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Use \ before commas in usernames
Ready and willing.
You wouldn't be a spambot.
Monster, why did you put spaces before and after every action?

Ready and willing.
Er, that would be the kind of spam we're talking about. Stop being stupid.
Quote from StarmanHaxor:
Monster, why did you put spaces before and after every action?


Good question.
* ponders *
I would guess it's because my actions are deliberate, rather than hasty, such as yours.  The spaces show the passage of time, and the measured pacing of my actions.  Your actions, without spaces, appear rushed and frantic.
Or, perhaps the number of spaces should be commensurate with the verb being used.  Like so:
*flees in terror*
* walks away *
*  slowly trudges away  *
*  crawls back into a hole  *
I think I might be on to something there.  Or, is it too complicated?
* ponders *
Too complicated.  I'll just stick with the single space separating the "*" from the actions.  And, I will continue to separate my paragraphs from each other with "...", except in special cases when "===" is warranted.
To remain somewhat on topic:
"Hello, my name is MonsterERB, and I am not a Russian spambot.  I do, however, want to direct you to the following website, where for only $19.99 per month you can view hot webcam action of young lusty coeds..."
* is banned *
EDIT - dang php formatting.  It doesn't show up, but there are supposed to be zero spaces around "flees", 1 space around "walks", 2 spaces around "trudges", and 3 spaces around "crawls".
I find phpBB's lack of non breaking space support disturbing.