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Actually, Quietus was right. It was completely unnecessary. The wasn't anything up there. And, after removing it, I'm even happier with the room.

Quote from MetroidMst:
While true, that might be the only "easy" hidden item in the whole game, therefor almost demanding an odd structure to denote its placement...

The items are not that hard to find. Harder than the original SM? Of course. But rarely will you be in desperate need of items unless you rush through the game as fast as possible with no regard to any details or surroundings.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Quote from Cardweaver:
The items are not that hard to find. Harder than the original SM? Of course. But rarely will you be in desperate need of items unless you rush through the game as fast as possible with no regard to any details or surroundings.

Harder than that missile pack in the Maridia Turtle room!?  aiwebs_016
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Sadiztik Fish:
Harder than that missile pack in the Maridia Turtle room!?  aiwebs_016

I think what makes that one so hard to find is the fact that it's in a place you never naturally pass while playing the game.  I also think another tough one to find is the one in the lava through the first door on the right in Norfair.  I believe it's the only one that you have to take damage to acquire (excluding sparking), and is also in a location that you wouldn't find naturally, because even if 100 people were bombing every tile, 99 of them wouldn't go in the lava to do it.

(There may be others that fit the description above, but I'm just rolling with the one that popped into my head first Razz)
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
The Gravity Suit protects you from that lava though... Eh?, but I get your point.
Edit history:
Cardweaver: 2009-01-13 09:15:04 pm
No, I'm not quite that cruel to have random expansions in places people would never look. There will always be some sort of hint, or you'll be able to find it using xray (the turtle missile can't even be found with that).

edit: I've noticed one tiling error in one of the scroll blocks near the top, and I've fixed it.
Hmm. I noticed something with your cloaked fly-trapper things (never learned names). I think you could damage boost with them because I noticed that Samus got hit once and then sucked in a got gnawed on.

....Shh, I'm finding speed tricks in teasers.
Quote from Sneaky Paradox:
Hmm. I noticed something with your cloaked fly-trapper things (never learned names). I think you could damage boost with them because I noticed that Samus got hit once and then sucked in a got gnawed on.
....Shh, I'm finding speed tricks in teasers.

That's partially true. There's actually a high damaging enemy that doesn't move in the middle of the trap (cause the trap itself does only like 10 damage with the varia suit on). Also, when you first pass through that room, you won't have the gravity suit, so the damage boost will not exactly help you too much.
Well isn't that lame. Crush one of my only hopes to speedrun this game (me wants save points!)
Edit history:
Cardweaver: 2009-01-14 09:15:13 pm
Interesting speedrun tidbit about those "trapdoor spiders"

Under the right circumstances, you can charge a spark in one of them while it eats you.
Check this topic for more details http://forum.metroid2002.com/index.php/topic,7917.0.html
If you only place them in rooms under water, then I'll need the Gravity first. Ans I really don't think you could charge the shinespark under the same circumstances. Because you get hit before they try to eat you which again was the reason I thought of damage boosting :p
I tested it out. You don't always get hit, and some of them don't have enemies. Not to mention, they won't always be underwater. Have some faith!
Just going by what I saw :p.
This should be new to most of you. I found it in my screenshots folder and realized that I never posted it even though I meant to quite a while back. The main thing I'm showcasing with this one is the background.

Also, I'll give you a look at a screenshot from my enemy boss room. You must kill them all in order to leave, and trust me, it's not easy. I can't decide between making them either [respawn, move quickly and you have to kill more, but they have less energy and deal a little less damage] or [leaving them the the way they are: rather difficult to kill, deal a substantial amount of damage, but only have to kill them once]

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Red and blue blobs look really good, and I'd say go with fewer, tougher enemies, as at least you have the possibility of finding some space to shoot from, rather than being forced to take damage.
I agree with Quietus thar. Less, more damage, more pwnage.
Go ahead. Stare.
I'd say go with a ton of those things... and make them respawn and the door only opens after KO'ing a thousand of the things!!! Thereby rendering all weapons against them useless do to attrition except for Screw Attack which would own them back... Unless they are immune to that.
OMG FLAN!!!!!!!
Actually the Enemies to clear room counter only goes up to FF, so you'd only have to kill 255 at most, but that isn't a bad idea though, as long as you had 7 or 8 enemies in the room at once. If it was only 1 or 2 that would suck epically. You'd be there for hours.
There is going to be a maximum of 6 enemies in the room at a time, and I think I'm going to go with just 6 really strong enemies. Also, the screw attack works a bit differently in Cider.

The screw attack acts much more like the kind of damage metroids do to you than an instant kill effect.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Cardweaver:
The screw attack acts much more like the kind of damage metroids do to you than an instant kill effect.

Are we talking something similar to 'damage per frame'?  If so, that could be interesting, space jumping IN an enemy. aiwebs_011
Ooh. Sexy. I like the screw attack change.
Go ahead. Stare.
On second thought. Screw Attack won't own those creatures like normal.

Does it also heal you with the damage it takes from the enemies? Sort of like a changing you more into a Metroid, needing to suck the brains out of poor creatures to survive?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
It'd be nifty if you could use the 'Grapple' Beam for that.  Ataach it to enemies, and absorb their health.  Would make it more useful. Very Happy
Looking good Cardweaver, just please don't make those orbs move super fast...

Quote from Quietus:
It'd be nifty if you could use the 'Grapple' Beam for that.  Ataach it to enemies, and absorb their health.  Would make it more useful. Very Happy

I've already done that (in a simple way), except for a few bugs to work out. I could help if anyone else wants to figure out how to make it themself, but at the moment I haven't finished it because I'm still trying to figure out the whole grapple system/make new grapple AI reactions.
No, screw attack doesn't heal. That'd be a little too powerful. And the orbs move at varying speeds, but never too much faster than they do in the original. The battle wouldn't be very hard at all if it wasn't underwater, but that makes them seem much faster in comparison.
Quote from Cardweaver:
Also, I'll give you a look at a screenshot from my enemy boss room. You must kill them all in order to leave, and trust me, it's not easy. I can't decide between making them either [respawn, move quickly and you have to kill more, but they have less energy and deal a little less damage] or [leaving them the the way they are: rather difficult to kill, deal a substantial amount of damage, but only have to kill them once]

If you have just a few of those things and they can take a lot of damage, they will all get very close together eventually. That would make them very easy to avoid/kill. So maybe respawning would be better...
[edit] nevermind that, didn't really read your last post. But screw attack doesn't work under water, or have you changed it so it does?(without gravity suit)