Bad news about double bossing VDO. It doesn't work. Even though I got all 3 artifacts, the portal wouldn't open. So I guess that cancels out any chance of double bossing any world. So I guess the best route is Mr Potter's. The only thing I would change is to do my Alinos speed trick route instead of Mr Potter's route.
You can grab the imperialist on your way out of Arcterra 1 and still take the #2 portal to your ship if you scan the thingy. You have to move fast though.
Edit: just did arcterra 2 right after arcterra 1. I got no hunter or guardian battles in any of the rooms. couldnt take the portal to the ship though.
I wonder, what if it was possible to bypass the timer trigger when you're leaving the boss room? Thusly taking a close portal back to the ship saving time on cutscenes and battles.
I wonder, what if it was possible to bypass the timer trigger when you're leaving the boss room? Thusly taking a close portal back to the ship saving time on cutscenes and battles.
Hmm. I tried all sorts of things (DBJ, rolling of the bridge,tried to open the door and jump weird through it and morphing in mid-air... anything you can think of really)
If you were REALLY fast, maybe you could get the second Arcterra Octolith while escaping the first time... would be pretty hard, but the Artifacts are for the most part close together. Don't see how you could get the Artifact in the force field maze, though... The boss cutscene might stop the timer, though.
Quote from Derek:
Yeah, the escape timer disables all portals, apparently including boss portals, so none of that is going to work.
Not true. Using portals is absolutely necessary for escaping Celestial Stations the second time, and it's necessary for all of them for getting out of the boss area.
didnt someone just try doublebossing VDO and the boss portal didnt open? I dont see why arcterra would be any different...
There is an idea in that though. One who has fast fingers could get the artifact/s that are/is far away, and come back for the leftover artifact/s after they return from blasting off. That would save time.
Not true. Using portals is absolutely necessary for escaping Celestial Stations the second time, and it's necessary for all of them for getting out of the boss area.
Yeah, I forgot about those, I guess they qualify as exceptions because they're neccessary, but all boss portals and ship-to-level portals are disabled, as far as I know.
Not true. Using portals is absolutely necessary for escaping Celestial Stations the second time, and it's necessary for all of them for getting out of the boss area.
Yeah, I forgot about those, I guess they qualify as exceptions because they're neccessary, but all boss portals and ship-to-level portals are disabled, as far as I know.
not all of them. the ones that are meant for the opposite boss are open.
I meant the one with the giant force field maze, where you need to activate the elevator by shooting the Imperialist targets and then a ton of Guardians show up after you get the Artifact. Not Sanctorus.
Most of the target can be shot on the back right side, shootjumping wherever needed. The back right target can be shot near the entrance by jumpshooting.
-next, cross the levitating platform and DBJ for the missile expansion.
DBJ is not required to get this missile. Instead, when you come out of the tunnel where you got the Battlehammer, just stay on the most right ledge (don't fall off), and just lay 1 bomb. Then, when it's about to explode, move a bit under the missile to get it. It's like 3 seconds faster
(Though it's the little things in speedruns that eventually save minutes altogether. 8-) )
Nice route, but it seems that you collect a hefty amount of expansions that I skipped for my 1:46 run. I'll try this when I get the time, and write up a guide for it.
I'm working on another run that's hopefully going to be quicker. Liku, what items did you get? I'd like to know what I should and shouldn't get, and you seem to better know what's best to get.
E-Tank - Frost Labrynth (Arcterra) - New Arrival Registration (Celestial Archives) - Council Chamber (Alinos) - Echo Hall (Alinos) I THINK - Sic Transit (Arcterra)
Looks like I'm on the right track. I don't bother getting the UA expansion in Compression Chamber anymore, though; takes too much time to scan it, with walking across the room and trying to scan it while the enemies are shooting at you. Not getting it saves like 10-15 seconds.
EDIT: Wait... you only got one missile expansion? I get the ones in Subterranean, Alinos Gateway, High Grounds, and the one in the morph ball room in VDO, and maybe some others I'm missing.
Yup, only one Missile Expansion, and that was just to fill up my ammo to do the faster Judicator trick, because I thought you needed a Charged Missile to make the jump. Other than that, I wouldn't have collected it, since you don't need more than 5.
Does anybody here have a list of all the Energy Tank/UA Expansion locations?
I dont think Missile expansions are necessary for a speed game.
UA Expansions are very important for bosses whose weakness is an affinity weapon and you'll save time by not shooting other things to get UAmmo. Energy Tanks arent as important but they'll save you a lot of hassle from restarting from the beginning.