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Quote from Gu3st:
every one has beat the hell out of it already..

I haven't.  I can't find it anywhere, goshdarnit!
Quote from TJF588:
Quote from Luna_Aran:
Oh, and TJF, Hannah's music may be sucky but she is very cute

I call bullcrap

I support this statement.  My favorite female singer is, and always will be, Karen Bergquist of Over the Rhine.  No Disney-channel-crap will ever be good enough for me, most of Disney's stuff is too immature.
the immaturer the better ...
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
Quote from nate:
the immaturer the better ...

There's a difference between silly and sanityly-retarded.
Jagger ftw
which sb in zm is real sbing?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
This should probably go in the Zero Mission section, under SB discussion, but since you asked here:

I guess there are any number of sequence breaks that you can perform, such as right at the start, when you are supposed to get the long-beam to get through the morph-ball tunnel, but you don't have to.  Most sections of the game that you can reach with bomb-jumping, without having acquired the grip, are considered sequence breaking, as you're supposed to have it.  Or the Super Missiles you can get with the Speed Booster, which you're not supposed to get until you kill the Imago (or whatever the Spore Spawn replacement is called).

There are any number of them that could be mentioned, and while there are certainly tonnes of planned sequence break areas, there are also any number of breaks in the sequence that weren't intended.
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
Quote from Quietus:
when you are supposed to get the long-beam to get through the morph-ball tunnel, but you don't have to.

Do you mean the breakable blocks above the door to that one-room tunnel or the upper block'd tunnel en route to the Long Beam room?
Edit history:
Quietus: 2008-12-22 11:15:23 am
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
The "but you don't have to" was supposed to mean "but you don't have to go through the tunnel".  My apologies for the shoddy clarity.

I've found this, which shows what I'm pitifully trying to describe. Very Happy  It's just after 1:50, and allows you to get back into the main area without going upward, via the 'intended' route:

Jagger ftw
thoses are all developer's intended, they make it look like they didn't. but they acturally intended (early super misssile, bomb jump.. if you look in the offical zm guide, they are all mentioned)

except for the long beam escape (which they "could" have planned it).
super metroid's
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Quietus:
I've found this, which shows what I'm pitifully trying to describe. Very Happy  It's just after 1:50, and allows you to get back into the main area without going upward, via the 'intended' route:

And you didn't just link to the Metroid 2002 page for that very trick why?

There's more than just a forum here people.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Because I had originally typed something else, and was going to say something like 'I have seen it in a movie again just recently', so I was looking for movies, and didn't even think about the other pages here. Embarassed

Those pages also don't get updated often, so I don't check them that regularly.

* Quietus curses himself for his laziness.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Yeah, the site isn't updated a whole lot, but seeing it not get any use when it can actually help makes me sad.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Skipping ziplines is of course the first that comes to my mind. There are multiple methods to do it, in case you don't have the grip. The recent rio room discovery makes it all the better. There are also cool tricks that aren't really sequence breaks. Dragonfangs discovered a method to grab the super missiles in brinstar as you come up from Kraid if you have Hello-Jump. These tricks should really get up on the site. I should record those some time.

The main problem fusion has about its tricks and sequence breaks is that you don't get any kind of prize for succeeding, at least not as big as getting an early item. In Zero Mission, early items actually help you significantly. In Fusion, it's just one more missile or bomb tank, and you already have more than enough.

As for "intentional" breaks, isn't it possible that the developers of Super Metroid found out about mockballing? And just because Zero Mission had been made recently doesn't mean its developers are all-seeing. It's possible they really didn't intend the Crateria super missile to be gotten early. They probably didn't intend for you to run against Mother Brain once you killed her to charge a speed boost. That's a more useful issue than the TRO Trap, certainly.
Super Metroid Addict
You can also get the Screw attack as soon as you have the Speed Booster and the Varia suit, wich toughens you up a lot
One shall stand, one shall ball.
You don't need the Varia or Speed Booster to get Screw Attack, you only need, I think, three E-Tanks to survive the heated portions and some good bomb jumping skill. It's not hard.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Isn't it only like, one big heated room?
Oh, so it looks like the first part of this topic was false and that BioSpark did a MZM TAS, huh?  Point: I don't want to mini-mod, but this topic has split from the Fusion TAS topic.  On topic, BioSpark made a great TAS.
Good job mini-modding. However, I would like to get back on topic.