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Devonodev: Other D
i thought we would all send our patch to fizzer, then fizzer would patch them all to one rom
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
You simple patch all patches to one room.
It's in fact not any harder then that.
Edit history:
devonodev: 2008-05-27 02:45:24 am
Devonodev: Other D
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
devonodev: It is easier if you post screens then a patch for a area as small as ceres. (That is, befor you got the final ;P)

hey guys, I'm having trouble posting because my connection is dying a slow and painful death, so I have to use someone elses computer. As for the patchs:
An IPS patch ONLY changes the things youve changed, and doesnt touch anything else, so say you have room A and room B, someone edits room A and makes a patch, the patch will change room A to the hacked version and room B stays put. If afterwards someone edited room B and made a patch, this could either be applied to a new ROM or one that has a room A edit, since it only changes room B.

So basically everyone needs to make a patch with only thier own edits included, because then we can apply all of the patches to one ROM and get our finished hack. As for how we do that, we could use a "center person" who gets everyones patches (but hopefully not me, i tend to screw them up). Im sort of against uploading them here for each other since that makes the unfinished project available to the public.

Demondev, changing the size of ceres' rooms wont affect anything else UNLESS you go over the limit of the rooms data, I myself have resized ceres before, its fine. PS: dont be afraid to ask questions.

EDIT: To avoid any confusion, we should all create both headered and unheadered versions of our patches.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from fizzer|me-is-liam:
So basically everyone needs to make a patch with only thier own edits included, because then we can apply all of the patches to one ROM and get our finished hack. As for how we do that, we could use a "center person" who gets everyones patches (but hopefully not me, i tend to screw them up). Im sort of against uploading them here for each other since that makes the unfinished project available to the public.

Well I guess I could be center person then. :3
Hated by all
The only problem about the stackpatch is what order you have to patch them in.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from playerman1230:
The only problem about the stackpatch is what order you have to patch them in.

The problem is that there is not a single problem with this. As long as you use the GFX set in that area and tell then you move rooms (in code) there is not a single problem. :P

But I have to patch my allmost lastly since I will add GFX if the most people in the team hack wants new GFX. (CRE)
One problem could be fitting the maps together, for example GKs kraids area has to fit the rest of brinstar.
Devonodev: Other D
can i also do the escapeshaft and the speedboost room, up to the elevator
Figured I'd give you all an update.

Rooms in Green are done, Red rooms I haven't started yet.

Please note that I have gotten rid of the save room, and moved the missile room to replace it.
Could someone please tell me how to fix this in the map editor so that the map reflects the actual area?

Devonodev: Other D
looking good :-)
I get the sinking feeling this is definitely heading the halfhack route.
Quote from Black Telomeres:
I get the sinking feeling this is definitely heading the halfhack route.

Quote from fizzer|me-is-liam:
Basically, the idea is a hack that anyone and everyone can contribute to, with as much or as little as they like, using theyre own tastes, ideas and styles.

Don't be hatin'. I've changed Croco's room a lot more than I thought possible, but yeah, for the most part, it'll be a halfhack.

Also: Permission to change the Gravity Suit's appearance, Sir!?
Eschews avatars
Aw nooo! Fullhacks forever! This could be an interesting mix...

@CW: in the Map Editor tab (by graphics, level, etc. options), you can set map tiles either by right-clicking on already-existent tiles or by selecting from a palette at the bottom; in short, exactly like the level editor. Hit "M" over any coordinates to set your room's map position to those coordinates; just make sure that the new room has a "norfair" header.
Ooh! Map editing is much easier in the new SMILE. I remember trying it in V1.0, and immediately giving up.

A question to Lawrence, the springball is definitely going to be mandatory for getting out of your area... right? If it isn't, then I may need to redesign Croco's room... If a player gets into My area without springball... they might be stuck without some fairly clever IBJing, which I don't want.
i dont think It was.... and how do you intend to change the gravity suit? if its an improvement you can make to the game, you can do it, like anything else, just let everyone else know :D

PS people! my area atleast will be a full redesign, including original level quirks and stuff, even ASM in GTs room if a certain hacker who may or may not want to be named at this point is still up for it :D
I just meant change the appearance. Nothing fancy, I'm just not the biggest fan of the purple suit.
Lol but depending on the colour, you know. I was always a fan of a black suit :P
Eh, probably not black, but I could work with an Obsidian-type thing. Black/gray with crimson trim, sheen on the edges if I can manage it.

An update to my area, 3 rooms to go. Its going quite smoothly so far.

Nice that is going well, my areas going at a much slower pace, but then again I am being quite the perfectionist. :P
But I doubt itl be a holdup, theres still plenty of unclaimed areas :S
Well, I may just claim another small area, depending on the time it takes for it all to get claimed.

*Peruses the map and settles his eyes on a small portion of Green Brinstar*

Not quite sure though, so it isn't guaranteed.

If and when I do decide, I'll post the map portion that I'd want.
Edit history:
devonodev: 2008-05-29 07:10:25 am
Devonodev: Other D
i will do a part of red brinstar
and ill keep x-ray scope. should i replace spazer?

i highlighted in pink what i will do

Metroid Exp: Exploration - Great, Skills - Decent
No, the Springball will not be needed to get out of my area. It will just be an upgrade that is in my area, and I may make some expansions only accessible by Springball. I got a wide variety of options considering that in my area there are 8 expansions (7 missles and a Power Bomb)

But heres an early hint:
Speed Booster
will be required to access the Gauntlet and
Power Bombs
will be required to get through to the end. I imported this idea from my hack.

Make sure Power Bombs and Speed Booster are among the first 10 upgrades. Im not going to say if those will be required to get the Spring Ball or not as the placement of Spring Ball is not final. Remember, I got a lot of area to work with.

Oh and by the way, since I got the area near the ship, I can choose which way you go to start the game, hehehe.
Hm... Well that puts a small damper on things. I request room 7A923 (see picture) to ensure that nobody gets trapped in my area without having the springball. Also, my area will look a bit more sensible if I can change some of that room to look more like my area, sort of as a transition room.
