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my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
i'm planning to record the very first few hours i play the game (i've done this with SSBM and FZGX and it's amusing to watch failed attempts to use the playstyle from their predecessors)

what about everyone else?
Thread title: 
Not for MP3, but exactly one week from today, I will play through Super Metroid in one sitting. And yes, it will be 100%. And no, I have not memorized every expansion. grin new
prepare nice water with some extra cold ice! (honestly).
Nope, nothing out of the ordinary here: I just want to get my hands on it and experience everything new. I have a feeling I'm going to be spending the first few minutes getting used to the new control setup before moving forward. I may stop and attempt some of our tricks to see if they've managed to survive before long though. But not too much, because I'm not going to be interested in finding sequence breaks and speed tricks during my first few runs.
schedule hell.
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
I'm thinking a couple of all-nighters maybe... Wink

You know what stinks?  I'll be out of the states and miss out on the launch for at least HALF-A-MONTH.  That's what stinks.  :x
I'm taking 2 days off from work to play it.  I work at a game company working on awesome Big titles soon to be released and even though thats amazing and fun, I still gotta take my vacation days to get my metroid on!
Nothing that can be printed here. ;)

More seriously, I will probably be giggling like a school girl.  laugh new
Bangaa Bishop
Yes, I plan on beating it in oridnary-player fasion, taking 10-20 hours and finding maybe 76% of items.
l'appel du vide
Quote from Sigfriedxx:
I'm taking 2 days off from work to play it.  I work at a game company working on awesome Big titles soon to be released and even though thats amazing and fun, I still gotta take my vacation days to get my metroid on!

when mp3 comes out, it'll be a loooooong night. :P
did the same with Zelda: Twilight Princess. I didn't sleep more than 5 hours in the first 3 days.
I will play it casually until I complete it, just like I do with every other awesome new game. Yes, I probably won't get much sleep, but I'll still go to work and everything. Anyway I have no idea when I'll get it. I am going to import it from the USA, but it will take at least 3-6 weeks after launch before it finally comes into my hands due to mega slow customs and whatnot.
red chamber dream
I'm like Blublu-- rushing through a new game is silly imo, especially Metroid, as I'll be rushing through it plenty when I decide to do some runs. I'll also be at college, so I won't exactly have all the time in the world to play it.
New controls are what I'm looking forward to most, so I expect I'll take quite a while just playing around with them. I'll 100% the game on the first playthrough as well.
Almost happy
I will play the game quite casually, probably getting ~50% item collection (everything in my way and some from the usual "go to all the new places after a weapn/ability exploration") Then I'll maybe do a 100% items and scans(?) but really I've never been a fan of that, not in the prime series (did it after 2 years in prime and never in echoes) and not in the 2D series (only done it on SM).
What I will do is what I usually do with a game I play more then once, try to complete it with few items for challange, and eventually try to do it fast.
well, the Pal release is actually set for the 26th October, which just happens to be my 19th birthday (Retro got me a present!), and it just so happens I have the week before and week after my birthday off work.  So, basically, I'll be playing MP3 until my fingers are sore and my arms are tired, probably around 5am.

First time through, I'll go for as high a percent as I can, but I won't agonise over that last 2 or 3 expansions missing. I've only ever had a 100% game in fusion, 100% has never really been my thing. Besides, I lose track of which expansions I have, and then I can't be flickerbatted with searching everywhere for that last couple. I usually get all energy tanks though, just because you never know what you're gonna come up against, and you might need them. That and they're usually quite simple to find.
MP3 comes out a day before school starts, (darn you, Retro!)

I've been celebrating the release for almost 2 weeks now, (I'm playing through the Prime games in a way I never have, nor knew about until about a month ago; sequence breaking.)

I'm going to be playing until about 12 for the first three days, (The first three days are just disclosures anyway.) Wink

Edit: 100% for me too! grin new
everybody knows it's true
Drug myself unconscious until Christmas, when I finally get my Wii.
red chamber dream
Looks like I'll be walking a mile to Wal-Mart with my two friends here early Tuesday morning. Should be fun.
lol. i walk two miles a day.

have fun!
Quote from tjp7154:
You know what stinks?  I'll be out of the states and miss out on the launch for at least HALF-A-MONTH.  That's what stinks.  :x

I have to wait until sodding NOVEMBER before getting my hands on Corruption. Right now 'NOVEMBER' is the foulest word in the English language.

I preordered two legendary copies of Halo 3 in my grief. The prospect of being able to put the miniature helmet on my cat's head in a month's time hasn't eased my frustration.

But aside from that, I'm eagerly awaiting plot spoilers from you guys.
I'll be having an end of the world party, actually. I'll be timing how many minutes of play I get before the heat from the expanding Sun makes the Wiimote melt in my hand.
Quote from MotherBrainII:
I'll be having an end of the world party, actually. I'll be timing how many minutes of play I get before the heat from the expanding Sun makes the Wiimote melt in my hand.

Please don't blame me for posting this in the wrong topic, but I just want to wish all of you, who will get a copy of Metroid Prime 3 tomorrow, a lot of fun with this (I bet) genious game :)

At the same time I want to wish all Europeans some more patcience, who have to suffer the same fate as me. Only 2 months, guys ;)
Isn't the release in November though? That would be more than 2 months.