Edit history:
UchihaSasuke: 2010-06-27 03:11:11 am
UchihaSasuke: 2010-06-27 03:09:26 am
UchihaSasuke: 2010-06-27 02:30:31 am
UchihaSasuke: 2010-06-25 05:22:06 pm
UchihaSasuke: 2010-06-21 05:32:55 am
UchihaSasuke: 2009-12-09 02:23:04 am
UchihaSasuke: 2009-12-09 02:19:19 am
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
hmm well i'm finally on vacation and now i have time to record a new run of mp2 for wii since the last one looks so bad now that some SWs still work and let us pick early PBs to break the game a bit.
first, i'll be posting the route i have atm with the segments and stuff. also, someone might point out a faster route at some point since there's some things done differently from the regular mp2 and there needs to be testing done in some parts.
there's also a few limitations we must consider like the following:
- no BSJs of any kind
- no Roll jumps
- no underwater dashes
- no scan dashes
so if you see a spot where these tricks would save time, you can ignore it since it doesn't work here.
now, here's the segments:
segment 1:
start, lose items, use sasuke hop for the crane trick, use sasuke hop to skip cutscene trigger in GFMC compound to get missile launcher twice and again to reach missile door, save before alpha splinter
segment 2:
beat alpha splinter, get traslator, get enery tank, get missile expansion, enter agon, save
segment 3:
get to bomb guardian and beat him, get energy tank to improve sucess rate in the dark world, kill pirates and do lens puzzle, enter dark world, activate morph slot, use double bomb jump to reach jump guardian backwards and then a precise jump in the next room, beat guardian, go back to light world, enter pirate base, kill pirates on the way, do platform puzzle like on GC version, faster morphball puzzle, save
segment 4:
go to dark samus 1 and beat her, dark beam, go to dark world and navigate up to save station to save
segment 5:
scan points to open lock, get to the platform before light beam with a ghetto off the wall or a LOL jump, come back to light world, pick up ammo expansion while going out of the pirate base, save before leaving agon
segment 6:
go back to temple grounds, go to temple transport B and use SW50 to get OoB to go to TAS and then pick up early PB expansion, re-enter and take the elevator, open doors and portals and use the abandoned base ghetto jump to reach the portal and skip dark suit, continue as normal and save after entering torvus.
now here comes the segments where the routes will differ a lot.
segment 7:
proceed as usual and get to the room with the grenchlers and go to the dark world to activate bridge, come back and make your way up to the bridge but use early PB to pick another PB expansion and avoid the cannon but activate it (needed later), go and battle the pirates for super missile and then go down, pick up e-tank on the way and head to the portal that leads to the dark world and to the boost guardian. save
segment 8:
go and kill boost guardian with early PB and pick up torvus key, head back the way you came to the light world, climb trees to escape through the room with grenchlers and head for seeker missiles. save before leaving torvus.
segment 9:
go to temple grounds and pick up seekers, return to torvus, go to lower torvus and save.
segmnet 10:
take the path to the right at the room where dark samus shows up to open the lock from the dark door platform first. now, head for the light door lock and use 2 PBs to drain water and skip the puzzle on the way. open lock and save.
segment 11:
open final locka nd head down to get gravity boost, defeat alpha blogg and then collect the torvus key, don't go back and instead climb hard hydrodynamo and use early PB to open the PB door and reach save staion 2. save
segment 12:
go and defeat grapple guardian and then make your way back through the portal where the torvus key was. go up and exit lower torvus and make your way to forgotten bridge, enter dark world, pick up last torvus key and save.
segment 13:
defeat chykka, get dark visor, get energy back and then return it, exit torvus and go to elevator. save after talking to u-mos.
segment 15: go to GFMC compound, open sanctuary path, enter sanctuary, beat pirates with cheesy strat, bypass enemies blocking your path and defeat Quad MB. go up and do the gyro puzzle, blow up glass tunnel with PB before entering portal, go up and do seeker puzzle, get to the first color-coded puzzle and solve it, save.
segment 16: open gate communicating both halves of main gyro chamber and blow up debris with PB before going to get the translator, fight spider guardian and use PB to get the first sky temple key right after the fight, go back and save at the main gyro chamber.
segment 17:
go and do second color-coded puzzle and fight dark samus 2, get echo visor, go back to main gyro chamber and save.
segmnet 18:
return to lower sanctuary, go to dark world in hall of combat mastery and pick up the first hive key, use PB to access the area with the caretaker drone, defeat it and go up to watch station, pick up e-tank in watch station access, cross watch station acces to reach main gyro chamber and save.
segment 19:
go to watch station and use speed trick to skip part of the puzzle, go to dark world and cross judgement drop, come back to grand abyss, keep going and do vault, get screw attack and head back, go to dark world in watch station and use SA to reach the barrier with the hive key, use clipping trick to scan and open the barrier, pick up key and return to watch station, go to portal, open sonic locks to access main hive dynamo and get last hive key, save
segment 20:
go and fight quadraxis for the annihilator bean and recover the last energy, put it back, exit sanctuary through watch station, go to temple grounds, take elevator and save.
segment 21:
get light suit, go to upper torvus to get sky temple key, pick up ammo expansion, go to lower torvus and get sky temple key, go down and fight power bomb guardian, go back up, exit torvus though the agon elevator, go to dark agon, head to jump guardian's arena and save
segment 22:
get through the super missile gates and get the sky temple key, get sky temple key at dark oasis, return to light world, take elevator to sanctuary and pick up sky temple key deep into the hive, go back through sanctuary entrance, enter dark world and pick up sky temple key near dark GFMC compound, return to light world and make your way from GFMC compound to temple assembly site, get sky temple key and go to elevator, go to the last sky temple key and then go and open the sky temple, save.
segment 22:
beat emperor ing 1,2,3 and dark samus 3,4. watch credits.
that's how i remember it. excuse the fact i forgot most room names but i have bad memory for them.
first, i'll be posting the route i have atm with the segments and stuff. also, someone might point out a faster route at some point since there's some things done differently from the regular mp2 and there needs to be testing done in some parts.
there's also a few limitations we must consider like the following:
- no BSJs of any kind
- no Roll jumps
- no underwater dashes
- no scan dashes
so if you see a spot where these tricks would save time, you can ignore it since it doesn't work here.
now, here's the segments:
segment 1:
start, lose items, use sasuke hop for the crane trick, use sasuke hop to skip cutscene trigger in GFMC compound to get missile launcher twice and again to reach missile door, save before alpha splinter
segment 2:
beat alpha splinter, get traslator, get enery tank, get missile expansion, enter agon, save
segment 3:
get to bomb guardian and beat him, get energy tank to improve sucess rate in the dark world, kill pirates and do lens puzzle, enter dark world, activate morph slot, use double bomb jump to reach jump guardian backwards and then a precise jump in the next room, beat guardian, go back to light world, enter pirate base, kill pirates on the way, do platform puzzle like on GC version, faster morphball puzzle, save
segment 4:
go to dark samus 1 and beat her, dark beam, go to dark world and navigate up to save station to save
segment 5:
scan points to open lock, get to the platform before light beam with a ghetto off the wall or a LOL jump, come back to light world, pick up ammo expansion while going out of the pirate base, save before leaving agon
segment 6:
go back to temple grounds, go to temple transport B and use SW50 to get OoB to go to TAS and then pick up early PB expansion, re-enter and take the elevator, open doors and portals and use the abandoned base ghetto jump to reach the portal and skip dark suit, continue as normal and save after entering torvus.
now here comes the segments where the routes will differ a lot.
segment 7:
proceed as usual and get to the room with the grenchlers and go to the dark world to activate bridge, come back and make your way up to the bridge but use early PB to pick another PB expansion and avoid the cannon but activate it (needed later), go and battle the pirates for super missile and then go down, pick up e-tank on the way and head to the portal that leads to the dark world and to the boost guardian. save
segment 8:
go and kill boost guardian with early PB and pick up torvus key, head back the way you came to the light world, climb trees to escape through the room with grenchlers and head for seeker missiles. save before leaving torvus.
segment 9:
go to temple grounds and pick up seekers, return to torvus, go to lower torvus and save.
segmnet 10:
take the path to the right at the room where dark samus shows up to open the lock from the dark door platform first. now, head for the light door lock and use 2 PBs to drain water and skip the puzzle on the way. open lock and save.
segment 11:
open final locka nd head down to get gravity boost, defeat alpha blogg and then collect the torvus key, don't go back and instead climb hard hydrodynamo and use early PB to open the PB door and reach save staion 2. save
segment 12:
go and defeat grapple guardian and then make your way back through the portal where the torvus key was. go up and exit lower torvus and make your way to forgotten bridge, enter dark world, pick up last torvus key and save.
segment 13:
defeat chykka, get dark visor, get energy back and then return it, exit torvus and go to elevator. save after talking to u-mos.
segment 15: go to GFMC compound, open sanctuary path, enter sanctuary, beat pirates with cheesy strat, bypass enemies blocking your path and defeat Quad MB. go up and do the gyro puzzle, blow up glass tunnel with PB before entering portal, go up and do seeker puzzle, get to the first color-coded puzzle and solve it, save.
segment 16: open gate communicating both halves of main gyro chamber and blow up debris with PB before going to get the translator, fight spider guardian and use PB to get the first sky temple key right after the fight, go back and save at the main gyro chamber.
segment 17:
go and do second color-coded puzzle and fight dark samus 2, get echo visor, go back to main gyro chamber and save.
segmnet 18:
return to lower sanctuary, go to dark world in hall of combat mastery and pick up the first hive key, use PB to access the area with the caretaker drone, defeat it and go up to watch station, pick up e-tank in watch station access, cross watch station acces to reach main gyro chamber and save.
segment 19:
go to watch station and use speed trick to skip part of the puzzle, go to dark world and cross judgement drop, come back to grand abyss, keep going and do vault, get screw attack and head back, go to dark world in watch station and use SA to reach the barrier with the hive key, use clipping trick to scan and open the barrier, pick up key and return to watch station, go to portal, open sonic locks to access main hive dynamo and get last hive key, save
segment 20:
go and fight quadraxis for the annihilator bean and recover the last energy, put it back, exit sanctuary through watch station, go to temple grounds, take elevator and save.
segment 21:
get light suit, go to upper torvus to get sky temple key, pick up ammo expansion, go to lower torvus and get sky temple key, go down and fight power bomb guardian, go back up, exit torvus though the agon elevator, go to dark agon, head to jump guardian's arena and save
segment 22:
get through the super missile gates and get the sky temple key, get sky temple key at dark oasis, return to light world, take elevator to sanctuary and pick up sky temple key deep into the hive, go back through sanctuary entrance, enter dark world and pick up sky temple key near dark GFMC compound, return to light world and make your way from GFMC compound to temple assembly site, get sky temple key and go to elevator, go to the last sky temple key and then go and open the sky temple, save.
segment 22:
beat emperor ing 1,2,3 and dark samus 3,4. watch credits.
that's how i remember it. excuse the fact i forgot most room names but i have bad memory for them.
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