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For our first trainer, we decided to disrupt some things
and train a Wi-Fi game! Have fun flying around maps as
an unstoppable hunter.

* Infinite Energy
* Infinite Missiles
* Infinite Sub-Weapon Ammo
* Hold B To Levitate

Seems like the whole point of this hack is to "disrupt some things." Hopefully cheaters using this will be in the minority among all players.

Source: http://www.4colorrebellion.com/archives/2006/06/30/warning-incoming-mph-cheating/
Thread title: 
Really hope that this will be stoped. Cant belive that any one can enjoy to screw up a good game like this!
Quote from EeveE: Hunt:
Really hope that this will be stoped. Cant belive that any one can enjoy to screw up a good game like this!

I believe that there's one who enjoys this "cheats":
Does anyone here think that this is possible?
Thats not an ingame cheat, thats a stat hack. He somehow found a way to modify the stats stored on Nintendo's server, making it appear like that. This was once rampant on the Gamespy servers for Command and Conquer: Zero Hour (which I played a lot) where people would modify not just their own stats, but other people's as well. My guess is this is a similar hack, but made to work with Nintendo's WiFi servers. (I could be wrong though)
Mister ...
Imagine playing on a server where everyone had the same cheats activated.  No kills or anything.  Though, shots would be flying everywhere.  Lotsa missiles, and infinate Red-beam water across the screen, nailing people but doing nothing.  Kinda ... messed up and stuff, and boring.
Quote from nn12000:
Imagine playing on a server where everyone had the same cheats activated.  No kills or anything.  Though, shots would be flying everywhere.  Lotsa missiles, and infinate Red-beam water across the screen, nailing people but doing nothing.  Kinda ... messed up and stuff, and boring.

Apparently the Wi-Fi server has been found in MPH, so if an alternate server was set up, that would be possible; a server that you can't access unless you can hack.
Either that /root person is a hacker or they're someone with two games and no life.

But IMO, that hacking thing would be fun to mess around with, especially flying. If I could figure out where to get it, I'd just fly around the stage and probably lose on purpose. And this rate I hardly even care about my 4 star-ed-ness anymore.
(user is banned)
i love how everyone on that page is like "OMGOMG HAX! IVE NEVER SEEN SUCH AS BEFORE! ITS GOING TO RUIN THE GAMEZ!!!"

they obviously haven't played Halo 2 and seen how rare modding really is.
This was bound to happen.  I think it'd be pretty cool to fly around sniping people, but I still think it would ruin everybody's fun and all their effort to get their ranking. I still have a noob 1-star rank, and haven't won a game yet, LOL.
Mister ...
Quote from Lazylen:
i love how everyone on that page is like "OMGOMG HAX! IVE NEVER SEEN SUCH AS BEFORE! ITS GOING TO RUIN THE GAMEZ!!!"

they obviously haven't played Halo 2 and seen how rare modding really is.

Halo PC, the BBT MODS servers.  Granted, not all that hacked, but some fun stuff.  I play these levels all the time, and it hasn't screwed my PC over yet or anything.