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Use \ before commas in usernames
Board Language can't show chinese simplified properly, all disorderly code, i'm using firefox.

please check it.

Thread title: 
Cook of the Sea
试试 一二三

Yeah looks pretty messed up.  Looks like it's also a problem with the board itself and not the chinese files. 

nate, help.  I want to speak chinese to this person.
did you try manually changing the character encoding? (in firefox, view menu -> text encoding) sorry, it is a problem with phpbb. but i think it is fixed in phpbb 3, which we should upgrade to this summer.

edit: do you mean the board language or if you type in a post?
Cook of the Sea
None of that seems to work for me, nate.  What should the encoding be set to?

edit: do you mean the board language or if you type in a post?

Both are broken, see above.  Also, it used to work.
hang on.
try changing the board language to simplified chinese and then posting.
Cook of the Sea
试试 一二三
Cook of the Sea
Armor Guardian
Wow! I never knew that simplified Chinese was entirely question marks like Japanese.
they're closely related.