[2007-01-31 17:37:36] <JJAB91> 1000110000100011000100201001001110000101 [2007-01-31 17:37:50] *** JJAB91 was kicked from #metroid by SUPERsaiyanBLUE (DO NOT FLICKERBATTING THINK ABOUT IT) [2007-01-31 17:38:40] *** JJAB91 (44df3ec6@m2k2-13F941A2.com) joined [2007-01-31 17:38:52] <JJAB91> Im back HA! Take that! [2007-01-31 17:39:14] *** JJAB91 was kicked from #metroid by SUPERsaiyanBLUE (Do you honestly think you're back because you're more awesome than me?) [2007-01-31 17:40:23] *** JJAB91 (44df3ec6@m2k2-13F941A2.com) joined [2007-01-31 17:40:36] <JJAB91> Stop that! [2007-01-31 17:41:00] *** JJAB91 was kicked from #metroid by SUPERsaiyanBLUE (stop being lame about me kicking you and I'll stop kicking you) [2007-01-31 17:41:40] *** JJAB91 (44df3ec6@m2k2-13F941A2.com) joined [2007-01-31 17:42:20] <JJAB91> Im fine Ill stay caim, cool and I WILL GET YOU!!! [2007-01-31 17:42:57] <JJAB91> I WILL DESTROY YOU!!! [2007-01-31 17:42:57] *** JJAB91 was kicked from #metroid by Kraid (Turn caps lock OFF!) [2007-01-31 17:44:11] *** JJAB91 (44df3ec6@m2k2-13F941A2.com) joined [2007-01-31 17:44:36] <JJAB91> OH LOOK MY CAPS LOCK IS ON WHAT YOU GONNA DO?! [2007-01-31 17:44:37] *** JJAB91 was kicked from #metroid by Kraid (Turn caps lock OFF!) [2007-01-31 17:45:08] <God> (44df3ec6@m2k2 [2007-01-31 17:45:19] *** JJAB91 (44df3ec6@m2k2-13F941A2.com) joined [2007-01-31 17:46:39] <JJAB91> Oh bring it! [2007-01-31 17:46:47] <SUPERsaiyanBLUE> sigh [2007-01-31 17:47:01] <SUPERsaiyanBLUE> you're telling someone with the power to erase you from the channel an idiot [2007-01-31 17:47:02] <God> so, im not sure [2007-01-31 17:47:05] <SUPERsaiyanBLUE> er [2007-01-31 17:47:07] <SUPERsaiyanBLUE> that made no sense [2007-01-31 17:47:09] <God> calling [2007-01-31 17:47:11] <God> not telling [2007-01-31 17:47:13] <JJAB91> You still suck at this. [2007-01-31 17:47:13] <SUPERsaiyanBLUE> but I have +o so I don't have to make sense [2007-01-31 17:47:21] *** JJAB91 was kicked from #metroid by SUPERsaiyanBLUE (You don't seem to get how this works. I kick you for being stupid, you rejoin, and shut the fuck up about me kicking you.) [2007-01-31 17:48:23] *** JJAB91 (44df3ec6@m2k2-13F941A2.com) joined [2007-01-31 17:48:33] <JJAB91> Just try and stop me!