I don't if this has been done yet(probably has), but the escape door that leads u to the shaft like thing is normally gray. Well, i turned it to a simply missile door thinking it would never work. Well..i go to blow up the door and well it worked like a charm. There is no timer but the room is still exploding. I wondered how far i could go before well the inevitable happened. So i cahnged every gray door in the escape rooms to missile doors. I made it all the way to the room where u start after u kill motherbrain. Then it usually had a ? mark block(PLM) by the right side of the room that wouldnt allow u to go back to motherbrains room(getting hard to explain now lol). I decided to delete the ? mark block thing and i removed the right wall. Then i went to motherbrains room and took out the left wall. I did a test and boom! It worked! I was able to get into motherbrains room from the opposite side. I put up a vid on youtube.com of me testing it. I don't know if im allowed to put up links or not..but its called "Super Metroid SMILE Editing."
I'm so sorry if this was simply spam because it had been done already.
I'm so sorry if this was simply spam because it had been done already.
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