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Quote from Cpadolf:
Why is there added lag?

Because it's supposed to be there. Snes9x 1.43 lags less than the console it emulates.
Almost happy
Okay so I finished the TASand I don't know if I got sloppy towards the end or if I just wasn't good enough in the first place but my time was a ~25:25. Actually the run stops at ~25:15 but apparently the clock continiuse as the ship rises.

Anyway I'm quite happy with this and the only real thing I can think of that I'm disappointed with are that I could not do phantoon 1 round (thanks Saturn for doing it though.) And some other minor things that bugged me a little that I could not do.

If I will ever do another one it will most likely not be anytime soon since I'm quite happy with the result of this one and it would take to much time to improve upon this one enough to reach 24.
The increase in lag is monumental!

Rough estimate is that I will lose 7 real-time seconds by the time the new run is complete. I am happy to lose the seconds though, because I want the conditions to be as accurate as possible.

Back to my run, phantoon is being a dick. Does anyone know anything about the amount of time it takes for him to close his eye after the initial blue wave attack? He is closing his eye soooooo quickly that a missile hit is almost completely impossible. If you look at the demos I posted, he has his eye open for such a long time. I wonder if this is related to the change in the emulator, or if it is based on something else. I know his attack patterns are obviously based on the frame in which you enter the door, but I never took the time to study his eye closing behavior.

Gonna watch your run now Cpadolf. congratulations!

Having just watched it, I am really impressed. The overall quality was quite high, and there were no noticeable mistakes. The only improvements I see are just small micro-optimizations which would add up to roughly one and a half minutes. I am amazed how entertaining this route actually is, and I give some serious bonus points to the fact that the pause menu was never entered a single time!  I hope saturn doesn't enter the pause menu in his run, even if a little bit of in-game time can be saved from it. Well done Cpadolf, you have certainly proven your TASing ability. Ever thought of making some runs for other games on TASvideos?
Almost happy
About phantoon, I noticed the same thing actually while still trying to do the 1 round, and it seems there is almost always 2 patterns which are identical except for his eye closing behavior which seemingly sometimes is significantly faster than the normal(?) one. Very annoying since if you are unlucky you may have to wait many frames for him to have the right pattern, if you don't choose to be stubborn and do it with the harder pattern(It should be possible)
thanks Cpadolf. Looks like I got my work cut out for me :) I only have 9 missiles going into the battle, which means I will need to get 5 missile drops. The longer his eye is open the better. I think I may have to delay the door entry by quite a bit to get this right :|

also I edited my previous post to talk about your newly posted TAS.
Almost happy
Thanks for your kind words hero, and yes I have actually thought about making serious TASes for Tasvideos but have never made one because I'm not sure I have the capability of making routes and such for games. If I ever made one it would be of a game that is not as complex as SM and does not have as many people on it trying to perfect it.
Very nice run Cpadolf, congrats!

It's a bit surprising you couldn't get below 25:25 playing on this quality, but I think the reason was because you just stopped too often to refill stuff. Pipe bugs near Speed Booster come to mind, where you probably lost 5-10 sec alone. By optimizing the item management you can completely skip stuff like that and save a good amount of time. It requires good luck manipulation though, which is admittedly not easy to manage without alot of testing. Another thing to improve is the lake room when you return from WS to pass it with a continuous walljump just like you did when entering it. Other than that I didn't see any more major errors except of the many micro optimizations hero mentioned, which just require alot patience to handle.

In any case, you are now officially holding the fastest public Super Metroid TAS in in-game time currently! Congrats on that as well. :)

Regarding a possible TAS future, if you know a game very well and have alot experience in that from the past, then you can definitely make a great TAS of it. Don't be scared about all the route problems. Once you are in business, many route questions get obvious by themself as you progress. If not, then just do rough tests for them first. If you like the game you TAS, it makes even fun to test around, and eventually find new things by that. Remember though that making a good TAS can take some time and patience, depending how difficult the game is.

Don't worry. As I said before, I won't enter the menu even once in my run, because the slight in-game time gain wouldn't make up for the large realtime, and flow loss.

Also 9 Missiles at Phantoon seems a bit too low if you collected 3 packs already. That can make the Phantoon fight a trouble, and will probably require a slight delay to get the 5 refills before the Missile Wave. Whatever you decide to do, good luck on that.
Almost happy
I know my ammo management was quite bad, in fact I think that it was THE thing if any which was really unoptimized, but even by taking that large amount of ammo at the pipe bugs I ended up with 0 Smissiles after botwoon and once again 0 Smissiles after the eye door to draygon so in my run in particular I think that without those refills that would have complicated things a lot.

And while it admittedly feels good to have the lowest ever (Published) ingame time the glory of course dies because of the fact that I beat heros time by ~5 seconds while using a ~55 seconds faster route and using tricks which saved ~25 and without phantoon 1 round which isn't mine my ingame time would have been lower then heros anyway... But let's not think about it that way now shall we  Rolling Eyes

IIRC hero only have 2 missile tanks at this point unless he made a decision to take the tank before charge beam which would make no sense at all when aiming for a low realtime.

EDIT: Uploaded my TAS on youtube, insta fame Rolling Eyes
Even if it was only 5 seconds faster than my run, I still commend you. At the very least, your run sets the standard for in-game oriented runs. I think that is something to be proud of.

Cpadolf is correct, I only have 2 missile tanks when entering phantoon's room. I have 9 missiles, so I need 5 refills to reach the goal of 19 hits. I did not plan for there to be variations in phantoon's eye closing behavior. It may cost me a few frames, but overall it is slightly faster to have skipped the charge beam missile pack than it would be to jump over the wave beam missile pack. Also, I think the entertainment factor for a two pack kill is incredibly high.
I have watched this run, and all I can say is that it's really decent. Though it wasn't hard to spot improvements with naked eye, I should say you managed to nail most of the (near-)optimal strategies for every room passed through. Considering that Super Metroid is a considerably hard to optimize game and you only had a couple weeks to learn how to TAS, this is quite an achievement!

(Meanwhile, I have continued my work on low% TAS after two months of inactivity, and made a short WIP, just so you know. ;) )
Almost happy
Impressive WIP moozooh I love that you shoot enemies whenever you can which adds more entertainment then one would think, a good example is the second room after the first super missile where you constantly morph and unmorph shooting and killing the flying enemy, looks really good, although that one might have had a purpose though...

Congratulations on making my jaw drop once again moozooh.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Red Scarlet's record is 0:55, not 1:03. Also she didn't use any rerecords (or possible slow-down)
Almost happy
Also recent studies show that use of capslock and bad language makes people take a post up to 85% less serious.
Shocking numbers isn't it but true non the less.
its time 2min in the game not at initial game!
Almost happy
Seriously you've lost me completely now, I have no idea what you're talking about and I doubt anyone does.
Waaaaaaa i want insanity
Quote from r.type:
its time 2min in the game not at initial game!

I would guess that this guy speaks english as a second language (and isn't very good at it yet), so chill out guys. Although, I wouldn't approve of posting in all caps.
yes, I do not know to say English
but, you it understood!
Almost happy
Quote from BioSpark:
I would guess that this guy speaks english as a second language (and isn't very good at it yet), so chill out guys. Although, I wouldn't approve of posting in all caps.

Maybe my first post was a little harsh but the second one was totally sincere, I had no idea what he meant so by saying that maybe he would try to explain better if possible.

I do not look down on people with bad English skills and my first answer was a joke.
Yeah.  If you notice his location.  Brazil...  or Rio De Jenario (as Bugs Bunny would say).  There really needs to be a good Brasilian to English online translator. :?  Erm...  Anyway.  Staying on topic.

I think my best time in SM is 2:10 with 100% items collected and Animals rescued.  I just can't settle for less than that.  *sigh*  So, no.  Nothing outstanding here.  Rolling Eyes

I know I can get better than that time, but I can't remember...  There was one time I'd play it through 3 times in a row for each day -2 or 3 days in a row.  :P  I'd only save maybe 2 times during the whole game.
Waaaaaaa i want insanity
I'm the same as cpadolf i was only making a joke so no harsh feelings.
I bought it the other day at One Dollar and Forty Cents.  grin new

1:40 - 100%.  Yeah, sometimes I say time as a price.  laugh new
Waaaaaaa i want insanity
Quote from Gaius_4:
I bought it the other day at One Dollar and Forty Cents.  grin new

1:40 - 100%.  Yeah, sometimes I say time as a price.  laugh new

Sorry to be a nag but it would be more like, 1 Dollar 66.66666 cents.  grin new