copy & pasted from my original thread on ign troid boards
I was originally gonna post this in the Other M thread about ways to tell story without making it seem like forcing us to read a book and the whole ‘stop & go’ gameplay that Fusion had. I sat down with Fusion and as I played I jotted down notes so this deserves its own thread. Feel free to add and contribute additional ways instead of forced text dialogue to make it seem like a seamless not interrupting experience. The game itself will still remain linear but will seem more like Metroid II in its freedom to explore and skip out on upgrades, etc…
I think I might make a video displaying all this stuff to watch just to give everyone an idea of what it would play like. Of course that would take quite sometime to do. But it’ll keep me busy and give me something to do in my down time.
*General Notes:
- Navigation rooms exist but are just empty and few and far in between (1 per area). They should act as map stations in fact. You don’t get bothered by Adam by forced text dialogue anymore.
- Lvl 0 hatches are already open. Remove Power Grip 'ability' & Spring Ball is separate from High Jump. Refill rooms are scarce as well like in Super Metroid.
- Grey ‘door/hatches’ no longer block you off unless something needs to be done in that room. (i.e. Adam no longer blocks you cause he wants to bother you with more useless babbling – destroy enemies or an atmospheric stabilizer in area 1 to open them up, etc…)
- Remove text on screen when entering an area (‘Quarantine Bay’) or doing something important like destroying atmospheric stabilizer / lowering water lvl (only because its quite obvious from what’s happening around us ‘Fog clearing’ / ‘Water Lowering’). Keep text for security locks & upgrades though since it’s similar in getting map data.
- Remove ‘ladders’ from against walls or ceilings. Add grapple beam in replace of this. This will add more wall jumping areas. Super Metroid/ZM Wall Jumping returns. Remove ‘Samus Elevator Thought Sessions’ Bomb jumping is now doable similar to ZMs. Spine shark, like in Super drains energy. When charging beam then you go into ball mode 5 bombs are released instead of charge shot. Can turn on/off upgrades like in Super.
01) Ship lands in BSL. You explore till you find that one creature in the Quarantine Bay. You see the broken capsules and the crate split wide open. You see the same creature in the intro and the X creature that came out of it. This lets you know that there might be more creatures lurking about. We already know at this point that your suit and creatures were sent to the BSL station. 1 crate is wide open so something got free.
02) While passing the Navigation room something is typed into the screen 'Uploading Missiles', but you can barely make it out cause the screen keeps flickering but you may be able to make out the words in between flickering. Explore till you find your missile DL data. This makes sense since the power keeps going out. The elevator 'thought session' that Samus has before getting Missiles can be mentioned right before you land on the BSL station so that way we know that there is an AI computer helping us and gives us the impression that its uploading missile data and helping with map data despite constant problems with the power.
03) Power loss. Notice elevator isn’t working. You spot hatch and blow it off with a missile. Fight boss & get morph ball.
04) Go down the elevator and see the SA-X blow through the wall. Leave out the close up to SA-X face cutscene. SA-X continues to walk through. Reach bottom of elevator. Elevator breaks down.
05) Area 1 isn’t blinking on the wall. In fact none of them blink except when the emergency boiler room event happens and maybe other real events happen (potential more on this later). You can explore Area 2 as well but certain areas might be blocked off because of lack of abilities. Normally Area 2 Navigation room is blocked off for the sake of it. But if its not there then … you can’t access Lvl 1 security room unless you destroy all enemies in the room. But at this point no X are in Area 2 or they are in cocoons. Sooo…. Onto Area 1.
06) Area 1 is really foggy all through out, not just in the rooms w/ the stabilizers. As you destroy more and more atmospheric stabilizers it starts to clear up. So after you destroy 1 of them out of curiosity or by accident you figure out that there might be more. Explore, Fight Boss get Charge Beam. Got to area 2
07) Unlock Lvl 1 security doors. DL Bombs upgrade. SA-X still destroys door making you think it’s in the room. Explore, Fight Boss, grab High Jump (only). Run into SA-X as usual.
08) Go to Area 4. You can access Area 3 already at this point but can’t go anywhere cause of hot areas and lack of speed booster.
- OPTIONAL - However, there is a loose Etachoon in Area 3 and if you can find it, it will follow you and while you go up the elevator out of Area 3 it will wall jump up the shaft as you’re going up. It’ll then follow you into the main elevator room, the one that leads to the main deck but is down because of power problems. It’ll wall jump up there and enter some secret passage to get to the other animals. You can follow it to where the Dachora & other Etachoons are found at any point now but theres still a Lvl 2 Door blocking the area. To access the secret area you need speed booster and spring ball to do the speed ball technique which you cant get either yet.
09) Area 4: Explore, fight boss, grab speed booster, lower water Lvl. Maybe have an optional grapple beam sequence break in this area but easier to grab with ice missile? As you pass the navigation room, wherever it may be placed, ‘Uploading Missile Upgrade’ appears on screen, this time not flickering. You try to go to the Data DL room in the area but obviously its blocked by Lvl 4 security door. Go to Area 3 now that we have speed booster.
10) Area 3: Explore, unlock Security Lvl 2 Doors, DL Super Missle, Fight Boss. Navigation room is a bit bigger in this area... As you pass navigation room (it would be from left to right) as you’re leaving the conversation of ‘Do you think Samus knows?’ – ‘No, I don’t thi….’ Then it cuts off since you’re obviously in the room. The screen for the first time goes to complete static then in the following area whether its 5 or 6 is turns to static to completely off, black screen.
11) – OPTIONAL - Area 5 sequence break for spring ball if you have enough energy tanks and get to refill room in enough time going both ways. When energy is draining in cold area you do not stop like you’re getting hit from the cold. You just simply have life draining. Onto Area 6…
12) - OPTIONAL – At any point in the game now you can opt for saving them including during the escape sequence before fighting Omega-X Troid. The same scenario will play out in the end only either the AI Adam or the Animals will control the ship. But at this point and on you can free the Dachora & Etachoons. If you do it’ll teach you how to spine shark and some of ‘em will go into your ship and 1 etachoon will roam around the main deck in certain areas at certain points in the game. Anyway, the catch is that you gotta intricately wall jump and use some diagonal & infinite bomb jumping in certain spots to even access the animals so it isn’t so easy. After you open the door you can move around as they start to come out and do their thing instead of just standing there not being able to move.
12) Area 6: Only area with Navigation room as the 1st room. As said above navi room is static then turns off to black screen when you enter. You can still get map data from it but… shows you where Data DL room is like normally but doesn’t show you rooms/areas near it / how to get to it. In fact shows a certain random number of rooms that don’t connect. Are ‘they’ purposely doing this? We’d like to think so since of what just happened and we’ve always gotten limited but ‘complete’ non-random map data.
… Explore, get raped by frozen X, SA-X Power bomb event… fall from crumbling blocks and try to wall jump for dear life till it leaves or cautiously wait (Remember no more power grip) or get chased for a half rooms distance . Explore more and stumble upon X Core stealing ‘???’ ability since at this point you don’t know what it is. Fight Boss, grab Varia Suit. Onto Area 5…
13) Area 5: Navi room, which is in the middle of this area, doesn’t give you map data at all. Screen still black. WTF is going on? Explore map-less area, unlock Security Lvl 3 doors, DL Ice Missile data, Leave Area 5 and still have Nightmare’s shadow in the background, ‘Emergency In Sector 3’ voice stays… Onto Sector 3!
14) Timer Counts down but instead of 6mins we only have 3mins! Sense of urgency and tension is apparent once again. And we thought Area 6 was bad, well it was… Grey door blocking your path, Area 3 blinking in the background, lets go!
15) Area 3: Explore & Get to boiler room (If you already know how to get there it takes roughly 2:10 to get there), fight boss, get ‘Spazer’ beam, restore cooling unit to normal. Leave Area 3… Well whatdaya know? The black screen Navi room is now static again but still no response from it (although you already got map data for Area 3 anyways). And on top of that the main deck elevator turns back on like it should normally.
…Ok at this point we would go free the animals but we could’ve already done that by now or till the end of the game so…
16) Go up main deck elevator, Explore, get items, the navi room you pass is now back on and it says ‘uploading power bomb’ only the screen is still malfunctioning and only certain letters show up like: ‘U loa in o er Bo b’. So you know that whatever happened may have been problems on there end and the AI comp. is now back online but for some reason is acting weird. O_o
17) I was thinking that since there is a Data DL Room on the Main Deck why not go there. Oh wait its blocked by a Power bomb thingy. But I say let us have access to the Data Room and we go to DL ‘???’ if we couldn’t figure it out with the limited letters. We go to DL it but it makes some weird noise and doesn’t do anything. Why cant we DL it here? Who or what is playing tricks on us? Do they want us to go somewhere else, on purpose, to DL it?
Sooo…. You can deduce now that the only Data room available either by trial and error or if you remember which ones were destroyed or blocked off… is Area 5. Back to Area 5… Pass the Navi room again & different letters are missing this time like: ‘ pl adi g P we omb’. This will ultimately put you into a position of ‘Is there someone spying on me?’ or ‘Who is trying to sabotage my mission?’ & at the same time you’re just relieved that the AI is still helping you, or is it…? Is it a trap? All we know is when we go back down the main deck elevator the Area 5 is blinking, which is weird since it only blinked in the Sector 3 emergency alert.
18) Area 5: Still don’t have full map data for this sector. You only see what you’ve explored… Go to Data DL Room, weird it DLs here, for some reason… Ironic SA-X encounter? , Leave Area 5 since apparently there isn’t anything more to do.
19) Wild, free and roaming Etachoon pops up again @ bottom of main deck elevator. It signals you & wall jumps up the elevator shaft. You take the elevator & it loses power, again lol, follow secret passage to Frozen Ridley, X absorbs Ridley, come out to main area and Etachoon goes toward your ship and the sound of something powering down happens again. Optional save. You go back and explore what else powered down and you realize that all Security Lvl doors are locked yet the Navi room screen is on and not flickering at all, like it normally looks. Only this time the other door is blocked off. Why? Only the AI can do this, right?
… @ this point either the Etachoon can scratch at the wall you need to power bomb or you can just stumble upon it some other way. The creature near the PB wall kinda already gives it away though. You could make it so that your current weapons are too weak to dmg it. The only thing that will kill it is a Power Bomb.
20) Go to Central Reactor Core, Fight Boss, grab Space Jump, return auxiliary power, another SA-X encounter, explore more of Sector 2, Fight Boss, grab Plasma Beam. Leave Sector 2… When leaving you hear big explosion and Sector 5 is blinking in background.
21) Sector 5 again… This time after passing Navi room the door closes behind you and locks you out, hmm…. Explore dilapidated Sector 5, fight Nightmare, Grab Gravity Suit, Find passage into Sector 4, Unlock Security Lvl 4 Doors, Grab Grapple Beam if you already by now…
- OPTIONAL - Super Secret Message Sequence Break still exists. Pretty much for the most part the only area where theres text dialogue like in regular Fusion Navi rooms.
22) DL Diffusion Missile, DLing Machine Malfunctions (Electricity) then explodes, maybe someone doesn’t want us DLing abilities without approval? , but Navi room is normal looking… flickers to static real quick, locks/blocks doors for a few seconds, Screen says something along the lines of Samus disobeying orders or not being authorized to DL said abilities, then back to normal. Leave Area 4…
23) You hear explosion on the way up, Door to Sector 6 is blown off and hints @ that it’s the SA-X. Sector 6 is blinking in background, Head to Area 6, Sector 6 has taken dmg from SA-X as you traverse it meanwhile you have no idea where it is… yet keep hearing more explosions…
… Explore, ‘Warning No Entry Without Authorization’…
‘o, rly?’
Fight Boss, grab Wave Beam, Enter Without Authorization , Oh snapz! Restricted Zone, Oh Double Snapz! Metroids! Confinement Tanks w/ Metroids have the two letters ‘GF’ written on them. The Galactic Federation is making these?
SA-X explosion as usual, Metroids rape SA-X, escape Restricted Zone (RZ), RZ starts collapsing / falling off as you’re going through extra room (it wont actually fall unless you stand there for like 10 seconds lol), Go through Door and it finally falls off, No cutscene! Moving on… Navi screen may or may not say anything as you pass by (maybe ‘(You Must) Report To HQ Immediately’)… Explore, Fight Ridley, grab Screw Attack, find way back into regular areas of Sector 1, run into these so-called ‘Other 10 SA-Xs’, maybe run into 3 of them along the way, The only way to kill them is to freeze them with a diffusion missile then Screw Attack them…
Pass Navi Room, both doors open, try to leave on other side and it closes and locks, try to leave the other way and it closes and locks the other one, meanwhile this is happenening… screen is black, turns on to static, flickers, back to normal and says something along the lines of ‘(GF) HQ Is On Their Way!’ , ‘We Are Interested In The X (SA-X)’, ‘You Cant Stop Us…’, something like that more or less, no?
Once the message is done doors are still locked. You try to access the terminal but nothing happens. Lights and power go off in room. SA-X or ‘Someone’ starts the self-destruct sequence. You must try and stop it. Power to room is still off but screen comes on. More or less something like this plays out… ‘Cannot Override! Self-Destruct Mechanism Malfunctioned…’ , ‘Change Orbit Of Station to Crash Into SR-388!’ , ‘Its Our Only Choice!’ You access the terminal and it shows you where to stop the self-destruct sequence Ala Zero Mission style [no word ‘Target’ though] (Gives you the impression that AI Adam is helping you despite the GFs best efforts to try to not let you DL certain abilities and keep you in the dark about Metroid cloning program, etc... In the end it helps you). Still you cannot leave the room, damn GF nerd hackers. You’re left with Power Bombing you’re way out of there…
Get to where you need to go, Fight Super SA-X, Ice Beam X Absorb floats away, Go to the self destruct room, Change the orbit to crash into SR-388. We have 3mins! Run like heck!
, Fight Omega Troid, Grab Power Suit, Ship comes in and lands and voila! Mission Complete! Sorta…
Watch ending cutscene and enjoy.
In the end whether or not the Animals or Adam’s AI saves you is irrelevant but fun nonetheless since if you did save the animals then you get extra scenes & story in the ending.
Ill post a video displaying all of this eventually, well all that I can edit out of a normal playthrough anyways. Sequences with the Etachoons would be impossible for me to do and I wouldn’t need to do so anyways since I explained in enough detail.
Thoughts, Comments, More Sequence Breaks, Additional SA-X Scripted Events…
I was originally gonna post this in the Other M thread about ways to tell story without making it seem like forcing us to read a book and the whole ‘stop & go’ gameplay that Fusion had. I sat down with Fusion and as I played I jotted down notes so this deserves its own thread. Feel free to add and contribute additional ways instead of forced text dialogue to make it seem like a seamless not interrupting experience. The game itself will still remain linear but will seem more like Metroid II in its freedom to explore and skip out on upgrades, etc…
I think I might make a video displaying all this stuff to watch just to give everyone an idea of what it would play like. Of course that would take quite sometime to do. But it’ll keep me busy and give me something to do in my down time.
*General Notes:
- Navigation rooms exist but are just empty and few and far in between (1 per area). They should act as map stations in fact. You don’t get bothered by Adam by forced text dialogue anymore.
- Lvl 0 hatches are already open. Remove Power Grip 'ability' & Spring Ball is separate from High Jump. Refill rooms are scarce as well like in Super Metroid.
- Grey ‘door/hatches’ no longer block you off unless something needs to be done in that room. (i.e. Adam no longer blocks you cause he wants to bother you with more useless babbling – destroy enemies or an atmospheric stabilizer in area 1 to open them up, etc…)
- Remove text on screen when entering an area (‘Quarantine Bay’) or doing something important like destroying atmospheric stabilizer / lowering water lvl (only because its quite obvious from what’s happening around us ‘Fog clearing’ / ‘Water Lowering’). Keep text for security locks & upgrades though since it’s similar in getting map data.
- Remove ‘ladders’ from against walls or ceilings. Add grapple beam in replace of this. This will add more wall jumping areas. Super Metroid/ZM Wall Jumping returns. Remove ‘Samus Elevator Thought Sessions’ Bomb jumping is now doable similar to ZMs. Spine shark, like in Super drains energy. When charging beam then you go into ball mode 5 bombs are released instead of charge shot. Can turn on/off upgrades like in Super.
01) Ship lands in BSL. You explore till you find that one creature in the Quarantine Bay. You see the broken capsules and the crate split wide open. You see the same creature in the intro and the X creature that came out of it. This lets you know that there might be more creatures lurking about. We already know at this point that your suit and creatures were sent to the BSL station. 1 crate is wide open so something got free.
02) While passing the Navigation room something is typed into the screen 'Uploading Missiles', but you can barely make it out cause the screen keeps flickering but you may be able to make out the words in between flickering. Explore till you find your missile DL data. This makes sense since the power keeps going out. The elevator 'thought session' that Samus has before getting Missiles can be mentioned right before you land on the BSL station so that way we know that there is an AI computer helping us and gives us the impression that its uploading missile data and helping with map data despite constant problems with the power.
03) Power loss. Notice elevator isn’t working. You spot hatch and blow it off with a missile. Fight boss & get morph ball.
04) Go down the elevator and see the SA-X blow through the wall. Leave out the close up to SA-X face cutscene. SA-X continues to walk through. Reach bottom of elevator. Elevator breaks down.
05) Area 1 isn’t blinking on the wall. In fact none of them blink except when the emergency boiler room event happens and maybe other real events happen (potential more on this later). You can explore Area 2 as well but certain areas might be blocked off because of lack of abilities. Normally Area 2 Navigation room is blocked off for the sake of it. But if its not there then … you can’t access Lvl 1 security room unless you destroy all enemies in the room. But at this point no X are in Area 2 or they are in cocoons. Sooo…. Onto Area 1.
06) Area 1 is really foggy all through out, not just in the rooms w/ the stabilizers. As you destroy more and more atmospheric stabilizers it starts to clear up. So after you destroy 1 of them out of curiosity or by accident you figure out that there might be more. Explore, Fight Boss get Charge Beam. Got to area 2
07) Unlock Lvl 1 security doors. DL Bombs upgrade. SA-X still destroys door making you think it’s in the room. Explore, Fight Boss, grab High Jump (only). Run into SA-X as usual.
08) Go to Area 4. You can access Area 3 already at this point but can’t go anywhere cause of hot areas and lack of speed booster.
- OPTIONAL - However, there is a loose Etachoon in Area 3 and if you can find it, it will follow you and while you go up the elevator out of Area 3 it will wall jump up the shaft as you’re going up. It’ll then follow you into the main elevator room, the one that leads to the main deck but is down because of power problems. It’ll wall jump up there and enter some secret passage to get to the other animals. You can follow it to where the Dachora & other Etachoons are found at any point now but theres still a Lvl 2 Door blocking the area. To access the secret area you need speed booster and spring ball to do the speed ball technique which you cant get either yet.
09) Area 4: Explore, fight boss, grab speed booster, lower water Lvl. Maybe have an optional grapple beam sequence break in this area but easier to grab with ice missile? As you pass the navigation room, wherever it may be placed, ‘Uploading Missile Upgrade’ appears on screen, this time not flickering. You try to go to the Data DL room in the area but obviously its blocked by Lvl 4 security door. Go to Area 3 now that we have speed booster.
10) Area 3: Explore, unlock Security Lvl 2 Doors, DL Super Missle, Fight Boss. Navigation room is a bit bigger in this area... As you pass navigation room (it would be from left to right) as you’re leaving the conversation of ‘Do you think Samus knows?’ – ‘No, I don’t thi….’ Then it cuts off since you’re obviously in the room. The screen for the first time goes to complete static then in the following area whether its 5 or 6 is turns to static to completely off, black screen.
11) – OPTIONAL - Area 5 sequence break for spring ball if you have enough energy tanks and get to refill room in enough time going both ways. When energy is draining in cold area you do not stop like you’re getting hit from the cold. You just simply have life draining. Onto Area 6…
12) - OPTIONAL – At any point in the game now you can opt for saving them including during the escape sequence before fighting Omega-X Troid. The same scenario will play out in the end only either the AI Adam or the Animals will control the ship. But at this point and on you can free the Dachora & Etachoons. If you do it’ll teach you how to spine shark and some of ‘em will go into your ship and 1 etachoon will roam around the main deck in certain areas at certain points in the game. Anyway, the catch is that you gotta intricately wall jump and use some diagonal & infinite bomb jumping in certain spots to even access the animals so it isn’t so easy. After you open the door you can move around as they start to come out and do their thing instead of just standing there not being able to move.
12) Area 6: Only area with Navigation room as the 1st room. As said above navi room is static then turns off to black screen when you enter. You can still get map data from it but… shows you where Data DL room is like normally but doesn’t show you rooms/areas near it / how to get to it. In fact shows a certain random number of rooms that don’t connect. Are ‘they’ purposely doing this? We’d like to think so since of what just happened and we’ve always gotten limited but ‘complete’ non-random map data.
… Explore, get raped by frozen X, SA-X Power bomb event… fall from crumbling blocks and try to wall jump for dear life till it leaves or cautiously wait (Remember no more power grip) or get chased for a half rooms distance . Explore more and stumble upon X Core stealing ‘???’ ability since at this point you don’t know what it is. Fight Boss, grab Varia Suit. Onto Area 5…
13) Area 5: Navi room, which is in the middle of this area, doesn’t give you map data at all. Screen still black. WTF is going on? Explore map-less area, unlock Security Lvl 3 doors, DL Ice Missile data, Leave Area 5 and still have Nightmare’s shadow in the background, ‘Emergency In Sector 3’ voice stays… Onto Sector 3!
14) Timer Counts down but instead of 6mins we only have 3mins! Sense of urgency and tension is apparent once again. And we thought Area 6 was bad, well it was… Grey door blocking your path, Area 3 blinking in the background, lets go!
15) Area 3: Explore & Get to boiler room (If you already know how to get there it takes roughly 2:10 to get there), fight boss, get ‘Spazer’ beam, restore cooling unit to normal. Leave Area 3… Well whatdaya know? The black screen Navi room is now static again but still no response from it (although you already got map data for Area 3 anyways). And on top of that the main deck elevator turns back on like it should normally.
…Ok at this point we would go free the animals but we could’ve already done that by now or till the end of the game so…
16) Go up main deck elevator, Explore, get items, the navi room you pass is now back on and it says ‘uploading power bomb’ only the screen is still malfunctioning and only certain letters show up like: ‘U loa in o er Bo b’. So you know that whatever happened may have been problems on there end and the AI comp. is now back online but for some reason is acting weird. O_o
17) I was thinking that since there is a Data DL Room on the Main Deck why not go there. Oh wait its blocked by a Power bomb thingy. But I say let us have access to the Data Room and we go to DL ‘???’ if we couldn’t figure it out with the limited letters. We go to DL it but it makes some weird noise and doesn’t do anything. Why cant we DL it here? Who or what is playing tricks on us? Do they want us to go somewhere else, on purpose, to DL it?
Sooo…. You can deduce now that the only Data room available either by trial and error or if you remember which ones were destroyed or blocked off… is Area 5. Back to Area 5… Pass the Navi room again & different letters are missing this time like: ‘ pl adi g P we omb’. This will ultimately put you into a position of ‘Is there someone spying on me?’ or ‘Who is trying to sabotage my mission?’ & at the same time you’re just relieved that the AI is still helping you, or is it…? Is it a trap? All we know is when we go back down the main deck elevator the Area 5 is blinking, which is weird since it only blinked in the Sector 3 emergency alert.
18) Area 5: Still don’t have full map data for this sector. You only see what you’ve explored… Go to Data DL Room, weird it DLs here, for some reason… Ironic SA-X encounter? , Leave Area 5 since apparently there isn’t anything more to do.
19) Wild, free and roaming Etachoon pops up again @ bottom of main deck elevator. It signals you & wall jumps up the elevator shaft. You take the elevator & it loses power, again lol, follow secret passage to Frozen Ridley, X absorbs Ridley, come out to main area and Etachoon goes toward your ship and the sound of something powering down happens again. Optional save. You go back and explore what else powered down and you realize that all Security Lvl doors are locked yet the Navi room screen is on and not flickering at all, like it normally looks. Only this time the other door is blocked off. Why? Only the AI can do this, right?
… @ this point either the Etachoon can scratch at the wall you need to power bomb or you can just stumble upon it some other way. The creature near the PB wall kinda already gives it away though. You could make it so that your current weapons are too weak to dmg it. The only thing that will kill it is a Power Bomb.
20) Go to Central Reactor Core, Fight Boss, grab Space Jump, return auxiliary power, another SA-X encounter, explore more of Sector 2, Fight Boss, grab Plasma Beam. Leave Sector 2… When leaving you hear big explosion and Sector 5 is blinking in background.
21) Sector 5 again… This time after passing Navi room the door closes behind you and locks you out, hmm…. Explore dilapidated Sector 5, fight Nightmare, Grab Gravity Suit, Find passage into Sector 4, Unlock Security Lvl 4 Doors, Grab Grapple Beam if you already by now…
- OPTIONAL - Super Secret Message Sequence Break still exists. Pretty much for the most part the only area where theres text dialogue like in regular Fusion Navi rooms.
22) DL Diffusion Missile, DLing Machine Malfunctions (Electricity) then explodes, maybe someone doesn’t want us DLing abilities without approval? , but Navi room is normal looking… flickers to static real quick, locks/blocks doors for a few seconds, Screen says something along the lines of Samus disobeying orders or not being authorized to DL said abilities, then back to normal. Leave Area 4…
23) You hear explosion on the way up, Door to Sector 6 is blown off and hints @ that it’s the SA-X. Sector 6 is blinking in background, Head to Area 6, Sector 6 has taken dmg from SA-X as you traverse it meanwhile you have no idea where it is… yet keep hearing more explosions…
… Explore, ‘Warning No Entry Without Authorization’…
‘o, rly?’
Fight Boss, grab Wave Beam, Enter Without Authorization , Oh snapz! Restricted Zone, Oh Double Snapz! Metroids! Confinement Tanks w/ Metroids have the two letters ‘GF’ written on them. The Galactic Federation is making these?
SA-X explosion as usual, Metroids rape SA-X, escape Restricted Zone (RZ), RZ starts collapsing / falling off as you’re going through extra room (it wont actually fall unless you stand there for like 10 seconds lol), Go through Door and it finally falls off, No cutscene! Moving on… Navi screen may or may not say anything as you pass by (maybe ‘(You Must) Report To HQ Immediately’)… Explore, Fight Ridley, grab Screw Attack, find way back into regular areas of Sector 1, run into these so-called ‘Other 10 SA-Xs’, maybe run into 3 of them along the way, The only way to kill them is to freeze them with a diffusion missile then Screw Attack them…
Pass Navi Room, both doors open, try to leave on other side and it closes and locks, try to leave the other way and it closes and locks the other one, meanwhile this is happenening… screen is black, turns on to static, flickers, back to normal and says something along the lines of ‘(GF) HQ Is On Their Way!’ , ‘We Are Interested In The X (SA-X)’, ‘You Cant Stop Us…’, something like that more or less, no?
Once the message is done doors are still locked. You try to access the terminal but nothing happens. Lights and power go off in room. SA-X or ‘Someone’ starts the self-destruct sequence. You must try and stop it. Power to room is still off but screen comes on. More or less something like this plays out… ‘Cannot Override! Self-Destruct Mechanism Malfunctioned…’ , ‘Change Orbit Of Station to Crash Into SR-388!’ , ‘Its Our Only Choice!’ You access the terminal and it shows you where to stop the self-destruct sequence Ala Zero Mission style [no word ‘Target’ though] (Gives you the impression that AI Adam is helping you despite the GFs best efforts to try to not let you DL certain abilities and keep you in the dark about Metroid cloning program, etc... In the end it helps you). Still you cannot leave the room, damn GF nerd hackers. You’re left with Power Bombing you’re way out of there…
Get to where you need to go, Fight Super SA-X, Ice Beam X Absorb floats away, Go to the self destruct room, Change the orbit to crash into SR-388. We have 3mins! Run like heck!
, Fight Omega Troid, Grab Power Suit, Ship comes in and lands and voila! Mission Complete! Sorta…
Watch ending cutscene and enjoy.
In the end whether or not the Animals or Adam’s AI saves you is irrelevant but fun nonetheless since if you did save the animals then you get extra scenes & story in the ending.
Ill post a video displaying all of this eventually, well all that I can edit out of a normal playthrough anyways. Sequences with the Etachoons would be impossible for me to do and I wouldn’t need to do so anyways since I explained in enough detail.
Thoughts, Comments, More Sequence Breaks, Additional SA-X Scripted Events…
Thread title: