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I figured since a 22% run is going to take me awhile, I'd stick around and add some personality to my name.  I'd like to upload an avatar that meets the requirements (120x120 and less than 20kb), but I get the red-X when I do.  Any suggestions?
Thread title: 
red chamber dream
Maybe m2k2 won't accept certain kinds of image files (JPEG, etc). I don't know what kinds though (if any). Ask Nate.
I PMed him before starting this thread but I'm sure he's busy.  At any rate, I can try to save the file as different types to see which might work.
Ready and willing.
I can see it. But my browser has magical image seeing powers. No, I'm not kidding.
It's working for the l33t IE too.
Wait. How does that make sense?
red chamber dream
I can see it now too. Huh.
Nate PMed me back yesterday and fixed what might have been a small bug in the avatar-upload functionality.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Wassup Dawgs:
It's working for the l33t IE too.
Wait. How does that make sense?

Makes sense in Confusle Land...
red chamber dream
And everyone on these forums has to be playing somewhere in Confusle Land...we're all out of our minds.