Edit history:
samthedigital: 2014-07-07 11:26:48 pm
samthedigital: 2014-07-07 11:26:45 pm
samthedigital: 2014-07-07 11:26:45 pm
samthedigital: 2014-07-07 11:13:43 pm
samthedigital: 2014-07-07 11:09:06 pm
samthedigital: 2014-07-07 09:14:35 pm
I figured that I would make this thread since not a lot of people are familiar with any% hard. Some of my missile data might be useful otherwise too.
Ridley first versus Kraid first:
Kraid first is definitely the route of choice. Ridley first is playable, but the Ridley boss fight is going to be quite a bit slower, especially in a single segment run because of the lack of ammo. Ridley first also only has 3 supers for Tourian, and not everyone is going to be able to do Brinstar Super the quick way. If you aren't confident in HBJ or Brinstar Super I would recommend going Ridley first and getting the Brinstar super the slow way.
RTA verus game time:
This one is a little complicated. At first glance the 27 second cutscene that Kraid first has makes it look like it would be faster to kill Ridley first for real time, but there are some other things to consider too. Two super missiles need to be collected in Chozodia in Ridley first, and this wastes at least 8 seconds. The route itself is also slower to a certain degree because Tourian and the Ridley fight itself. This likely makes Kraid first a little faster, but it's hard to tell exactly. The missile choices are also slightly different for game time and real time because of door transitions.
Long Beam:
This is also a slightly complicated topic. The cost of Long Beam is roughly 3 seconds (10 seconds in real time probably), but there are also some other factors to consider. It is exceptionally difficult to do the hive room quickly enough to compete with the Long Beam. Also, by getting the long beam we have access to the hive room missile tank. This means that we have more health which means a better chance at skipping a heal in Kraid. Since we pick up this missile tank to have 10 missiles before fighting Kraid it means we would have to pick up another one, and the other options also lose a little bit of real time too. That being said it's still a complicated issue, and numbers don't really help too much. I'd say that for a single segment run picking up the Long Beam is deffinitely worth it.
Missile/Super Missile count:
I am going to assume that we are doing a single segment run. 34/5 is ideal. 34/5 is the lowest we can go in Chozodia while still being safe and skipping any heal. If you aren't comfortable with that count or want to fight Mother Brain without any refills 36/5 or 36/6 is also perfectly acceptable. We could go a lot lower and heal in Chozodia, and it could be slightly quicker, but the Ridley fight itself would require a super drop which isn't feasible in a single segment run. Ridley also doesn't take kindly do improvised strategies which would be a problem with more supers anyway.
We want 10 missiles before fighting Kraid regardless of some missiles being faster later on. It makes the sidehopper room in Kraid more consistent, and it makes Kraid himself more consistent too, so it's important to have them.
Alright, so here is the most important part of this, the missile data. I'll write out what missiles to get eventually, but for now here is a list of missiles and how long it takes to get them. I might not be clear on my description of missiles, so just tell me if that's so =P. Remember that this is for Kraid first only. If someone cares enough about Ridley first (even though it's likely slower) they are free to time the missiles that are different, but I won't bother.
The time is seconds.frames, so it goes up to 60 seconds and 64 frames.
Behind bombs: 10.20s
Beside hive : 08.46s
Way 2 Kraid1 : 13.52s
Way 2 Kraid2 : 09.16s (50f)
Kraid AW : 08.40s*1
Kraid save : 12.08s/10.36s*1
Kraid End : 06.10s
After Kraid : 05.34s
After Kraid2 : 04.48s
Unknown Item: 04.00s
Before N1 : 03.36s
After N1 : 07.20s*2
After Ice : 03.28s*3
Botton Nrfr : 03.04s
Start Ridley : 06.34s/07.52s*4
Sidehop room: 06.26s
Super 2 Room: 04.06
Pillar Room : 02.20
Super 3 Room: 05.56
Left Sup 3 1 : 06.12*5
Left sup 3 2 : 04.26*5
*1: Pick one or the other depending on whether you want to save for safety or not.
*2: The actual time loss is going to be a little higher, but it depends on the route and how much time holding the shinespark might save.
*3: This depends on enemy patterns.
*4: The walljump method versus freezing the pipe bug. Freezing the pipe bug is faster than a jbj.
*5: This assumes you picked up the missile from the third super room.
Ridley first versus Kraid first:
Kraid first is definitely the route of choice. Ridley first is playable, but the Ridley boss fight is going to be quite a bit slower, especially in a single segment run because of the lack of ammo. Ridley first also only has 3 supers for Tourian, and not everyone is going to be able to do Brinstar Super the quick way. If you aren't confident in HBJ or Brinstar Super I would recommend going Ridley first and getting the Brinstar super the slow way.
RTA verus game time:
This one is a little complicated. At first glance the 27 second cutscene that Kraid first has makes it look like it would be faster to kill Ridley first for real time, but there are some other things to consider too. Two super missiles need to be collected in Chozodia in Ridley first, and this wastes at least 8 seconds. The route itself is also slower to a certain degree because Tourian and the Ridley fight itself. This likely makes Kraid first a little faster, but it's hard to tell exactly. The missile choices are also slightly different for game time and real time because of door transitions.
Long Beam:
This is also a slightly complicated topic. The cost of Long Beam is roughly 3 seconds (10 seconds in real time probably), but there are also some other factors to consider. It is exceptionally difficult to do the hive room quickly enough to compete with the Long Beam. Also, by getting the long beam we have access to the hive room missile tank. This means that we have more health which means a better chance at skipping a heal in Kraid. Since we pick up this missile tank to have 10 missiles before fighting Kraid it means we would have to pick up another one, and the other options also lose a little bit of real time too. That being said it's still a complicated issue, and numbers don't really help too much. I'd say that for a single segment run picking up the Long Beam is deffinitely worth it.
Missile/Super Missile count:
I am going to assume that we are doing a single segment run. 34/5 is ideal. 34/5 is the lowest we can go in Chozodia while still being safe and skipping any heal. If you aren't comfortable with that count or want to fight Mother Brain without any refills 36/5 or 36/6 is also perfectly acceptable. We could go a lot lower and heal in Chozodia, and it could be slightly quicker, but the Ridley fight itself would require a super drop which isn't feasible in a single segment run. Ridley also doesn't take kindly do improvised strategies which would be a problem with more supers anyway.
We want 10 missiles before fighting Kraid regardless of some missiles being faster later on. It makes the sidehopper room in Kraid more consistent, and it makes Kraid himself more consistent too, so it's important to have them.
Alright, so here is the most important part of this, the missile data. I'll write out what missiles to get eventually, but for now here is a list of missiles and how long it takes to get them. I might not be clear on my description of missiles, so just tell me if that's so =P. Remember that this is for Kraid first only. If someone cares enough about Ridley first (even though it's likely slower) they are free to time the missiles that are different, but I won't bother.
The time is seconds.frames, so it goes up to 60 seconds and 64 frames.
Behind bombs: 10.20s
Beside hive : 08.46s
Way 2 Kraid1 : 13.52s
Way 2 Kraid2 : 09.16s (50f)
Kraid AW : 08.40s*1
Kraid save : 12.08s/10.36s*1
Kraid End : 06.10s
After Kraid : 05.34s
After Kraid2 : 04.48s
Unknown Item: 04.00s
Before N1 : 03.36s
After N1 : 07.20s*2
After Ice : 03.28s*3
Botton Nrfr : 03.04s
Start Ridley : 06.34s/07.52s*4
Sidehop room: 06.26s
Super 2 Room: 04.06
Pillar Room : 02.20
Super 3 Room: 05.56
Left Sup 3 1 : 06.12*5
Left sup 3 2 : 04.26*5
*1: Pick one or the other depending on whether you want to save for safety or not.
*2: The actual time loss is going to be a little higher, but it depends on the route and how much time holding the shinespark might save.
*3: This depends on enemy patterns.
*4: The walljump method versus freezing the pipe bug. Freezing the pipe bug is faster than a jbj.
*5: This assumes you picked up the missile from the third super room.
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