank you. Full credit to you.

EDIT: Everything explained and added. Thanks!