Hey, i just had this really cool idea, based on people doing group hacks and the like, theres no garauntee the final product will be any good, but it should be pretty fun :P
Basically, the idea is a hack that anyone and everyone can contribute to, with as much or as little as they like, using theyre own tastes, ideas and styles. I was going to make my own contribution before posting the thread, but simply dont have time, so i may do so a little later on.
At the moment i think the best way to work it would be that each person posts a seperate patch involving only their own changes, with a list of everything edited, so that nobody will then edit the same thing later and make a mess, also if you have an idea involving certain rooms or aspects of the game, feel free to reserve so nobody else beats you to it. Once we have a practically full hack, the patches can be combined, and we can see what load of rubbish we make :D
Edit: to avoid complete chaos, lets all stick to unheadered patches
Items bagged so far:
Gravity Suit= Cardweaver
Screw Attack=Fizzer
Plasma Beam= Fizzer
Space jump= Fizzer
Speed Boost= Ducnerd
Spazer = Green Kirby
Spring Ball= Lawrence Reyome
X ray scope= Devondev
First Super Missile= squishy_ichigo (MAKE SURE ALL OTHERS REQUIRE PB TO OBTAIN)
Ice Beam= Jackal_Boy
Charge Beam= Devondev
4 Reserve Tanks (to be modified)=Fizzer
Also people, make sure to state anything you wish to change aswell as level design, for example enemy HP.
All minor items (missile expansions, E tanks ect.) are better off staying in the area they are in, to avoid % confusion.
The attached map shows the areas that are definetly taken.
Red= Me
Green= Green Kirby
Yellow= DuckNerd
Blue= CardWeaver
Orange= Lawrence Reyome
Grey= squishy_ichigo
Brown= Jackal_boy
Still some left for anyone who feels like contributing.
Basically, the idea is a hack that anyone and everyone can contribute to, with as much or as little as they like, using theyre own tastes, ideas and styles. I was going to make my own contribution before posting the thread, but simply dont have time, so i may do so a little later on.
At the moment i think the best way to work it would be that each person posts a seperate patch involving only their own changes, with a list of everything edited, so that nobody will then edit the same thing later and make a mess, also if you have an idea involving certain rooms or aspects of the game, feel free to reserve so nobody else beats you to it. Once we have a practically full hack, the patches can be combined, and we can see what load of rubbish we make :D
Edit: to avoid complete chaos, lets all stick to unheadered patches
Items bagged so far:
Gravity Suit= Cardweaver
Screw Attack=Fizzer
Plasma Beam= Fizzer
Space jump= Fizzer
Speed Boost= Ducnerd
Spazer = Green Kirby
Spring Ball= Lawrence Reyome
X ray scope= Devondev
First Super Missile= squishy_ichigo (MAKE SURE ALL OTHERS REQUIRE PB TO OBTAIN)
Ice Beam= Jackal_Boy
Charge Beam= Devondev
4 Reserve Tanks (to be modified)=Fizzer
Also people, make sure to state anything you wish to change aswell as level design, for example enemy HP.
All minor items (missile expansions, E tanks ect.) are better off staying in the area they are in, to avoid % confusion.
The attached map shows the areas that are definetly taken.
Red= Me
Green= Green Kirby
Yellow= DuckNerd
Blue= CardWeaver
Orange= Lawrence Reyome
Grey= squishy_ichigo
Brown= Jackal_boy
Still some left for anyone who feels like contributing.
Thread title: