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Okay, since I see that this the first Create-a-Something topic on this board, I'll explain. You see, the idea of this topic is you guys to create your own item, in this case a power-up. Since I am the creater of the topic, I will be rating any posted power-ups from 1 to 10. I may allow other people to rate sometime if I need some help. Use the guidelines below to create your power-up. If you have any questions, ask and I'll be glad to answer them. Okay, I'll leave you to it.

You post:

Name: (The name of the power-up)
Ability: (The power-up's abilities)
Obtained: (How you get it)
Appearance: (What it looks like)
Other: (If you have anything else to say)

I responde:

Name:(The name of the power-up
Rating:?/10 You got this rating because...
Thread title: 
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Name: The Kickass Beam
Ability: Kicks your ass
Obtained: By kicking some ass
Appearance: A boot kicking your ass
Other: Also makes julian fries
Name: The Chozo Gauntlets
Ability: Able to pick up certain enemies and throw them  :D
Obtained: When you bomb the bottom right of the broken Chozo Statue, you will find it there.
Appearance: Simular to Ocarina of Time's. Gold.
Other: It doesn't have any meaning, its just using it for fun! Like the Magic Gloves on Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. Fun for all, Pick up enemies, throw the enemy at enemies. Unfortenatly, you can pick up boss, Metroids. Also, you need to Freeze the enemy to be able to pick it up. Ability doesn't disable when 
Suitless Samus
Name: Spider Boots
Ability: Able to walk on all  horizontal and vertical walls
Obtained: Someplace *REALLY* deep into the planet, like below ridley or some such.  I think someplace where theres water would be a good hiding spot, so maybe far down below maridia... of course, in some sort of ancient chozo ruin, perhaps with a hint of mother brain.
Appearance: makes the lower part of samus legs (the boots, all the way up to the spike on her knee) metallic black.
Other: Whenever you jump using these, you start obeying normal gravity again, likewise, certain surfaces can't be stuck too, and you don't stick to anything as a bomb.  You *CAN* reach speed boost using these boots though, as well as crouching. but once your damaged and lose contact with the wall/celing your attached too, only a spinning jump could get you back into contact with it.  (a normal vertical jump can't.)
Also, when you freeze an enemy, you can walk all the way around them, *ALL* the way.  (could you imagine hanging upside from a ripper, so you could get a better aim at enemies below you?)
Name: Pulse Beam
Ability: A beam that fires rapidly while the button is held.
Obtained: From a boss right before the end maddness begins.  (kinda like Omega Pirate or Golden Torizo)
Other: This is not a beam that stands alone, but more like the charge beam.  This would also not do away with the charge beam, it would be a different button.  The charge and pulse beams can not be used simultaneously.
Name:Cheese Beam
Ability:Shoots out cheese
Obtained:Eat 42 pounds of cheese in 30 seconds
Appearence:Swiss Cheese with an orangish tint
Other:Shoots out either Cheddar, Provolone, Mozzerella, or Jack
Kinetic vacuum:  charges suit with intense cold, consumes energy to reduce nearby enemy movement speed and place them in chilled state, adding vulnerabilities to certain enemies.

Electrostatic suit:  Provides invulnerability to most electrical fields.  (which would need to exist in-game)  Reduces energy based attack damage of all types.  Repels certain electrical enemies.

Ionized fission core:  (or whatever)  power supply that either 1.  resupply weapons if they are energy based.  2.  convert energy into weapons.

Singularity splitter:  permits short range teleportation to visible areas.

Technology nullifier:  Reduces general technology level of target if wholly or partially technological in nature.  Reduces attack power, removes special abilities.  Functions as a weapon, but does no damage.

Phase crystal:  melee weapon existing partly out of phase of our space-time.  Only weapon that can damage any time-travelling enemy.  Time travelling enemies would be able to attack from multiple vantage points simultaneously, and only one target would normally be vulnerable to fire.

Phase corrupter:  Renders Samus immune to rapid consecutive attacks by momentarily shifting her nanoseconds forward into space time.  The universe is able to compensate for this mockery in about 1.5 seconds.  Gives you a moment to dodge overwhelming odds after every successful enemy attack.  Creates the old 'temporary invincibility' we all know and love.

Bioform inhibitor:  renders Samus immune to some biological and microscopic attacks.  Slowly kills any living thing in close proximity to Samus, including living obstacles.  Damages melee attacks from bioforms.

Matter sublimater:  beam upgrade that converts solid matter directly into gas, drastically increasing its kinetic energy.  Does light damage to enemies, and repels them away from Samus

Phosphorus missle upgrades.  Provides extended illumination in dark areas with no special visor upgrades.  Blinds certain enemies.

Scanning computer:  provides numerical data on enemies, (rather than just a description) functions automatically with no scanning.  Data requires time and proximity to gather, but the enemy does not have to actually be killed.  (I want the enemies to be really challenging)

Integrated visor:  compiles data from all visors to one display, highlighting essential information.  (only at the end of the game, visors were cool, they werent really fun)

Targetting computer:  (for a 2d metroid-it was already default in prime because THERES NO MOUSE) Regular gun autoaquires targets, or adds homing ability to some weapons such as missles.  Different enemies require different signatures to track.  (requiring visor upgrades)

Soul Phoenix:  ultimate chozo end-game suit upgrade is completely biological in nature, strangely similiar to metroid physiology.  Fill in your own brand of badass.  I would say flys 100% of the time, drains health when attacking, has no ranged attack, only a charging attack.  For use against the last boss.

fire:  varia, plasma
wind:  speed booster
water:  gravity
earth:  screw attack, missles
electric:  wave beam, grapple
ice:  ice beam
You know, I haven't played a FPS since quake so  I don't know if these have been done or are workable.  Most of them don't really fit the metroid theme of simplicity but oh well.

I really like that pulse beam upgrade.  It should be combined with other types to make streaming wave/plasma/etc.

Positioning jets:  Early game suit upgrade that permits intermittent short range dashes in any direction.  Allows you to quickly close distance or make tactical retreats when fighting fast enemies at close range.  Slightly extends jumps.

Psychotropic pulse:  Generates hallucinations in enemies.  Reduces enemy accuracy in specific manners.  Enemies that predict Samus' movement switch to shooting directly at her.  Enemies that shoot directly at her switch to shooting in random directions.  Enemies with homing weapons choose a new behaviour at random.  Can be turned off.

Interleaved electosphere:  Throws a energy sphere ahead that latches to any surface.  It targets any motion in it's effective radius, damaging it.  The sphere itself can be damaged.  The weapon must be 'channeled' which consumes energy over time.  Can be combined with other weapons just like the rest, which increases energy consumption.  Useful primarily for applying specific elemental effects to extremely dangerous enemies.

Nanomass driver:  weapon upgrade that accelerates tiny particles to high speed.  Creates a streaming/laser effect that cannot be combined with other weapons.  Piercing attack that's incredibly effective against unarmored targets, but limited ammo which can only be recharged slowly over time.

Empathic scan:  Permits Samus to view and listen from the perspective of enemies, gaining the information available at their position as well as their unique perceptive abilities.  (best for 3d metroid)

Empathic link:  Allows Samus to take complete control over any biological entity in a weakened state.  Your new pet has an attack, special abilities, and can become more powerful over time.  Turns the user into a big pokemon dork.

Chozo figurine:  Ultimate in chozo statuary.  Functions as a 'life' but must be used while still living.  Samus enters the glowing fetal state from super metroid and gains some health and weapons back.  Also does massive damage to enemies that touch Samus in the few seconds she's recharging.

Stealth suit:  Was it too obvious?  Samus moves slowly and cannot be perceived by most enemies when activated.  Cannot interact with gameworld.

Recapacitor:  Midgame upgrade that has the ability to convert one type of tank into another.  Ie, 5 missle tanks into an energy tank.  A new type of tank can exist that powers abilities.  Normal maximums could be exceeded.

Exoskeletal crush:  suit upgrade that causes individual pieces of the suit to explode away from samus, repelling and damaging enemies.  (Like Jin in Marvel)  Samus is 3x or 4x vulnerable for a few seconds as pieces reattach.  Could be a byproduct of another suit upgrade.

Cyberelemental amplifier:  Increases all enemy's vulnerability to one particular element, as well as Samus's.  You can only choose one element at a time.  Combining beam types serves to cancel out elemental based damage.
Ready and willing.
Quote from Pekod:
Phase corrupter:  Renders Samus immune to rapid consecutive attacks by momentarily shifting her nanoseconds forward into space time.  The universe is able to compensate for this mockery in about 1.5 seconds.  Gives you a moment to dodge overwhelming odds after every successful enemy attack.  Creates the old 'temporary invincibility' we all know and love.

Damn, once you can explain the blinking invincibly, then you can explain EVERYTHING.

Quote from Pekod:
Turns the user into a big pokemon dork.

heh, that's an angry smilie. What the heck is it doing as the smilie for :x?
Name:  Useless GameFAQs esque topic.

Ability:  Annoying the hell out of us.

Obtained:  See also: My definition of n00b (granted, not to a huge degree, but this is how it starts)

Appearance:  I wish it wouldn't

Other:  For the love... these kind of topics are what GameFAQs is for... Evil or Very Mad
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
ShadowMagus gets a gold star!
I think this is a really fun brainstorming post.  I don't really read huge forums, because there's too much to keep up with, very little personal response, etc.

I remember how annoying it is to start something neat and then have it overrun by new people that are little more than self-absorbed spammers.  About 10 years ago this guy from Kuwait and I organized and attracted people to efnet #capcom (it was actually #sfa at the time) and these days it's a huge channel run by the west coast 'in crowd.'  I don't know any of them personally.

Anyway, I'm back in town and feel like continuing the spam.

Reflective Armor:  Reflective tungsten based alloy applied to the surface of existing armor.  Primarily serves to negate static heat laser traps, but also randomly deflects some energy attacks.  Functions as a direct counter to instant-hit energy attacks.  Is ruined/wears off at some point in the story.

Chozo Talon:  Since 3D doesn't really lend itself well to the space jump, the end game mobility upgrade could be a midair dash in the direction the user is looking, foot first, blazing karate style.  Of course, a mouse would help...

Optional powerup configuration:  The user chooses between a group of optional combat enhancements.  The technology is miniaturized, but only a few enhancements will fit into the suit at once.  The configuration may only be changed at your ship, but all parts are available at the start of the game.

1.  Hard shields:  Subtracts a small numerical value from each individual attack.  Extremely effective against rapid weak attacks, and almost worthless against individual heavy attacks.

2.  Vernier:  Rocket pack which extends jumps horizontally and maintains a jump a few seconds after reaching normal peak height.

3.  Energy absorber:  Stores the energy that the suit absorbs when it is damaged, which can be released during normal firing to increase damage rate.

4.  Zooming scanner:  Another obvious one.  Would also permit scanning computer to function at any visible range.

5.  Bonus energy tank.

6.  Mirv missle launcher:  Allows launching of several missles simultaneously in a spread.  Requires time to charge up.

etc.  Sorry have to go
Name: money beam
Ability: constantly shoots out 100 $ bills and makes enemies wear suits
Obtained: killing bill gates and taking his wallet
Appearance: 100$ bills
Other: can be used to buy other power-ups(such as cheese beam)
Name: Devil beam
Ability: Shoot a stream of molten lava
Obtained: Volcano-Island
Appearance: Red O.o...
Other: It can only carry a set ammunition...,restored by jumping into lava  Twisted Evil
Name: Super Grapple Beam
Ability: Grapples things. More things than just special blocks/magnet points.
Obtained: It's a low-priority item, like Super Metroid's spring ball (I found that during my third time through the game I think), so... someplace dark, cold, and uninteresting.
Appearance: What was once blue, is now green... or purple... or white... or yellow...
Other: You all know what SSBM's grapple beam was like, right? There you go. Destroys some, brings some closer, stuns everything that has legs. As well as everything that manages to live without having legs.

[edit] Yeah, spring, not spider. Was tired. [/edit]
you mean Ball Jump, not Spider ball im assuming, because super metroid doesn't have a spider ball....
Name: The Wave Missle
Ability: Partially energy-wave missile that goes through walls.
Obtained: Start a new game in an completed file, or get a tank through some horribly nasty shinespark or pit block puzzle
Appearance: Purple glowing missile
Other: Makes Mother Brain really easy, and can hit Robo Ridley's chest through his arm or head.

I would commit several different crimes for this one.
Name: Spoiler Ball
Ability: Throws out a random spoiler, such as what the unknown items are.
Obtained: Spoiling a food supply.
Appearance: A mini spoiler tag.
Other:When activated in front of a space pirate, they tell you whatever you want to know.
Name: Holy Beam

Ability: This enchanted beam has the power to repel evil.

Obtained: Hyrule Castle

Appearance: It turns your beam into a yellowish color.

Other: You need this to fight Metroid Ganon.
Name:Ice Suit
Ability:Power to survive even the lowest temperatures. Cancels out the Varia Suits effects of being abel to survive in Super heated areas. Cancels the Gravity Suits effect of being able to move freely in water but allows you to swim(Finnally)
Obtained:Phendrana's Dry River Cavern.
Toozin, the topic didn't die....
It died, but was brought back to life.


HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
All thanks to ME!
Name: Chet Rippo Beam
Ability: Steals peoples money
Obtain: From me! Mwah ha ha ha Laughing
Appearance: invisible, but it's there!
Other: Able to use the Jedi Mind Trick on anybody.
Quote from Chet Rippo:
Able to use the Jedi Mind Trick on anybody.

You cant do it to Pulse Bombus.