I like all the metroids and I'm about as young as herowolf. zero mission is so fun with all the shinesparking but a little easy and fusion was ok... i did beat like 30 times and i would play it more if i didnt trade it for ww with my friend. anyway prime is extremely fun so i like 2d or 3d, any metroid is good for me as long as challenge and exploration are in it.
but screw attack and space jump dont belong in 3d i say more grapple beaming would be awesome.
I was hooked on Super Metroid at age nine, so I'm no n00b, but Prime reinvigorated me in a huge way. Wh? Yes, the pretty graphics were one hook, but that's not what grabs me the most -- it's the story. Prime actually introduced a measure of story, and in the amazingly workable method of the log book entries. I love story, and we actually got some this way, so I laud any future use of the log book system.
Yes, it's a little simpler to find items, but I fail to see why that's such a problem. Story makes up for that, in my opinion. Metroid will eventually die out, but I'm pleased with its present direction.
I'm kind of a noob (didn't learn about metroid until well after Super Smash brothers came out) but I'm completly obsessed with 2D. I'm not saying that I hate Prime, as a matter of fact I love it, but 2D is still better in in the fact that 3D can be confusing. On a side note, the screw attack is going to be in Echoes.
edit: oops, was off topic. Metroid will most likely die eventually, but not for a while, in my opinion, as long as they keep 2D
From what I've seen, here's my analysis: 2D - Since Super Metroid was the pinnacle, it would be hard to top such a feat. It had everything except a story. Fusion attempted to rectify this with a forced (and horrible) story and subsequently bombed. Zero Mission attempted to rectify things, but in the end it was a bit too easy. Either that or I've gotten a LOT better at Metroid games. It isn't exactly dying, but more of failing to live up to the great.
3D - Metroid Prime was the first, and in my opinion Retro did an amazing job bringing it to 3D. Unlike the 2D aspect, much of the 3D environment has yet to remain explored: wall jumping, Screw Attack, etc. Granted MP is a beast to beat, but it's hardly perfect (like Super Metroid). Let's pray that Echoes will live up to expectations.
(and the IBJ could be just a tiny bit easier) But otherwise? Yeah, it had everything. Every single cool thing that was ever in Metroid was in 3. Don't tell me about the power grip, it's not needed if the levels are made to not need it.
The thing I miss most about Super? The physics. The floatyness. The ability to jump 5 screens at a time :)
It all depends on your age. If you're from the silver or golden ages of gaming (mid 80's - late 90's), you'll be wanting a return to our roots, a 2D fully explorable game. If you're one of those (mostly) senseless n00bs, you'll be wanting an action FPS that has nothing to do with the original concept.
I'll disagree with you here. I'm 29, I grew up on the original NES, and Metroid was the second truly addicting game I'd ever played (Zelda being the first). I remember getting Super Metroid for my SNES, etc. And I liked 3D. Rather than a 2D fully explorable game, we got a 3D fully explorable game, and I can't see that as a bad thing.
I think that the transition to 3D is inevitable and good. They avoided what was my worst fear (I mentioned this in another thread): the "Metroid as an FPS" syndrome. When I first heard about it, I didn't know if I'd like it or not; but I was pretty sure I wouldn't like it. Retro managed to hang on to most of what was good about Metroid, while simultaniously making it 3D, and even First Person. The exploration was there, the sense that the world was bigger than it really is was there, etc. IMO, MP was Metroid, just a newer and updated version.
Walljumping, the screw attack, space jumping, etc, well, yeah, they're not there. I think they might have done better if they'd gone for more of a Zelda/Mario third person prespective. In some fights, the first person prespective really hurt. In the Omega Pirate fight, for example, I kept backing into the wall (then getting smacked around) because I couldn't see where the bloody walls *were*. Still, I'm not complaining, they did an excellent job, and accomplished what I thought might be impossible: 3D Metroid.
Retro is pretty good at coming up with ways to make Metroid work in 3D... A prespective shift, similar to the shift when you go to morph ball mode, could make the screw attack, or even the space jump work out. The ability to jump and grab a ledge would be pretty nice too (not classic Metroid, but still in 3D it makes sense).
I'm definately ready to see what Echos has to offer.