Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I discovered something in Kraid. When you get off the elevator, go all the way to the bottom of the shaft, and take a right. You know that small cramped room with the little zipline that goes over a chain of two crumble blocks, a divider, and two more crumble blocks with bombable pillars on each side? Good, now that it's burnt into your memory, I discovered a really apparently useful trick in that room! I somehow managed to get from the right side of the room to the left WITHOUT the ziplines activated! It involved insanely difficult bomb jumping skills that I couldn't repeat on the other side (although there's no reason you shouldn't be able to). You can bomb jump to that height, then rapidly bomb yourself along the top of the instant-crumblies and to the other side! I used something like the early w wall missile tank trick in Kraid's lair nearby, but it's MUCH harder. I'll try to explain in further detail when I get home, as it sucks typing on this super mini laptop keyboard. For now...just try it out. I do believe this means a low% Kraid first without Acid Worm can be even faster. This means you, AJ! MUAHAHA!!!
Holy crap, I forgot until I just played again! Not only will it likely kill you to do this horribly insane stunt, but I just realized what Kraid first no ziplines means! THE ULTIMATE HBJ OF [b]D00M!!![/b] AJ, if you ever want to try it out, I pray to the goddess of cows that you don't kill yourself over it. Good luck.
Holy crap, I forgot until I just played again! Not only will it likely kill you to do this horribly insane stunt, but I just realized what Kraid first no ziplines means! THE ULTIMATE HBJ OF [b]D00M!!![/b] AJ, if you ever want to try it out, I pray to the goddess of cows that you don't kill yourself over it. Good luck.
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