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tjp7154: 2008-10-14 11:12:32 pm
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
How to do it:

1) Choose any medium you want (I used Paintbrush on a PC).
2) Pick the size of image (or piece of paper) you want (SMALL is the easiest way to go).
3) IMPORTANT: Start drawing RANDOM shapes, lines, etc. in different ways until it starts to LOOK like something.  Don't START with an idea.  Let it just come.
4) Go with that thought and manipulate the image until it starts to take shape.
5) Any thoughts of ideas of what else to add to the drawing should be added as well.  It's up to you.
6) Color/Shade the image as you desire
7) (OPTIONAL) - Write a description of how you arrived at the final piece.

Here are my examples.  I just did them today (except for the "Eskimo" one):

"G'morn, Eskimo"

Description: (Hah! I don't remember, because it was a month ago)


Description: Started with a "C" shape.  It looked like a neck pillow for airplanes, so I decided to make a person sleeping reclined.  The person ended up too reclined for an airplane seat, so I had him on a bed.  I had brighter colors, but decided to make it like it's in the dark.


Description: Started with a circle object.  I was just focusing on shading of colors on various shapes, when I decided to include a mace.  I made no effort to make all lines straight.  Strokes were made with the pencil and brush tools.

"Under Red Sun"

Description: Started with the shape on the bottom that looked like a sun.  I then drew a random shape in the center that eventually looked like a shark.  I decided that it looked more like an orca, so I made it look that way more so.  I decided that the orca was on top of the water and that the "sun" on the bottom was a "reflection" of the one on top.  The colored lines to the upper left are a very rough depiction of an aurora.

"Fist 'N' Gun"

Description: Started with random shapes.  It quickly beared a striking resemblance with a guy punching upward with his fist.  It looked like some sort of action hero.  I then saw the machine gun in the image and made it look a little more so.  Even now as I look at it in its complete format, it STILL looks that way.


Description: I didn't just want to do smaller images, so I decided to go 640x480.

Started with just testing strokes with just the pencil tool.  It (obviously) immediately looked like grass so I decided to make it a grassy scene.

Just for fun, I wrote down the last name of one of my coworkers backwards.  I evenually erased that and put in the title backwards.

I then had an idea to put a fence in it.  I didn't want to use lines, or try to make the pencil tool do straight lines, so I kept what I drew down (except the really wild lines).  I didn't feel like finishing the rest of the pickets so I was going to call the piece "Unfinished" and make it look like the fence wasn't finished on the far side.  I then put grass at the base of the fence and decided to put a couple of rocks in front of it. 

After that, I decided to put two hills, a sun in the center, then finally clouds on the two upper sides.


Let's see what YOU can do now!
Thread title: 
3) IMPORTANT: Start drawing RANDOM shapes, lines, etc. in different ways until it starts to LOOK like something.  Don't START with an idea.  Let it just come.

This is actually how I usually start drawing, by making a few lines, and seeing what I get get out of that.

"G'morn Eskimo" - Arrow Arrow Arrow Exclamation
"Sleeping" - Arrow Arrow Arrow
"Shapes" - Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow I like how it looks like the items are floating in white water with those gray outlines.
"Under Red Sun" - Arrow Arrow Arrow
"Fist 'N Gun" - Arrow Arrow Arrow I'd like to point out that that should be "Fist 'N' Gun", because you're replacing the "a" and "d" with apostrophes.  That reminds me of a cartoon I once saw.  I don't know what cartoon or why, I just think of a cartoon.
"Unfinished" - Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow I see why it's called "Unfinished".  At first I thought that was because it was uncolored, but now I see that the fence is not finished being built.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I once made a sketch on a napkin my brother's 2y/o scribbled on. I didn't keep it, though.
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nn12000: 2008-10-17 03:04:36 pm
Mister ...
I started to draw a face using only the letters of the alphabet for the features.  Then the teacher came over and started bitching at me because I wasn't doing any homework (it was one of those study classes).  I tried to tell her that I didn't have any for that day but she seemed convinced that if I was in her class then I must have something to do.  I don't think she confiscated the drawing, but I don't think I kept it either. 

I suppose there's this:
<< Image Removed>>
which started out as a couple random lines on paper followed by me connecting the lines then adding finer detail, then taking the concept of the image into MS Paint and then coloring it sometime later when I got bored (late at night, sometime after my sanity jumped out the window). 

I actually have some random sketches that I'll see if I can find later tonight that just started with me drawing random lines/objects on the paper and eventually evolved into "art".
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
@nn12000: Interesting and pretty cool ( Arrow Arrow Arrow).  The pointed ends are very neat.  I see that the final product uses straight lines and circles as curves as opposed to not perfectly straight lines.  Do you always do that, or was that just this image?

@JaggerG: I did something like that at some diner on the back of the paper place mat.  I even titled it, too.  It was some cup with water on a table.
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nn12000: 2008-10-17 04:42:30 pm
Mister ...
Quote from tjp7154:
Do you always do that, or was that just this image?

I'm going to try to answer this question the best I can, and with visuals!

So, cutting up that image into 10 smaller ones (Going *left to right) and pretending that we're drawing on Graph Paper ...
(First)  Essentially I start out by drawing random lines on the graph paper. 
(Second)  I'll then add more lines and see what happens from there. 
(Third)  I'll then start randomly connecting those lines, making a few changes along the way (Some lines were cut)
(Fourth)  I'll then connect more lines.  Sometimes while I'm at this step, I'll continue with the image I had originally planned, but sometimes I'll go a completely different direction.
(Fifth)  I'll make more edits, this time changing the size of the arms of the cross.
(Sixth)  I'll then start to curve those lines to get more or less the image I want
(Seventh)  I curved in the diamonds a bit, to give them more of a rounded look.
(Eighth)  Added more bits of detail (the rings in the corners)
(Ninth)  Ink and add basic color, might also fix up some details (The rings are a bit longer)
(Tenth/Final)  Add color to the thing while adding yet more detail (and possibly over-doing the whole image).  Now we've got diamonds in the rings and a multicolored background (Couldn't decide on a single color I liked), along with more shading and whatnot.

So, it may not be out of random drawings, but I do start with randomly placed lines and see what happens.  There was one image where it was entirely out of randomly placed lines that I wanted to post, but I couldn't seem to find it.  I'll continue to dig through boxes and folders to see if I can find it somewhere, as it's a pretty cool image. 

To save myself some bandwidth and to save space on the page, here are some direct links to other images/sketches I have done (sorry for the crappy scan quality on some of them).
Random Squares - It looks more like a city scape or something.  I was just placing squares on the paper and mirrored it and thought it was pretty cool.
PSP - I started out by drawing a rectangle that covered the length of the page.  I really didn't have any plans to draw a PSP when I first started until after I rounded the sides up and removed the area where the buttons are now.  If I had gone with what my original intentions would have been, it would have looked more like a short skateboard
Cross - As seen above, it's just a semi-final version of the cross sketch above.  Final version was inked into a sketch book.
Cross: Alternate - As I said before, as I start sketching out a final image, I might get an idea for an alternate version of said object.  This happened to be the result of the Cross.  The shaded part in the middle was intended to be a ruby with the actual cross being gold.  I had no plans on doing a final version of this, but I think I might go back and redo it anyways.

Well, I didn't mean to completely steal your thread ... I was just trying to answer your question.  Probably not what you had in mind with "Art out of random objects", but it's the best I can do.  :P
(Going right to left)

Are you sure about that?

Well, I didn't mean to completely steal your thread ... I was just trying to answer your question.

I think it was his point to get other people to try drawing this way and posting it here.
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
Yeah, that was my point.  I wanted the thread to open up a bit and be more about how other people come up with "random" art. It's interesting that you started yours out with graph paper.  I like the final colored cross design very much.

For my designs, since I was using Paintbrush, I really didn't want to deal with straight lines, but rather use the pencil feature and use it's simplicity.

Most of my drawings also end up being in different perspectives, sort of like what I tried to do with the little bedroom image.
Edit history:
nn12000: 2008-10-17 04:48:41 pm
Mister ...
Quote from Gamma_Metroid:
(Going right to left)

Are you sure about that?

Shaddup!  I knew what I meant and that's all that matters.   Wink

Quote from tjp7154:
It's interesting that you started yours out with graph paper.  I like the final colored cross design very much.

The graph paper is because I fail at consistency.  I can start a drawing at one point, but it'll eventually shrink quite a bit the more I draw it.  Imagine a box where one corner is about 4x larger than the opposite corner.  So, the graph paper is pretty much used for guidelines. 

And thanks.  I spent about 2-hours on it last night (Took so long because I was experimenting with the "light beams", along with making the actual diamonds.  And since MS Paint is basic when it comes to coloring ... yeah.
Here's something I did in Photoshop for a challenge on another website.

The steps went something like this. Clouds, 3 Lens Flares, Radial Blur, Blending Change: Linear Burn, Duplicate Layer then Vivid Light it, Stamp everything in a new layer, Radial Blur, Blending Change: Multiply, Stamp in a new layer, Liquify, Mask the character (which had some Clouds, Flares, Liquify, and Lighting Effects in the form of a Bump Map), New Dup of Background, Mask that, Stamp in a new layer, Circle Marquee the major orbs, Dup them, Rotate them, Mask them (to create more circular orbs), Dup and move a copy of the small connector orb over, 3 Lens Flares in a black layer (set to Color Dodge 20%), Stamp, Mask, Brush the details on the figure, and done.

Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
I forgot about most of signatures -- how the background patterns are very nice abstract graphical art in the background...