ahh yea I thought there was more than one save during that transition. i could tell time was still going when your ship was still landing. 7 seconds is cool
Iv'e just been practising you youtube vid on console and it's easy. the shot for the door is easy and i can super short charge easy as well. This is fantastic dude.
usually i have trouble going through that room without stopping my space jumps coz of how the pillars are positioned. Right now im trying to see if the preperation for this trick isnt making the whole thing slower than getting there the normal way. hopefully its not
Like I said I'm gonna post another video soon that is done from the Power Bomb Door above but, again its very hard to time. In that video its definitely faster and could help in a speed run but, it requires a precise timing.
well ive managed to open the door 4 times from here now. i cant really see an esier way to do it other than the description you gave. i do exactly the same as this. now the next course of action is finding out how much time it saves. on PAL it would save trmendously more because its very unfeasible to jump off of the platform boosting and then mid air go into a ball and spring ball through the rocks guarding the door like hotarubi. another words i have to prepare a shinespark from that high ledge and drop down anyway.
i can do it nearly first time everytime now. it's easy when you know how. i just charge up ,stand in the right position jump up normally ,angle down, shoot just before i touch ground, the beam travels at a greater angle lower and wait for the door opening noise to happen. i reckon it could save up to about 8 seconds. doesnt sound much . but well........ it is lol
Nice one, maybe you should start a topic dedicated to finding areas where this trick works elsewhere. yea about 0:00. it's prbably only just below a minute anyway. and even when it usually ses 0:01 for a speed runner its probabaly just over minute
I recall when I was trying this out that it was 42:xx, and I was resetting on the same screen as you - just as Ceres appears on-screen. It doesn't sound like you're doing anything differently, so it's bizarre that you're always getting 0:01.
Also, that wrap-around glitch from above is pretty cool.
yea i managed your trick in a 100% run i did the other night first time. Maybe the trick should have a name like the xl wrap or something lol. I'm sure others found it out before like cpadolph0 said but your the one who brought it to our attention and pioneered it's use
Ive read TAS videos/super metroid tricks and have seen the wrap around trick on there. Also i've seen TAS's use it in the 2nd to last room before ridley in lower norfair for a continuous shinespark to the eye door guarding his lair. But i think lxx4xNx6xxl has made a reason for it to be used in real time too. Unless you mean it's been used in a console run as well. Hitting it from the ledge underneath is very easy and is guarenteed if you stand in the right spot and aim diagonally up and shoot. If they did this then it must have been a pretty bizzare route they planned. unless they didn't mind wasting time to show off it's use after grabbing the power bombs at the top ?
Nice, I'm glad your able to use it effectively in a run. Well it seems you have not figured out my name yet. LOL. If you look past the X's and L's you might understand. Try to sound it out after. If you still can't figure it out I'll just tell you. Anyway thank you for saying I'm the pioneer to this techniques usefulness.
Yes Quietus you are correct this trick has been discovered and used in runs before but, even Saturn explained to me that I'm the first person he has seen do it from above. That is definitely a great thing for me to know.
The fact that it can be useful of course is a plus.
Basically i'd never seen it in an unassisted run before. It's definately useful but sometimes has a tendencey to just not want to work. Even when you shoot at the last possible moment before you touch the ground. I'd like to one day find a reason for this.
erm your name. I honestly have no idea. 4 n 6 = forenex lol i don't know at all.
Yes Quietus you are correct this trick has been discovered and used in runs before but, even Saturn explained to me that I'm the first person he has seen do it from above.
That's what I said too.
Quote from Quietus:
Also, that wrap-around glitch from above is pretty cool.