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Anyone know work 0-00 NTSC Metroid Prime disc on PAL WII console?

I think its easy way buy this game on ebay but will it requires NTSC Wii console?

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not evil,just hungry
iirc, gamecube games are region locked.  you can get around it by installing the homebrew channel and using some wiibrew program.
I make little research. Yeah thats seems games are locked but if you got Wii freeloader you can play NTSC cube games on PAL WII.

I just bought Wii freeloader and NTSC Prime version. Lets see will this work. IIRC controlls not are locked.
getting there...
Dang, it seems I was just a tad too late. As Jerry mentioned, there are several solutions to this problem. Most them require you hacking you Wii, but they are all free. I doubt you spent much money though. Let me know if you can't get it working with freeloader.
Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2012-07-10 06:08:25 pm
MASTER-88: 2012-07-10 05:45:52 pm
There is one video. Its could be possible.

I have to test. Actually this don,t going way too expensive for me. I pay 30€ total.

Here this look like very easy. Cube games work too

But let see can i make Metroid Prime NTSC working my PAL Wii. I´ll try.
I know you were asking about wiis, but if you have a PAL GC, you can pick up a freeloader for that for about £5


This is what I use to play my NTSC prime on my PAL gamecube, it works very well, and I have never had any problems. If your Wii has had some soft-updates it might not be able to use the freeloader.

Hope this helps..
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
my problem is not playing ntsc games my problem is just getting them <_<
even if i would buy the "NTSC version" i cant be sure if its the 0-00 version cuz nobody writes this into the object description. also shipping something from usa do germany seems to be pain in the ass...
if it's an auction on ebay just ask them to look at the disc for you; it is worth a try.

I guess I got lucky, I bought just one from USA off ebay and it was 0-00
Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2012-11-08 04:36:21 pm
MASTER-88: 2012-11-08 04:35:42 pm
MASTER-88: 2012-11-08 04:34:45 pm
MASTER-88: 2012-11-08 04:34:25 pm
MASTER-88: 2012-11-08 04:33:59 pm
MASTER-88: 2012-11-08 04:33:40 pm
MASTER-88: 2012-11-08 04:31:06 pm
MASTER-88: 2012-11-08 04:30:41 pm
I bought gamecube freeloader in this week. I try it in next week. I`ll hope its working. I have NTSC Prime, i´ll really enjoy when i going working on this. I am got bored on PAL version, because there is very limited amount dashes and other stuffs.

How about memory cards? Can PAL memory cards work on NTSC games? I have three PAL memory cards.

These WII glitches doesn´t work for me (show up videos). Im not got my NTSC game working already. Thats suck ass.
:( that sucks;

my PAL GC memory cards work on NTSC prime, its awesome cause they count as separate games, so I have both PAL and NTSC saves on the same card
Actually my PAL memorycards works too. I just ask it yesterday, but i test it a today and yeah my cards working too.

yeah i got my NTSC game working very well. I might got interested makes speedruns in future. Let see can i someday beat my best PAL run (1h19) on NTSC version. First i need practice a lot this. This scan dash is simply awesome.

I just got beat my first frigate escape 4:20:50 time remain my first attempt. 30 hundreds faster than my best PAL escape, i think this could be easily 4:25:xx with little practice.

This game is so awesome. I´ll play that and i´ll hope make some speedruns and 22% hard mode run. I never maded hard 22% on PAL version because Prime 2 form is way too insane. I think i can beat him on NTSC version because its has less lenght.

Let see my progress in future. But yeah game works and memorycards too. Though im not have DVD recorder currently now because its go broken.
my problem is not playing ntsc games my problem is just getting them <_<
even if i would buy the "NTSC version" i cant be sure if its the 0-00 version cuz nobody writes this into the object description. also shipping something from usa do germany seems to be pain in the ass...

I live in germany and I have a 0-00 version....its also works on an homebrew Wii..(I have one)...the only problem is...if you go out of the game (reset)-->blackscreen...the same effect as with the action replay...

If you want I can send you the game..
Damn i hate those crashes & error screens. My NTSC game got crash 4-5 times a today. Chozo elevator crash me once, furnace crash me once & i got 2-3 error occur screen elsewhere game. Total 5 crashes happen less than one hour gameplay. Thats not are fun.

So all speedrunning is impossible with my Cube because these crashes & errors screens happen so easily and i have to save my game often. I not have working Wii right now so i have to use Cube. Thats suck. Let see what i can do these multiple crashes and error screens piss me of.
Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2012-11-13 04:44:27 pm
MASTER-88: 2012-11-13 04:42:59 pm
There is two different error screen i got really often my NTSC version. See pictures below. Nearly always these error happen middle of loading huge rooms. This 2nd screen happen as well my PAL version too.

try cleaning the disc.
Yes i am trying it. I am also tries vacuum my gamecube. But its not seems help me avoid these errors.

Maybe i have to try use Wii console, but currently now im not have working Wii console. My gamecube are really old (IIRC 10-11 years old) Its might one reason with these errors. Im not sure yet.
Edit history:
Ntsc: 2012-11-14 12:13:56 am
Ntsc: 2012-11-14 12:13:08 am
NTSC-00 is known for crashing in Chozo ruins due to an older/faster room loader. It can happen anywhere though.

I've only seen this happen once while playing on Wii because the drive is faster (yes I know that it only runs at 3x when in GC mode). This is speculation but I assume the room loader has some max timeout/read failure limit.
I got Wii today. No crashes yet and i am nearly got beat whole game.

I think this wii could work avoid constant errors on NTSC version. Let see.
getting there...
Yeah, for some reason, this game is a whole lot more stable on Wii. Even when you are using the same versions that crash on a GC. I used to get the crash in transit to Furnace about 3/5ths of the time on GC, but I have yet to get it once on my Wii. I'm glad you fixed your problem master.
Edit history:
UchihaSasuke: 2012-11-26 11:49:16 am
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
it sounds like your GC's laser is on it's last legs. i had my first GC die like that.

the Wii uses a laser with much better quality than what was used on GC from what i recall years ago when a lot of testing went into mp1 on wii.