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Use \ before commas in usernames
Ready and willing.
Although that's pretty darn unlikely. But I think he still has admin powaz.
(user is banned)
still bringinging back a topic but can i have a nickname Question
Ready and willing.
Erm, you mean a custom title, below the name? Those are reserved for admins and mods here, sorry.
(user is banned)
im new sorry for the misunderstanding
Although the numbers actually mean something, could someone please take them off of my name?

Edit: Thank you.
OK. Due to a password mix-up, I had to choose the name SonicandTailspma. But now that there's been a user clean-up, my old name is now gone. So, can you make my nickname SonicandTails218 ?
could have done it even before teh pr00n.
*SonicandTails218 does a happy dance
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Could you take out the Bulleta, and fill out the RS part? No it doesn't stand for Really Stupid.

Thanks Radix.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Red Scarlet:
Could you take out the Bulleta, and fill out the RS part? No it doesn't stand for Really Stupid.

Thanks Radix.

Really? Damn, Now I'm confused. :P
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Was a reference to what the RS stood for at #metroid awhile ago.
Can my username be changed to "Phazon Siphon"

Just want it to look neater, and make it easier to log in on other computers.
I kinda wanna be Bartz for a little while. Just so people know who I was from IRC.