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Edit history:
UchihaSasuke: 2010-09-08 06:52:14 pm
UchihaSasuke: 2010-09-08 06:49:28 pm
UchihaSasuke: 2010-09-08 01:07:31 am
UchihaSasuke: 2010-09-07 11:49:37 pm
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
so, i thought it would be a good idea to make a topic to come up with a new any% route now that IS can let you keep the items you start with initially.

for starters, these are the items you keep by doing IS and warping to the SW:

-Missile Expansion
-Morph Bombs
-Boost Ball
-Space Jump
-Spider Ball

there's a lot of places you can go with these items at the very start. i'll try to piece together a preliminary route using what is known atm and some of the side effects caused by keeping the items that have been confirmed so far.

- start game
- use IS to get into the SW in Hive Access Tunnel to bypass the "losing the items" event
*optional save if you don't want to retry IS on every attempt*
- get the early PB though TAS
- regular route up to Alpha Splinter. escape the fight and get violet translator.
-(a probably faster option is to wallcrawl to the elevator after the early PB) this doesn't work because another translator door blocks you at the temple.
- exit temple and head to agon.
- get energy tank on the way in TAS and then the one in the tunnel in Agon.
- go directly to the pirate base for Dark and Light Beams
- 1 hit kill on DS1 with PB to get Dark Beam
- go to dark world for Light Beam
- return to light world and go to the Sanctuary entrance
- get to the room with the dynamo, do the puzzle and save
- cross GA without Grapple for SA and then get the e-tank in WSA and save.
- do the wallcrawl to get the sanc energy and return it
- leave sanc through Agon
- take the path towards the Bomb Guardian's arena but get the translator though the outer roads (bombable blocks)
(watch out for the double holograms glitch. you can get the translator still)
- exit Agon though the front and go to the great temple for Light suit
- now go to Torvus though the front
- get Seekers on the way
- save at Torvus and then go get Super Missiles
- go to lower torvus and use the Save station SW to reach the lower part of the hydrodynamo (need the cannon to escape without grav Boost)
- use the portal on the back of Alpha Blogg's arena to enter the dark world and fight PB Guardian.
- get the temple key and then escape through the catacombs portal

(alternate route after super missile:
- lower torvus and then open hydrodynamo.
- use the portal on the back of Alpha Blogg's arena to enter the dark world and fight PB Guardian
- pick up key and then return to light side to get Grav boost to escape.)

- get the key that is just before boost guardian.
- get final key and beat Chykka for the Dark Visor
- get the first Sky Temple key after the fight
- return to the light world and go to lower Torvus.
- open the portal in catacombs for the Sky Temple Key (use underwater dash if you don't have Grav Boost)
- exit lower torvus and head to Agon through the elevator with seeker doors
- get the Agon keys (the cutscene that plays in the room with the dark portal that you take the first time will warp you to the portal when you enter that room)
- come back to the light world and then get on the elevator to sanc
- get the key behind the spider guardian room by using a BSJ to enter the SW used for the energy wallcrawl.
- get the other key and exit sanc though Agon
- warp at Agon's temple to the geat temple and pick up remaining keys
- open Sky Temple
- win

feel free to test it out to see if it works. also, if there's a better route for some things, feel free to post it to update the route.
Thread title: 
You get grapple too.
Edit history:
Aruki: 2010-09-07 11:54:51 pm
^ No you don't.

Also theres several things worth looking into for the beginning right off the bat... you can go straight to agon from the skip-item-loss SW, or you can get the early PB/violet translator or just get one or skip them... either way, I think if you're getting Violet you should wallcrawl into the temple assembly site elevator. also the glitch being consistent isn't a problem; there's a consistent setup atm.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
that's correct. when i skipped the item loss with AR some years ago and got to that point, no grapple.

the SS route will be completely different because of it.
Quote from UchihaSasuke:
the SS route will be completely different because of it.

Or you could just dash GA. If you go to Agon > Sanctuary it'll be much earlier in the run.
Edit history:
UchihaSasuke: 2010-09-08 12:58:32 am
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
i see. i didn't consider it but seems feasible now.

also, i like how Torvus ended up as a single trip with this route.

edit: i found out you don't actually lose the translators if you do things out of order. miles told me that amber couldn't be obtained if the beams were obtained first, but then i remembered a double hologram thing i saw once way back when i used AR to skip items and mess around the game. it was the cobalt translator  when i did that but the idea of it being the same situation struck me and i went to check for myself if this was the case here. it turns out that there were 2 holograms in the same place and the second one can be seen after scanning the first one. you need to scan a few times since the visor doesn't pick up the second one right away but eventually it will pick it and you'll get the translator. it works with cobalt too so i guess it is the same for emerald too.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Quote from Paraxade:
^ No you don't.

Also theres several things worth looking into for the beginning right off the bat... you can go straight to agon from the skip-item-loss SW, or you can get the early PB/violet translator or just get one or skip them... either way, I think if you're getting Violet you should wallcrawl into the temple assembly site elevator. also the glitch being consistent isn't a problem; there's a consistent setup atm.

i see. it is one less save and a better route once the consistent method is nailed. i put it just as an option for the meantime. the first segment will be loaded from the looks of what can be obtained there and the efficiency of the route.
i believe you would get stuck if agon's entrance is closed so it is better to pick up the translator and the SW looks faster. it will need timing (just like the alternate lower torvus route i put since i'm not sure what is faster)
Edit history:
Aruki: 2010-09-08 01:13:13 am
you don't get stuck in agon without violet, you can wallcrawl to torvus and from there back out to temple grounds. it is a lot more convenient to have violet though. :/ figuring out the optimal route is going to be complicated...
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
oh my bad. missing the low% stuff is a problem. with SA it shouldn't take much to escape that sector.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
here's an updated route going by miles' test run that he did today:

- start game
- use IS to get into the SW in Hive Access Tunnel to bypass the "losing the items" event
*optional save if you don't want to retry IS on every attempt*
- get the early PB though TAS
- regular route up to Alpha Splinter. escape the fight and get violet translator.
- exit temple and head to agon.
- get energy tank on the way in TAS and then the one in the tunnel in Agon.
- go directly to the pirate base for Dark and Light Beams (get e-tank in the aerotrooper room)
- 1 hit kill on DS1 with PB to get Dark Beam
- go to dark world for Light Beam
- return to light world and go to the Sanctuary entrance
- get to the room with the dynamo, do the puzzle and save
- get the e-tank in WSA, cross GA without Grapple for SA
- take the path leading to the torvus elevator to make the area show up in the map for the LS warp
- get an e-tank and do the wallcrawl to get the sanc energy and then return it
- leave sanc through Agon and take the path towards the Bomb Guardian's arena
- exit Agon though the front and go to the great temple for Light suit
- now go to Torvus with the warp and get super missiles before emerald translator
- go to lower torvus and then open hydrodynamo.
- get Grav Boost and escape Alpha Blogg's battle
- enter the dark world, pick up key and fight PB Guardian and then return to light world
- take the Torvus Grove path and get the key that is just before boost guardian.
- get final key and beat Chykka for the Dark Visor
- get the first Sky Temple key after the fight
- wallcrawl to lower torvus for the other sky temple key (returning to the light world crashes the game in the room next to Portal Chamber)
- go to sanc though the torvus elevator
- get the key behind the spider guardian room by using a BSJ to enter the SW used for the energy wallcrawl.
- get the other key and exit sanc though Agon
- get the Agon keys
- come back to the light world and then get amber translator and warp to great temple with the agon warp
- go though the torvus path to get seeker missiles and pick up remaining keys
- open Sky Temple
- win
Random theoretical question I'm wondering about (Note that I've never entered a secret world or outright skipped an item in MP2):
What about going directly from Temple Grounds to Sanctuary after keeping your items? Is there a stopping point for that route, and if so, what is it? (I wouldn't think going to Sanctuary without the Dark/Light Beams is faster, but considering how broken this game is now...)
You need the Dark Beam to get anywhere on the top floor.
Edit history:
Aruki: 2010-09-13 02:36:59 am
Miles tried to go item loss skip SW --> seekers first earlier then instant morphed into the morph ball tunnel in HotHD, then got stuck in Meeting Grounds. So I started screwing around and found a way into the SW without screw attack:

This + the morph sw in the great temple makes it plausible to do this for any%.

edit: ok after getting in the morph sw in the temple I can't figure out how to transition the door :/
I just had the idea before reading this post and I was wondering what would be the benefit of getting seekers first. Do you have any plan ?

EDIT : btw maybe it's best to just exit via Landing Site and do the item loss skip SW one more time and continue like normal.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
getting seekers first and doing the wallcrawl though SW20 to the great temple saves time because you don't have to go the long way to enter the temple and don't have to take a detour to get seekers later.

seekers first alone saves some time so i hope they find a way to make the SW20 wallcrawl to the temple work. that segment would look pretty loaded though.
What exactly is the problem with the crawl? (Think dimwit here, and describe accordingly please.) <_>
Edit history:
Aruki: 2010-09-13 06:43:06 pm
Aruki: 2010-09-13 06:41:36 pm
The problem was after you get in the morph SW the game sticks you in the elevator room and I couldn't figure out how to transition the door over to the next room. There's a ceiling over the door that makes it impossible to stand on the right spot so you can transition by jumping and nothing else I tried to transition the map over would work so I just gave up :/ I'm pretty sure if you could get this then all you'd need to do is walk over under the alpha splinter room and trigger the fight to get back inbounds. [edit: also I thought of using the infinite speed bug to just set off the splinter fight straight away instead of wallcrawling to it, but that just restarted the game]

I hope this works because the segment would be ridiculous lol. Infinite speed bug to get in the SW, wallcrawl to HotHD, seekers, instant morph into the tunnel, BSJ into the elevator, wallcrawl past the light beam block, then come out in TAS and get the early power bomb, get the energy tank, go to Agon, save.
Edit history:
doninss: 2010-09-13 07:44:52 pm
OK, think I understand. Thanks.

I tried to go that way with moonjump (LS) this morning, but the game resets on loading LS. (HCA doesn't unload.) I can't aether jump (and it drives me nuts) so moonjump was my cheat of first choice. I remembered how to get my Pelican turbo to work right though, now I can aether jump at least so-so. (Go, turbo-jump.) It was so cool to grab seekers right after the start.

Edit: Jeez, forgot. Great job on the SW entrance. Wiki's updated.
Got the room to transition from Temple Transport C to Transport C Access by morphing at the bottom of the door; and yeah, it seemed to be a simple matter of walking into the Alpha Splinter trigger at that point.
Edit history:
UchihaSasuke: 2010-10-03 01:14:39 pm
UchihaSasuke: 2010-10-03 12:57:57 pm
UchihaSasuke: 2010-09-20 07:23:21 pm
UchihaSasuke: 2010-09-20 02:58:18 am
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
i updated the route with seekers first and that new SW20 entrance:

- start game
- use IS to get into the SW in Hive Access Tunnel to bypass the "losing the items" event
- wallcrawl to seekers and escape by using an instant morph to enter the tunnel you normally use to enter the room
- at Meeting Grounds, use SW20 to enter the elevator to the great temple
- use a morph SW to bypass the light block and then walk to the alpha splinter trigger to get back in-bounds
- get violet translator and head to agon and get the early PB though TAS on the way and the e-tank
- go to agon and head to the pirate fight room. get the e-tank in the tunnel.
- go to the pirate base for Dark and Light Beams (get e-tank in the aerotrooper room)
- 1 hit kill on DS1 with PB to get Dark Beam
- go to dark world for Light Beam
- return to light world and go to the Sanctuary entrance
- get to the room with the dynamo, do the puzzle and save
- get the e-tank in WSA, cross GA without Grapple for SA
- take the path leading to the torvus elevator to make the area show up in the map for the LS warp
- get an e-tank and do the wallcrawl to get the sanc energy and then return it
- leave sanc through Agon and get Light suit
- now go to Torvus with the warp and get super missiles before emerald translator and get emerald too later.
- go to lower torvus and then open hydrodynamo.
- get Grav Boost and escape Alpha Blogg's battle
- enter the dark world, pick up key and fight PB Guardian and then return to light world
- take the Torvus Grove path and get the key that is just before boost guardian.
- get final key and beat Chykka for the Dark Visor
- get the first Sky Temple key after the fight
- wallcrawl to lower torvus for the other sky temple key (returning to the light world crashes the game in the room next to Portal Chamber)
- go to sanc though the torvus elevator
- get the key behind the spider guardian room by using a SA SW in the room where you normally exit from the fight.
- get the other key by escaping using the SA SW and a terminal fall warp and exit sanc though Agon
- get the Agon keys
- come back to the light world and then warp to great temple
- get the sky temple key behind the light beam block in TAS
- go and pick up the sky temple key behind the emerald door.
- use the SW in the temple save station to bypass the amber door leading towards torvus and the final key
- go though the torvus path to pick up the last key
- open Sky Temple
- win

there's an alternate route after light beam that should be tested along the above route to see which is faster:

- start game
- use IS to get into the SW in Hive Access Tunnel to bypass the "losing the items" event
- wallcrawl to seekers and escape by using an instant morph to enter the tunnel you normally use to enter the room
- at Meeting Grounds, use SW20 to enter the elevator to the great temple
- use a morph SW to bypass the light block and then walk to the alpha splinter trigger to get back in-bounds
- get violet translator and head to agon and get the early PB though TAS on the way and the e-tank
- go to agon and head to the pirate fight room. get the e-tank in the tunnel.
- go to the pirate base for Dark and Light Beams (get e-tank in the aerotrooper room)
- 1 hit kill on DS1 with PB to get Dark Beam
- go to dark world for Light Beam
- return to light world and go to the Torvus entrance
- after you arrive, use the SW in the elevator room to reach the pirate trigger and get super missiles
- get an e-tank after the fight and go to lower torvus and then open hydrodynamo.
- get Grav Boost and escape Alpha Blogg's battle
- enter the dark world, pick up temple key and fight PB Guardian and then return to light world
- use the elevator to sanc and grab the e-tank on the way
- get to the room with the dynamo, do the puzzle and save
- get the e-tank in WSA, cross GA without Grapple for SA
- come back though the area with the caretaker drone and go to hall of combat mastery
- enter the portal and do the wallcrawl to get the sanc energy and then return it
- leave sanc through Agon and go to temple grounds to get Light suit
- warp to Torvus and get emerald translator (speeds up sky temple route)
- take the Torvus Grove path and get the key that is just before boost guardian.
- get final key and beat Chykka for the Dark Visor
- get the first Sky Temple key after the fight
- wallcrawl to lower torvus for the other sky temple key (returning to the light world crashes the game in the room next to Portal Chamber)
- go to sanc though the torvus elevator
- get the key behind the spider guardian room by using a SA SW in the room where you normally exit from the fight.
- get the other key by escaping using the SA SW and a terminal fall warp and exit sanc though Agon
- get the Agon keys
- come back to the light world and warp to great temple
- get the sky temple key behind the light beam block in TAS
- go and pick up the sky temple key behind the emerald door.
- use the SW in the temple save station to bypass the amber door leading towards torvus and the final key
- open Sky Temple
- win

both seem pretty close overall.
Is there any problem with going to Agon straight away?  I'm thinking

-item loss skip, early PB, Agon (no need to leave SW unless you want TAS Etank)
-Dark and Light, break into Sanc with PB (Tunnel Etank and Bioenergy Etank both accessible)
-WSA Tank, Screw Attack, get Sanc energy, return Sanc energy
-Leave through front, go to Great Temple, get Light suit
-Warp to Torvus, grab Supers and Emerald
-Lower Torvus, PBs,  Temple Keys, Chykka
-Torvus Keys, leave to Sanc
-Sanc Keys, leaveto Agon
-Agon Keys, Warp to Great Temple
-Leave through Emerald Door, Temple Grounds Keys
-Sky Temple, win

Seems like it'd work, but there's probably little things I didn't think of.
-item loss skip, early PB, Agon (no need to leave SW unless you want TAS Etank)

I can't really see that being faster than breaking back in bounds ASAP and re-entering in TAS.

-Leave through front, go to Great Temple, get Light suit

...And that's where the problem lies: The front is blocked by a Seeker/Dark Visor door and those giant rings in the room after the elevator, and requires a ridiculous wallcrawl to bypass them. There's absolutely no chance of doing this in a run.

-Warp to Torvus, grab Supers and Emerald

You can't warp to Torvus unless it's on your map (either by going there or with the hint system, and the hint system would require Seekers first then waiting ~30 minutes, which I'm not sure whether or not it's short enough for a run). Also a minor note that if you get Emerald before Supers, the temple pirates will disappear and Supers will be permanently blocked off.

Also, your route never picks up Seekers.
Ah...yeah...forgot about the sanctuary thing.

But what do we need Seekers for?
Not needing to wallcrawl to every Temple Grounds key.
Edit history:
petrie911: 2010-10-03 01:39:32 am
hmm, well then, how about this?

-same up to Sanc restore, except also get Amber
-take elevator to Torvus
-Get PBs, Temple Key, Grav Boost if needed
-Get Supers (not Emerald) (maybe beat Chykka here?)
-Leave Torvus to Temple Grounds, get Seekers
-Go to Great Temple through Meeting Grounds
-Get Light Suit, warp to Torvus, grab Emerald (beat Chykka if not done above)
-Get Sky temple keys as in previous

Also, both previous routes mention getting the Sky Temple Key behind the light block before the Dark Visor.  Is this key gettable without it?