lol no way
Just watched a short commercial for Hunters. It had a guy standing in front of a salad bar, then he leaned closer and there was a fly on a head of lettuce. He did something with his hand (maybe pointed, whatever) and the fly exploded flashily as one would see in a Metroid game. From there it switched to a view of the bottom screen of a DS, then scrolled up to show the top screen; I wasn't really paying attention, but the bottom screen seemed the same. It said something silly about destroying your enemies just by touching them or whatever, I forget exactly but they were using the touch-shoot mode and shooting at a blue Samus. Then the top screen flashed to the same thing as the top screen in the MPH:FH main menu screen, only without the "First Hunt" stamp, and it said "Metroid Prime: Hunters. Coming soon to Nintendo DS."
I then sat there more or less aghast for a few minutes, then shrugged and watched more tv.
I then sat there more or less aghast for a few minutes, then shrugged and watched more tv.
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