My recording progress might come a little slow, because of school starting and me being busy with other things(i.e. life) Another thing that will be a problem is my SS run. 90% of the time I can't play for over an hour without having any interuptions, and the SS run will take around 1:10(real time)to complete. My little siblings will do something(i.e. decide to jump on me, or throw something at me) or my mom will tell me to get off so I can take out the garbage or something like that.
I will try to find a way to get them to leave me alone so that I can do atleast one SS try every few days, but my mom will likely say something along the lines of: "video games are not more important than this." I'll do my best to get a no pause SS run, but it will be hard. Would it be okay if it had only a few pauses in it, and if they were really long nate could put something like"Ten minutes later" just wondering.
I will try to find a way to get them to leave me alone so that I can do atleast one SS try every few days, but my mom will likely say something along the lines of: "video games are not more important than this." I'll do my best to get a no pause SS run, but it will be hard. Would it be okay if it had only a few pauses in it, and if they were really long nate could put something like"Ten minutes later" just wondering.