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Ntsc: 2011-06-03 01:10:48 am
Ntsc: 2011-06-03 01:09:56 am

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I'm just posting this because it gave me something to do any maybe someone else enjoys trying to find the absolute lowest you can complete the game even with cheats.

I did this with the action replay cheats:
    [li]All weapons and all visors (gives light beam, dark beam, multi-missile, super missile+combos and all visors but nothing else - doesn't give bombs, boost, or [li]power bombs so that's why you need the skip losing your items)[li]Moon Jump[li]Infinite Health[li]Infinite Beam Ammo[li]Infinite missiles

The route I took was:
    [li]Skip losing items[li]Skip GMF compound cut-scene (for some reason the sky temple door doesn't exist if you skip it)[li]Head twoards U'mos but stop when you get to the portal in 'Sacred path'[li]Take the portal in 'sacred path' head to 'ing reliquary' and get the first sky temple key (1st key)[li]Head back to 'gmf compound' and still do not activate the cutscene[li]Take elevator to Sancutary Fortress[li]Go to Quadraxis, levitate to enegery controller, get energy, return energy and learn blue language (required for spiderball/hive dynamo works sky key)[li]Goto to U'mos (requires getting energy holder from dark splinter miniboss)[li]Upon arriving you will receive purple language and attempting to leave will do another cutscene unlocking light suit (needed for 3 sky keys)[li]Go to Agon Waste[li]When in Agon Waste head to the Portal site, take the portal, open the transdimensional gate, return to light world using same portal[li]In the 'crossroads' take the elevator to Torvus Bog[li]When you get to Torvus bog and exit the elevator you will be underneath 'torvus temple'. You need to head down to the power bombs but you can't because the super missles' invisible wall extends all the way down here for some reason. Head up top to the 'torvus temple' kill all the pirates AND head to the energy controller room but just enter the room and then leave (this unlocks it on the light beam teleport map).[li]Head down and get power bombs[li]Get the sky temple key in the 'dungeon' while you are down there (2nd key)[li]Take the elevator to the 'sanctuary temple' that is from the training chamber[li]Head to the portal just past the 'hall of combat master'[li]In the dark world head to the front of the sanctuary temple and get the sky temple key (3rd key)[li]Leave the dark world using the same portal and head to spider guardian[li]Defeat spider guardian and take the spider ball (you must take it or else you will be stuck either unable to get the sky key or unable to leave the room)[li]Take the portal behind where you get the spider ball and get the sky key in 'hive dynamo works' (4th key)[li]Return to the light world and head to the skytemple energy controller[li]Take the light beam to torvus bog[li]Go to the dark world and get the sky key in the 'poisoned bog' (5th key)[li]Return to the light world and take the elevator underneath the 'torvus temple' back to 'agon wastes'[li]In agon wastes take the portal in 'portal chamber'[li]Go get the two keys in agon wastes ('battleground'(6th) and 'dark oasis'(7th))[li]Return to the light world using the same portal in 'portal chamber'[li]Take the elevator back to the 'temple grounds'[li]Head to the 'temple assembly site' and take the portal to get the 'accursed lake' sky temple key (8th)[li]Return to the light world and go the direction as if you wanted to go to 'tovus bog' elevator and take the portal in the 'hall of eyes'[li]In the dark world head all the way to where your ship would be 'defiled shrine' and get the final sky temple key (9th)[li]Head to the 'sky temple gateway' and go beat the game.

So some interesting notes:
    [li]Attempting to leave spider guardian's room without defeating spider guardian results in black screen crash.[li]It is impossible to skip spider ball and get all of the keys. If you skip collecting the spider ball item you will either a) get stuck returning from the dark world after getting the sky key or b) be unable to get to the sky key (for some reason the barriers for spider guardian respawn even if he is dead).[li]The translator door blocking sanctuary temple doesn't exist until you see the GMF compound cutscene.[li]The translator door underneath the 'torvus temple' doesn't exist until you defeat the space pirates in the 'torvus temple'.

Anyway even with levitate I had a hard time getting the sky keys without light suit so that's why I went that direction.
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MilesSMB: 2011-06-03 03:59:58 am
MilesSMB: 2011-06-03 03:59:24 am
It is impossible to skip spider ball and get all of the keys. If you skip collecting the spider ball item you will either a) get stuck returning from the dark world after getting the sky key or b) be unable to get to the sky key (for some reason the barriers for spider guardian respawn even if he is dead).


Upon arriving you will receive purple language and attempting to leave will do another cutscene unlocking light suit (needed for 3 sky keys)

You can SA over the Violet trigger.

An "AR low%" sounds incredibly pointless. Why not just AR yourself the Sky Temple keys and immediately beat the game with 0%? If you don't have a code for the keys then can't you just create one?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Failing that, ghosting through walls would be an obvious choice.
Quote from MilesSMB:

An "AR low%" sounds incredibly pointless. Why not just AR yourself the Sky Temple keys and immediately beat the game with 0%? If you don't have a code for the keys then can't you just create one?

Oh wow thanks. I'll try that. I didn't know screw attack did that if timed correctly. As for the violet trigger I personally used it to go through a few purple doors while messing around but cool to know it can be skipped.

Yeah I do agree that AR low% is incredibly stupid. I was really bored and had some free time. Cheating my way to the sky temple keys seemed pretty difficult with the dark water. I don't really want to spend the time making a have all sky temple keys cheat or a walk through walls - but maybe next time I have free time.
Quote from Ntsc:
Quote from MilesSMB:

An "AR low%" sounds incredibly pointless. Why not just AR yourself the Sky Temple keys and immediately beat the game with 0%? If you don't have a code for the keys then can't you just create one?

Oh wow thanks. I'll try that. I didn't know screw attack did that if timed correctly. As for the violet trigger I personally used it to go through a few purple doors while messing around but cool to know it can be skipped.

Yeah I do agree that AR low% is incredibly stupid. I was really bored and had some free time. Cheating my way to the sky temple keys seemed pretty difficult with the dark water. I don't really want to spend the time making a have all sky temple keys cheat or a walk through walls - but maybe next time I have free time.

Point is, whether you do that or not, no one has any interest in this. It's purely for your benefit; there's nothing in this that could be of any interest to anyone doing any form of legitimate run.
I see your point. I wasn't really aiming to find more things out for legit players. I just enjoyed it and hoped others would to but I guess the interest is pretty limited.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
you never start with PBs, so skipping the item loss does nothing for them.