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Quote from Prime Hunter:
So basically what happened in Brawl's Subspace Emmisary storyline?

Kinda, except Brawl didn't include Pirates, Upgrades, a powerless ZSS, an expansive world, enemies based off the suit but not copies of it, or damn near anything I suggested.

The only similarities between my idea and Brawl, can said of Zero Mission and Brawl as well...
I like it.  I would guess that they would use Samus suit mostly just to reproduce Metroids (assuming its post-Fusion.) 
red chamber dream
Quote from tomatobob:
Actually the game should have given you like a goofy moral choice thing, defy orders like a bad person or be nice and only use what you're allowed to use. "Bad" ending has Adam and everyone else murdered by your rampage, "good" ending goes as normal.

this would have been awesome. i love retarded moral choice systems in games lol
Quote from sabata2:
Quote from Prime Hunter:
So basically what happened in Brawl's Subspace Emmisary storyline?

Kinda, except Brawl didn't include Pirates, Upgrades, a powerless ZSS, an expansive world, enemies based off the suit but not copies of it, or damn near anything I suggested.

The only similarities between my idea and Brawl, can said of Zero Mission and Brawl as well...

Well yeah, I realized after I said that there was only a minor similarity. I was mainly talking about Samus having to infiltrate a base to get her suit back. I'd say ZM is a slightly different matter to me because she was trying to either escape or take out the pirates, it just so happened that she found her way to the ruins and found a new Power Suit.

I'm not trying to knock your idea at all, by the way. I think it would be an interesting twist, although how many more of those are needed/necessary for the series is up for debate around here. Seeing as I loved the ZSS part of ZM though I'd have no problem with them starting the game that way but with the traditional mechanics of upgrading and exploration included. (As in some of the items would be found in the ZSS segment and then transfer over to the Power Suit once it was found again.)
And maybe they could give ZSS something that actually damaged enemies?  Something like the whip from Brawl.  Or maybe she could pick up a severed Pirate claw.
She'll Lethal Strike the pirates with her stun pistol, AFTER they've been stunned.

Quote from Chozoid:
I like it.  I would guess that they would use Samus suit mostly just to reproduce Metroids (assuming its post-Fusion.)

Nah. Someone in the Pirates would think that instead of trying to simply overpower her, they'll reproduce her powers by stealing them and equipping their soldiers with it. (Can you imagine Pirates with a Power Bomb attack?)
If they reproduce Metroids that'd be just that "final twist" Personally I think they'd reproduce the SA-X and cybernetically control it. (Can you imagine a fight with the SA-X in Other M's style?Drool)
...Wasn't that Weavel in a nutshell?
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sabata2: 2010-09-13 10:06:15 pm
never played Hunters past "First Hunt" (The demo)
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TheMG2: 2010-09-13 10:07:51 pm
Pirate in a Power Suit. All you need to know.

EDIT: Certainly not a chozo power suit...
Id imagine thered be several boss fights with Samus dopplegangers in that game.  Maybe even a suited-up Ridley. 
That...that...might be the worst idea I've ever heard, or the most awesome idea I've ever heard.

Here's an idea:  They give you a point on the map to go to, you start with all your powers.  After a short walk, you're in some kind of central chamber.  You can continue along a linear path to the boss, or you can sacrifice powers to open specific cooridors and explore.
Not sure how that mechanic would work well.

Honestly I can't imagine a "single" game where it gives you the option "Kick a bosses ass" or "Explore while giving up your powers" That sounds like 2 split games.
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kesvalk: 2010-09-14 12:45:18 am
Indie Lover
it would hurt to make one game where she really goes bounty hunting, a la bobba fett?

more of a open world galaxy, where you can get some side missions, go to some hazardous planet, hunt some pirate/outlaw and bring him back to whoever posted the bounty?

maybe even fighting some other hunters (hired by the guy/organization you are just hunting) of course, you can explore this worlds and find upgrades and expansions like a normal metroid game...
I don't think Nintendo likes the idea of Samus going out killing people for cash.  It doesn't really fit the whole Nintendo image.
Indie Lover
they don't need to make you kill them... just arresting is enough
Maybe they just feel uncomfortable about it.  Kinda like StarFox being mercenaries.  Since Rare was sold to Microsoft, we haven't seen much of StarFox.
Jesus this thread is turning into an MDb thread.
red chamber dream
a few years ago i would have told you i'd be surprised if nintendo doesn't make a traditional star fox for wii. now though it really doesn't seem likely. oh well.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Prime Hunter:
Isn't your example more or less what happens in Super?

Happens in a lot of metroid games, actually. Same goes for every other item, finding it yourself is the best way to get it and would completely eliminate the most stupid of things in Other M. Might as well stick with what works.

Quote from arkarian:
this would have been awesome. i love retarded moral choice systems in games lol

I'd have preordered the game if they did that. No joke.
You'd think I'd know better about the item acquisition thing by now. "Of course that's how it works, dummy!" d'oh! (Speaking to myself, not to you tomatobob) Don't know what I was thinking/trying to say with that comment.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Quote from KingBroly:
Maybe they just feel uncomfortable about it.  Kinda like StarFox being mercenaries.  Since Rare was sold to Microsoft, we haven't seen much of StarFox.

Starfox is a nintendo property. the game rare made wasn't even a starfox game originally so it doesn't have anything to do with the series.
we're getting a remake of the best one for 3DS anyway so i'm fine with that.
red chamber dream
ahh yeah i forgot about that. guess that will be pretty cool but not as cool as controlling it with the wiimote would be. oh well.
Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from arkarian:
this would have been awesome. i love retarded moral choice systems in games lol

I'd have preordered the game if they did that. No joke.

Moral choice systems that only affect things outside of gameplay (ie story and cutscenes) are masking linearity.
red chamber dream
I'd rather play an openly linear game than one that said "pick what story you want". That's your job, devs.