Edit history:
samthedigital: 2014-10-29 05:02:54 am
samthedigital: 2014-10-29 04:54:20 am
samthedigital: 2014-10-07 09:14:19 pm
I don't know where else to put this, but I figured it would be a good idea to store this information somewhere. Note that these figures aren't accurate to the exact frame, and it's difficult to do such comparisons. It's a little rough, but it should help people out anyway.
It costs about 5 seconds to heal in Norfair. By healing we can disregard our missile count and health count, so the cost is a simple 5 seconds.
It costs 1 second to collect ammo if we want to skip the Norfair heal (it costs half a second only with good luck, and no time with great luck). It costs an extra second to get the missile expansion earlier in case we need it, and this is very likely. If we are conservative and try to not get hit for ammo drops it will cost either a second or a second and a half. It depends a lot on the enemy pattern that we get in the Norfair to lower Norfair secret passage room. If we skip charge beam it will add half a second to this roughly. This means that the total cost is 4 seconds assuming the worst case scenario. A perfect run would lose absolutely no time, but it's difficult for that to happen especially in a single segment run. I'd say that if we skip the heal it's worth doing the lower Norfair room more risky as it's the main reason there is time loss, but it can cause resets.
It costs 3 seconds to get the heal glitch.
This means that the best option is going to be to skip the heal, but if it was possible to get the heal glitch every time it would be the most consistent option likely.
It costs ~2.5 seconds to get charge beam in game time, and about 7 seconds in real time. Ideally there is no cost to skipping charge beam, but there are many areas where charge beam can be useful. In ideal circumstances there is no cost to skipping it, but there are several room sin the game where charge beam is either useful or slightly faster. The two big sidehopper rooms are the two main problems. In Ridley good ammo management is needed to go quickly through the room without charge beam. In Kraid it's more complicated. It's possible to lose ~3+ seconds with bad luck, and it's also possible to die there assuming we skip the second etank. I think that for these two rooms alone it's worth getting charge beam honestly. If we got the second etank for safety (and then lost time due to damage boosting in Kraid vs. freezing the sidehoppers) it's going to be about the time it costs to get charge beam alone.
It costs about 5 seconds to heal in Norfair. By healing we can disregard our missile count and health count, so the cost is a simple 5 seconds.
It costs 1 second to collect ammo if we want to skip the Norfair heal (it costs half a second only with good luck, and no time with great luck). It costs an extra second to get the missile expansion earlier in case we need it, and this is very likely. If we are conservative and try to not get hit for ammo drops it will cost either a second or a second and a half. It depends a lot on the enemy pattern that we get in the Norfair to lower Norfair secret passage room. If we skip charge beam it will add half a second to this roughly. This means that the total cost is 4 seconds assuming the worst case scenario. A perfect run would lose absolutely no time, but it's difficult for that to happen especially in a single segment run. I'd say that if we skip the heal it's worth doing the lower Norfair room more risky as it's the main reason there is time loss, but it can cause resets.
It costs 3 seconds to get the heal glitch.
This means that the best option is going to be to skip the heal, but if it was possible to get the heal glitch every time it would be the most consistent option likely.
It costs ~2.5 seconds to get charge beam in game time, and about 7 seconds in real time. Ideally there is no cost to skipping charge beam, but there are many areas where charge beam can be useful. In ideal circumstances there is no cost to skipping it, but there are several room sin the game where charge beam is either useful or slightly faster. The two big sidehopper rooms are the two main problems. In Ridley good ammo management is needed to go quickly through the room without charge beam. In Kraid it's more complicated. It's possible to lose ~3+ seconds with bad luck, and it's also possible to die there assuming we skip the second etank. I think that for these two rooms alone it's worth getting charge beam honestly. If we got the second etank for safety (and then lost time due to damage boosting in Kraid vs. freezing the sidehoppers) it's going to be about the time it costs to get charge beam alone.
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