In Hindu belief, there are 10 avatars of Vishnu, 9 of which have already decended to Earth, with the 10th yet to come at the apex of the cycle of the destruction and rebirth of the universe.
That would be an awesome theme for a set of random avatars. Somebody go do that.
In Hindu belief, there are 10 avatars of Vishnu, 9 of which have already decended to Earth, with the 10th yet to come at the apex of the cycle of the destruction and rebirth of the universe.
Are you hindu? If not, how doth thou know....eth so much about it?
In Hindu belief, there are 10 avatars of Vishnu, 9 of which have already decended to Earth, with the 10th yet to come at the apex of the cycle of the destruction and rebirth of the universe.
Are you hindu? If not, how doth thou know....eth so much about it?
I'm a learned man, my friend.
I'm actually Christian, but I hold an appreciation for most other religions, Hinduism in particular.
?!?! What the Futz you talking about!?!? Bass is not Zero and Zero is not Bass! they exist in two different timelines! Also there is a suspicion that Zero killed Bass. It goes like this!
Wily was angry that Bass couldn't kill Megaman So he took Data on Megaman from Dr.Light and Thus created Zero who supposedly went beserk and killed Wily and Bass.
Mewtwo got a heart just because he was so amused at Ash's stupidity for running RIGHT INTO A FREAKIN' PSYCHIC POWER STRUGGLE! DOESN'T THAT #(%&@!( EVERY LEARN ANYTHING!?!?!?!?!!
I'm 17. Used to be really into Pokemon and stuff. Saw the first movie so i could get the promo cards. My favorite part was when Ash died... Hilarious!
I liked the movie.... up until Mewtwo went all wishy-washy and decided to not hurt humans.
Then I saw Mewtwo Returns and I got more pissed off at the show's mutilation (both physically and figuratively) of my favorite badass Pokémon....
I have a frined who wrote a book about that. Sort of. It's somewhere online, and it's called The Wrath of Mewtrix. It's about this second clone of Mew that... well, go and see. If you google it it'll probably come up. I was already out of the Pokemon thing when I read it, and I loved it. Now me and himare doing a Star Wars fanfic comic. He's writing, I'm drawing. Anyway.
This is test to see if my ava is working. As such, feel free to ignore it, or if you so wish, read it, though the informativeness of it is cast in high suspicion.
No matter what we do, the auto resizeamadoohiky won't automatically resize images, so we gotta maintain the 120x120 rule manually. Which really bites, and leads to situations like that. So please cooperate.