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red chamber dream
I'm trying to put together the fastest any% route; does anyone already have one or have any ideas for one?
craztad did his test run quite awhile ago, so has anything changed since then?
Thread title: 
The only real route changes would be different missle expansions, less e-tanks and im not sure if anyone really ever figured out whether late grapple was really faster but then i havent been paying attention to the mp3 topic since i finished my run so there may be more. Oh and don't forget kips bomb jump to skip the two ridley parts. That is all i know off the top of my head at the moment besides the implied "just go faster".
red chamber dream
Is there a minimum number of etanks required due to use of Hyper Mode?
Edit history:
kip: 2008-03-30 06:19:58 am
After nova, we used to go to landing site charlie and fly to command to deactivate the defense. However, going through to the top level of phazon quarry through that side room (drill shaft 2?), you can ride the train, taking you right next to the defense system. You also pick up an energy cell, faster than the 1-2 seconds it takes to get the one on valhalla. The only downside is having to activate the mining cannon twice, to get rid of both phazon ore spots. However, this 2 second loss is much better than the many seconds, possibly minutes of cleaning up landing site charlie, maneuvering through more rooms, and the long elevator ride in lift hub and morph ball ride in the following room.

rekameohs mentioned that way of returning to pirate command after nova.. it was a while back so not sure if you knew already.

I have no idea about late grapple and am not quite sure about the tank thing. The first 2 plus steamlord's tank should be enough to go hyper whenever it's needed, but I'm not speaking from experience. craztad would know better.
ya kip i used rekameohs way in my test run even though i finished the run before he posted it. just seemed the logical thing to do.

I swear i posted about the etanks already yesterday, oh well here goes again. I would say 3 etanks would be plenty and still be able to go just as fast as i did. I didn't really ever pay attention to my hyper mode usage cause i had so many tanks in my run, with better planning i think 3 would be good but a fourth would be very helpful around the pirate commander area near the end of the game. Its still very hard to tell at this point due to the lack of veiwable runs so far, with only my run to really look at 4 or 5 etanks might look like the better choice because of my hyper spamming despite the fact that a lot of my etanks got spent on lazy missed shots and poorly planned hyper ins/outs.

If i had to get certain etanks though they would be #1 the bob you have to get. #2 one on norian on way to ridley. #3 steamlord. and if needed #4 after getting seeker launcher the one in the glass you have to walk/roll by anyways.
ah ok.. didn't know you went that way. I guess there's not much else to think about besides number of missiles.

btw craztad: are you still thinking about a 100%?
red chamber dream
Thanks to everyone so far for the input.
Is it possible to finish with just five missiles? I've only gone through the game once, so I don't really recall much of it at all.
Quote from Arkarian:
Is it possible to finish with just five missiles?

Anywhere, everywhere
With the scan dash way to cross gateway, it's doubtful that late grapple is faster, which is too bad because it looks a hell of a lot cooler. There's still the gel refinery site damage boost debate, but it's really too difficult to tell whether it should be used or not right now. Another new speed trick would be paraxade's way of crossing zipline station charlie using the sw, using sda's new sw semi-legality. Maybe other tiny sw shortcuts like this could be found.

As for the etanks, those 4 are the ones that I get, and it works pretty well.

Missiles however, are another issue. The main issue regarding missiles is xenoresearch. It takes 20 missiles to get through the room perfectly, and an additional one to open the door leading to concourse. You also need another 12 in concourse itself. Even though this adds up to 33 missiles, I would advise picking up 20, possibly even 15. This is because after solving xenoresearch, you can boost the crates in concourse access b to refill. Getting the missile expansion in concourse afterwards helps as well. Paraxade says that you can do xenoresearch in 15 missiles by shooting the steamspiders, but I must just be really unlucky, because it always takes me a while to get ammo from them.

But what missiles should you get? That is difficult to determine, but these are my picks:

  • Munitions Storage: Comes with missile launcher
  • Crash Site: This is if you decide to do late grapple
  • Gel Refinery Site: This is if you decide to do the damage boost
  • Gel Hall: If the spinning golem you shoot is in the right position, you could get this one quickly. It always seems to be in different spots for me, so someone will have to look into it
  • Jungle Generator: This room is notorious for horrendous load times, so I think getting the missile while the next room loads would be a good idea. I think it works, too, but I'm not positive
  • Transit Hub: I think the time it takes to jump to it is worth it
  • Barracks Access: Pretty quick to get

This adds up to 35 missiles, but I would just pick 3 (or 2 if you're daring) of those 6, plus munitions storage. I usually pick jungle generator, transit hub, and barracks access. Also pick up the missile in concourse as mentioned earlier, as it helps with that room a lot, and it takes no time to get.
red chamber dream
I wouldn't include SWs in the route due to my own principles, but I'll definitely take your missile suggestions into account. If you couldn't tell already, I'm thinking about doing a run to submit to SDA, but I really don't know much about the game, so I'm trying to get all the advice possible.
Quote from Arkarian:
If you couldn't tell already, I'm thinking about doing a run to submit to SDA.

Go Ark you sexy beast. One quick tip, its possible to get a 6 min save after berserker lord.
lol, nice "tip". :P
red chamber dream
Since Paraxade is already doing a normal mode any%, I think I'm just going to do mine on Veteran. Has anyone tried a Veteran run who knows of boss strategies, etc.?
In theory, you take my 100% route (I know you have no idea what it is, but you can basically guess what I mean) but skip a few expansions and E-Tanks, skip all but the 2 required energy cells, and maybe skip hazard, but that's up to you.  Oh, and early Seekers might save time but I can't say for sure.
Anywhere, everywhere
Early seekers loses time, hazard skip is a must, and there are 3 required e cells using the new route, plus you need 3 anyway.
I know.  I made an error there.  I haven't played Corruption in a while though and when I don't, errors like that slip in my memory.
Veteran doesn't do anything except make the run more annoying (e.g., 10 charged shots to kill berserker vs 4 on normal and the 1 round method is hell to pull off). I know you didn't ask for opinions, but I think a normal 100% (or even 22%) would be far more interesting than a veteran run. The enemy health gains on the higher modes are stupid.. there's little reason to do a speed run on a higher mode in the other primes, let alone this one. Paraxade's hyper run was unique because of what he was trying to do, speed wasn't really the focus.

If you do go with veteran, most of the boss strats are the same, they just take longer. 1 round berserker is somewhat different though, and I'm not sure if korakk can be killed before his stomach closes. I intended to add vet and hyper notes/vids to boss tricks by now but I'm behind on that.
red chamber dream
100% runs are very boring to me, but low%s are definitely an interest of mine. Of course, I'd have to get a route together first. Isn't there a 22% Hyper in the works (or completed?) that I could draw from? If not, I'd of course have no problem figuring out my own route, but something to go from would be great, as I've only played through Corruption once.
any/low% route is the same.. the main reason I suggested 100% is because there's almost no difference between any/low% in this game. Most bosses don't even take longer in low%.

You do need to be more careful about not taking damage so that you can save your tank to blow away the required fights and stuff, but hyper makes that fairly simple. Just have to not stay in it too long when you're going from to room.. cancel every 10 sec or so then go right back in. I forgot the exact point you get corrupted, but meh.
red chamber dream
Oh, cool. I'll definitely be thinking about what I want to do; like I said, it won't be till May that I'll have the time to start any type of run.