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Agreed, but exploration is only fun if you can get to where you need to go. Entering an impossible (at your skill level) area, and then finding out you can't get out again is really a game killer. Hence, back to sign idea.
For example, at the end of Cardweaver's Boss hack, there are a bunch of lights that say CONGRATS, made out of the red and blue orbs you see in Tourian.
I made a (very, very crappy, abomination worthy) sign in MS paint using an 80x32 LxH panel, to simulate eight letters, with a border of 1 tile, and a signpost. I fail to see how it wouldn't work, just need someone to make it in SMILE.

Rant over. My rate for collecting FAIL is: 100%

Devonodev: Other D
i see your point

and if a room takes lots of skill. there should be a save room before it. And there should be lava or something in the bottom of the room, so if you get stuck, then you can die and not lose any progress. unless you forget to save. laugh new

Rythyrix, are you going to help make this hack. :D
Edit history:
devonodev: 2008-06-08 02:58:35 am
Devonodev: Other D
i will take most of brinstar :D
i circled in blue what ill do
i put a super missle door in front of spawn spores room, and i will give spawn spore more health 
and i will keep chargebeam.

is it possible to create a door that only opens when shot with charge beam?

not much left on the map grin new

Edit history:
Rythyrix: 2008-06-08 03:29:32 am
In answer, no. Sorry, but I just don't have the SMILE expertise. But, I did make an outline for a sign in SMILE, and made it twice as big as it usually is, cause SMILE doesn't have an 8x8 non scroll editor. So it's enlarged. Still need to rip the green letters from the intro.

SMILE outline (Lower Norfair):
Abomination (Brought to you by Paint!):


UPDATE: SMILE sign, made in PAINT:

Original green letters:
Devonodev: Other D
lol, the sign outline is good.

the abomination is good aswell  :---)

laugh new
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Rythyrix:
In answer, no. Sorry, but I just don't have the SMILE expertise. But, I did make an outline for a sign in SMILE, and made it twice as big as it usually is, cause SMILE doesn't have an 8x8 non scroll editor. So it's enlarged. Still need to rip the green letters from the intro.

SMILE outline (Lower Norfair):
Abomination (Brought to you by Paint!):


Or... We can just add my 8x8 letters in the CRE file. >_<;
In fact. I could line up a sing for you guys even.

BT: What I ment was more that. Most expensions are not on the main road (attleast not in mine area) So you have to go of road to grab expensions. And that costs time! :P
Point to you. Go grab the CRE things and I'll make outlines for the rest of the areas. I have to do Red Brinstar ( the pinkish area, correct?) Green Brinstar (Plants), Crateria, Wrecked Ship, Maridia, Upper Norfair, and Tourian, am I right?

Quote from Rythyrix:
Just an idea, but can those tiles with four Xs in them be reprogrammed? If so, make a sign that says OPTIONAL or something.

Oh please god no. Do you have any idea what that does to the entire atmosphere and immersion aspect of your game? Imagine, you're wandering through an alien planet, full of dangerous creatures with death at every turn, and then you wander through a door and see a sign that says "OPTIONAL LOL"

Most expensions are not on the main road (attleast not in mine area) So you have to go of road to grab expensions. And that costs time!

It costs time, but it doesn't give the game much more actual length content-wise - not enough to make up for the loss of 80% of Norfair anyway.
Eh, just throwing ideas out. Heres another. Make a tile or enemy that's an I, like the flying lava donuts in Tourian, so people know the next area is optional. Another: increase or decrease brightness of a tile, slightly. Anything small, just enough to catch the eye. For all I care, make Kermit the Frog sing a Beatle's song to denote an optional area. ](*,)

Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Rythyrix:
Point to you. Go grab the CRE things and I'll make outlines for the rest of the areas. I have to do Red Brinstar ( the pinkish area, correct?) Green Brinstar (Plants), Crateria, Wrecked Ship, Maridia, Upper Norfair, and Tourian, am I right?


CRE GFX is a GFX file that is loaded in all areas. =P
So, yeah. Also: I think the sign idea was a good thing.
But you guys needs to decide befor I add the tiles. And keep in mind, BT may have good hints. But he is not part of the project.
Quote from Black Telomeres:
Imagine, you're wandering through an alien planet, full of dangerous creatures with death at every turn, and then you wander through a door and see a sign that says "OPTIONAL LOL"

Who says hacks need to be serious?  I'd live to play something that had random neon signs, "Optional," "Nothing Hidden in here," "Watch for falling skrees," etc.  A hack that has an entirely humorous atmosphere could still be a lot of fun to play.  A small amount of text in one place would seem awkward though. 
Quote from Xaggoth:
Quote from Black Telomeres:
Imagine, you're wandering through an alien planet, full of dangerous creatures with death at every turn, and then you wander through a door and see a sign that says "OPTIONAL LOL"

Who says hacks need to be serious?  I'd live to play something that had random neon signs, "Optional," "Nothing Hidden in here," "Watch for falling skrees," etc.  A hack that has an entirely humorous atmosphere could still be a lot of fun to play.  A small amount of text in one place would seem awkward though. 

I'm just assuming this hack is of the serious type given no one seems to have posted an ideas that would contradict that, like inserting random Mario enemies or something.
There will not be any sort of verbal/written warning as to my area, just a very obvious, springball required, entrance. Hmmm, now that I think about it, the entrance will be well hidden, though the door will be in plain sight.
Quote from Black Telomeres:
I'm just assuming this hack is of the serious type given no one seems to have posted an ideas that would contradict that, like inserting random Mario enemies or something.

Errrm actually, we have GK on Tourian, and you might like to take back that post after speaking with him...

Also, Immense skill is required to enter my area, and pretty nifty exploration too, so its a true secret area except its been posted on a forum before the hack is out.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from fizzer|me-is-liam:
Quote from Black Telomeres:
I'm just assuming this hack is of the serious type given no one seems to have posted an ideas that would contradict that, like inserting random Mario enemies or something.

Errrm actually, we have GK on Tourian, and you might like to take back that post after speaking with him...

Hated by all
To the above pictures, wow. For one of them, I thought you just used Tile Layer Pro, copied the Metroid 1 Password Tiles, then fed it to the SM tile data, then imported it from SMILE.
Well guys, I wont be seeing you for two weeks Im afraid, good look to all with thier areas.
Quote from fizzer|me-is-liam:
Quote from Black Telomeres:
I'm just assuming this hack is of the serious type given no one seems to have posted an ideas that would contradict that, like inserting random Mario enemies or something.

Errrm actually, we have GK on Tourian, and you might like to take back that post after speaking with him...

So you're saying that the hack is going to be serious and then GK is going to go unserious for Tourian? That makes no sense; it destroys the cohesiveness of the hack.
Maybe there should be some sort of creepy statue or the like to show that you're about to enter the optional area.  (e.g. Kraid's lair)

There seems to be much dissagreement here...  which will probably only prolong the production of this hack.  It seems like everyone wants to "make it their hack" instead of just contributing.  But I guess that's what a community hack is.

I'd much rather have a well thought out; structured hack, than a hack job.  (No pun intended)
going a bit off topic, but has anyone called Bomb Torizo as I've had some great ideas that include.
Edit history:
Rythyrix: 2008-06-08 08:24:33 pm
Is this creepy enough? Wanted to limit myself to a small piece, so it's 5x3 LxH. It's Lower Norfair, too.


Edit: This is a generic one. Used the tiles at the top of selector.

Edit 2: I have got to stop editing my posts.
There will not be any sort of verbal/written warning as to my area, just a very obvious, springball required, entrance. Hmmm, now that I think about it, the entrance will be well hidden, though the door will be in plain sight.

Any and all Spring Ball puzzles, with the exception of non-mockballable crumble block runs, can be done with bomb jumping.
Quote from Rythyrix:
There will not be any sort of verbal/written warning as to my area, just a very obvious, springball required, entrance. Hmmm, now that I think about it, the entrance will be well hidden, though the door will be in plain sight.

Any and all Spring Ball puzzles, with the exception of non-mockballable crumble block runs, can be done with bomb jumping.

He's probably referring to a 2 block high underwater morphball entrance since his section is the water one if I recall, but don't forget about speed-spring jumping across platforms. 
Quote from Rythyrix:
Any and all Spring Ball puzzles, with the exception of non-mockballable crumble block runs, can be done with bomb jumping.

I'm not entirely sure of what you mean by non-mockballable crumble block runs, but... Lies! The wys listed by Xaggoth are the ways currently known to make springball a necessity, but my R&D team is working frantically to discover more options.
I am the team. So progress is going a bit slow atm.
Devonodev: Other D
Quote from ICheatAtGolf:
Maybe there should be some sort of creepy statue or the like to show that you're about to enter the optional area.  (e.g. Kraid's lair)

we should get Dmantra to make some statues :D
Quote from Cardweaver:
I'm not entirely sure of what you mean by non-mockballable crumble block runs
That means putting a bunch of crumble blocks down so that you have to hold A with springball in order to get anywhere. Or just go in frame advance/slow-mo.

But yeah, it'd be really pretty easy to make it so that springball is an absolute necessity.