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nickmett: 2014-11-29 02:39:38 am
nickmett: 2014-11-29 02:38:57 am
So I just completed an Any% hard run for the funzies (1:21) but I'm wondering who else has done a run of this?

EDIT: The video is here! The run starts at 5:30

Thread title: 
I can't find the pastbin which is mentioned in the Video. Can you copy it or explain what any% hard actually is?
i like how he talks about the japanese text being faster, even though he chose the slower text option (hiragana only)
red chamber dream
heh do you know if the hiragana is even slower than the english?
hm, it's probably still faster
The pastebin was in the stream desc. I'll stick it in the video description. http://pastebin.com/GBV4A3kD
Also I didn't know which option I chose for Japanese text but just my luck I chose the slower one.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
So the first one's with kanji and the second is hiragana only? Do they both have katakana? Is there just a translation of that entire title screen anywhere?
Ohhh. Now i get it. Thx for the pastbin. I will definitly check out the Hard Mode!
Yo BioSpark don't you wanna try 1% Hard Mode? Mr. Green
Quote from P.JMan:
So the first one's with kanji and the second is hiragana only? Do they both have katakana? Is there just a translation of that entire title screen anywhere?

they both have katakana. the second option just replaces all of the kanji with their hiragana reading.

i don't know of any translations but i could certainly translate anything you wanted to know
Quote from xoneris:
Yo BioSpark don't you wanna try 1% Hard Mode? Mr. Green

i did it once like 6 years ago. don't remember the time.
Quote from BioSpark:
i did it once like 6 years ago. don't remember the time.

How much harder than 1% Normal is it?
red chamber dream
1 difficulty level
i dunno, it's twice as easy to die and bosses take longer with less missiles
Edit history:
JaySee: 2015-02-03 08:47:57 pm
Biospark, what's your 1% hard time?
red chamber dream
helps if I process everything he said, i'm dumb. debating with someone on skype if his any% hard would technically be wr and came to the conclusion only if it beat low% hard
Quote from JaySee:
Biospark, what's your 1% hard time?


could probably get 0:52 if i still played fusion or cared about that category
red chamber dream
pshh i could get :50 if i played fusion or cared about that category
fine, i could get 0:49
red chamber dream
is that the age of my mom when you fucked her?
red chamber dream
because in that case i got :15