There's no "correct" way, as it's slang; I just think the noun form looks better as two words: "He is a bad ass.". When using it as an adjective, I like it as one: "He is badass.".
Hmm... so far it's been fairly hit or miss. Perhaps because of the obscene rate at which you're doing these things. I mean, sure, you don't have to like, draw anything or anything else that's too time consuming, assuming you've already set up a template of sorts for the pages, but I have the feeling you're just taking the first joke you get and stopping there, without exploring a little further for better possibilities. A few times you'll just get something perfect jumping out at you, but any other time it's best to explore your options.
At least, that's what I think is going on, based on what I see. I can't jump inside your head or anything.