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PokeyTroid: 2013-03-20 07:51:46 am
So I was watching a speedrun of Prime after a stint of playing and watching Echoes a few days ago. Samus went to Phendrana, picked up Boost, then started boosting back the way she came.

"WHOA!" I thought.

Is it just me, or is Prime's Boost Ball much faster that Echoes'? I hadn't played Prime in quite some time, so I'd forgotten all the little details like this.

Prime's Boost Ball seems to accelerate much faster, have a higher top speed, and require less time to charge. She was tearing up those tunnels like a bullet. Has anyone else noticed this, or am I crazy? Why would Retro tone it down?
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IIRC Prime 1's boost ball gives a bigger boost depending on how long you charge it. So you can do rapid fast small boosts (which are insanely fast).

Prime 2's boost ball gives the same amount of boost no matter what. Once you charge it past a certain point, charging it any more will give the same boost; charging it less won't give you the same boost.