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my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
heh never though i would post in this topic someday but here's the day finally.

time: 6:50 - 80%

very fast for being my first time. i had never finished a Metroid game under 10 hours on my very first playthrough. even MZM took me longer but i don't remember anymore.

finding secret passages in this game is quite challenging since they're more camouflaged. also, the fact that the power bomb doesn't reveal stuff made me waste some time.

the music in several areas had me remembering some favorite  tunes i had heard earlier, especially the underwater and lava musics (the ones that preceded the tunes in hydrodynamo station and magmoor caverns)

bosses: the boss where i died the most was Kraid (lol). i guess that not knowing the controls made it harder. over time i kinda got used to them and later bosses didn't give me troubles like i thought.
i finally saw Spore Spawn and he indeed rsembles the MZM thingy a bit.
Crocomire was funny. his hand reminded me of Mecha ridley and i proceeded to dodge it accordingly. then, i fired lots of charge shots and made him take a lava bath.
Phantoon gave me some trouble but i survived with 27 health left. i later realized why people turned off the ice beam in the speedruns.
against Draygon, i died the first time but that was because i wanted him to grab me to do the grapple kill. on the second time, he grabbed me properly and i fried him like in the vids. it ended up easier than i thought.
the Gold Torizo almost got me by surprise but charged plasma shots were enough to put him down.
Ridley kinda disappointd me because i thought he was harder. maybe he died fast because i unloaded all my super missiles on him (i had like 40) but still, reseve tanks saved my ass there.
Mother Brain was close to killing me but that was because of that attack i didn't know about where it shoots some yellow balls beam and hits very hard. i had barely the 300 hp necessary to survive the hyper beam. the hyper beam phase was easier than i thought. just stand, aim and shoot
the escape sequence was quite chaotic. that's how i wanted it to be in other metroid games. i even saved the animals but had very few time remaining (like 30 sec)

all in all, it was an enjoyable experience. i can now see at least partially why people like this game a lot. i'm still not fond of the item switch methods but luckily you don't need to swap weapons too quickly anywhere.

one interesting detail is that this is the first Metroid game from the old era that i beat. i kinda wish i had got the game when i had the chance back in 1996... i truly missed out back then.

edit: lol i forgot this one: i found out on my own that the grapple beam can kill enemies. i'm glad i didn't know that beforehand because it was very fun when i randomly used it near an enemy and it died :p
Conrats on your time PiccoloCube!

Maybe in future you'll try to speedrun? :P
I am pretty sure piccolocube try speedrun that game in near future. He is pretty talented Metroid game speedrunner.

Congrats Tonski. This your time is awesome, absolutely awesome SS run. You are forget update your profile yet. Wink
Percent: 65%

Time: 8:47

And to much joy, I have completed The Great Super Metroid. It was really fun, but way harder than I thought it would be. Some of the bosses, like Botwoon and Gold Torizo, nearly killed me. Draygon was easy, I used the grapple kill successfully the first time. Ridley was so-so, I had an energy and two reserve tanks left, and I'd used all of my missles. To me, Bi-Ped Mother Brain was pretty hard the first time around, because I thought it might be like Ceres Ridley where the Metroid came when you were about to die. I didn't purposely kill myself, but I didn't know that the Eye-Hyper-Beam-Thing took away 3 tanks, and I ended up dying twice. Crocomire was an odd fight, mainly because the first time around I didn't know how it worked (trying to push him into the lava rather than killing him), and I was not really ready for the fight, all of a sudden, BOOM. Hai Crocomire, so I died the first try. The next try on him was fairly easy, I just had to be consistant about hitting his mouth with a missle. The Phantoon fight was...akward. I didn't really know when he was/wasn't going to appear or where, so I cut it pretty close with him. The part that killed me the most was when he would do a spiral of fire, I had trouble dodging those for a while.

I would type more but I'm lazy. Super Metroid was a good game, worth my time and Wii Points.
Eschews avatars
It's awesome to see new SM players with the Virtual Console release. I would recommend to you both a second playthrough with a couple of sequence breaks. Try skipping spring ball, grapple beam, and plasma. Fun times!

Oh, and :48 Single segment. Nowhere near pro-level, but I'm content.
coral to complement blue
Quote from ducknerd:
Try skipping spring ball

One step at a time. laugh new
I never even got the Spring Ball first time through. grin new
My best time is 57 minutes, multi-segment. I always run out of super missiles by Phantoon and Draygon, and it kills me. I need to find 2-3 more super missile packs, and get a time of at least :50 before I do a 'really serious' speedrun using the best route, etc.
Quote from ducknerd:
...and plasma. Fun times!

Oh, and :48 Single segment. Nowhere near pro-level, but I'm content.

Why would you skip plasma beam? It only makes Ridley and MB fights seriously faster.

Congrats on your new SS time, was it on NTSC?
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
haha, I didn't even realize springball EXISTED for several months after beating the game!
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
lol, i spent like 1 hour looking for the spring ball and didn't find it.

today i watched the 100% run and how i feel stupid.

i'll try running the game soon. first i'll mess around with stuff like the space-time beam and some SBs.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Funny thing is, I thought to myself "that might be a good place to hide items, but it's probably nothing."
00:49 any%
01:40 100%

After watching Smokey and Red Scarlet...I spent a while trying to get good at this game, after about a year from first seeing the speed run vids, I got these times.

Damn I remeber way back in the day when the SM fans where theorising a way to roll into a ball at dash speed (mochball).
Yay, after plaing this game for a week, I beat it for the first time. I might even have to change my favorite...but I won't, since I haven't spent nearly as much time working on cool tricks on Super Metroid as I have on Metroid Prime. The bosses were fairly easy, save for Motherbrain. I somehow ran out of time on the escape sequence, so I had to redo the fight. That metroid was so cool, and it was sad when he died :(

Well, my end time was 7:44  aiwebs_008  97%.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
There are stuff missing in that post, and that is a very good time/percentage for a first time completion. O_o
Almost happy
I though that I could upload my latest any% TAS for this game in the thread. Since it most likely won't be published at TASvideos (I go for ingame time which is not fovoured) posting it here too makes some sense.

Endtime is 24:04:22 which is the fastest ingame time yet by ~80 seconds. With this route I predict the lowest possible time to be ~23:50-23:55 without any new major trick discovery that is.

Enjoy :)
I already checked that one out at tasvideos and I have to say that was incredible. The pause screen after Phantoon fight did not bother me at all, it did serve a purpose after all. I also liked many of the stylistic choices you made, very much variation compared to the other existing runs.

I didnt follow the processing of this route because I wanted to surprise myself when its done and I dont regret it at all. Enjoyable watch, simply great!
Almost happy
The pause screen bothers me though, not so much because it interupts anything but because it will forever be a mark of imperfection. I don't understand people who are botherd by some more door transitions though, seriously who can tell the differense between 150 and 180 door transitions? (Not real numbers).
New TAS time sounds like incredible. I watching that your old TAS almost 1-2 months ago, it was incredible too. Phantoon in one round ,Draygon shine spark and many little thing looks crazy here.

Are you planned post your new TAS in youtube too?
Couldn't you have used the murder beam to get to :23?  Incredible TAS, by the way--it's hard to believe that that's not faster in realtime but I guess there was a lot of lag.
Almost happy
I did not use murderbeam because I need spazer for that and collecting it would take aproximately as much time as murderbeam saves. The run is longer in realtime because there is more door transitions and itemcollections.

I might put it on youtube later.
Before I even heard of speed runs, my record was 1:27 (I've only done any% runs). Then I saw smokeys video and since I've learned how to do mach ball to skip spore spawn and green gate glitch to skip golden torizo cuz I still need screw attack for ridley and stuff. So my best one segment time is 0:47.

I must learn not to fall down lol.
Eschews avatars
Whoa! If you can get a :47 SS and still need the Screw Attack, you must have an amazingly fast playstyle! Keep practicing, and I'd say you could be a contender for :31.
Quote from ducknerd:
Whoa! If you can get a :47 SS and still need the Screw Attack, you must have an amazingly fast playstyle! Keep practicing, and I'd say you could be a contender for :31.

If you get screw attack you lose at most 2 minutes game time. I remember that Ridley lair segment first part took almost 3-4 minutes with my 100% run and i collect everysingle Ridley lair items/expansions before save before Ridley.

Still 47 SS is nice time.
I hope to get a 0:3x or less with this new route I came up with:

Kraid -> Norfair Items + Ridley -> Draygon -> Phantoon + Skip Gravity

I have one question though. Would it be faster to just fight Phantoon before draygon and get the Gravity Suit compared to not having to backtrack to and from Crateria?
A time with that rout will have to be very good to get in the 30s.  LN without space jump, plasma, and more Supers will be a good deal slower than normal, and Maridia will be ridiculously slow without Gravity.