I asked this a while ago, and I'm still not sure. I think it's something like this:
BOSS: Parasite Queen Missiles Morph Ball Charge Beam Morph Ball Bombs Furnace Energy Tank (they point it out to you for some reason) BOSS: Flaahgra-Varia Suit Boost Ball Space Jump Boots Wave Beam Super Missiles Thermal Visor (might be the other way around) BOSS: Thardus-Spider Ball Ice Beam Gravity Suit Power Bombs Grapple Beam X-Ray Visor Plasma Beam (not sure on which way they point those two to you either) BOSS: Omega Pirate-Phazon Suit BOSS: Meta-Ridley BOSS: Metroid Prime
Something like that. The other 3 beam combos don't get pointed out. Nor do any other of the tanks.
I mean as far as collecting all tanks and such, not just the bosses/mini-bosses.
That's kinda like asking what the proper pattern is that you're supposed to place the Tetris blocks in.
Technically speaking, the Tetris blocks are random, but the tanks are all in a set location meaning there could be a certain order in which the developers intended for you to get them.