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mmclean- I posted some tips for you in the early lifegiver topic.

incase you haven't seen :)
I think (but I'm not sure) ability to do sequence breaking flawlessly is determined by your willingness to do something over and over and over.  I tried the watery hall ghetto jump missile but didnt get it until about 500 tries.  I still can't do the L-lock spring space jump after that one artifact.
you mean to get the artifact in Phendrana's edge or the Artifact of Strength near Moniter Station in Magmoor?
I mean after getting that one artifact in the x-ray visor room
oh >_>

I can't do that one either >_>

I can do dash jumps- they're fine, but l-lock spring space or even l- lock? nope >_>

and could someone tell me which scan point I'm supposed to use in observatory to climb up w/o boost?
Samus Lauren
Quote from nitetrain8:
and could someone tell me which scan point I'm supposed to use in observatory to climb up w/o boost?

Doesnt it cause a game killing glitch if you do that? If you go to the top w/o starting up the hologram-thing?
I don't know, I tried that and I couldn't figure out which one to get to.  Try to go to the farthest point to which you can go to and then look out onto that orange data thing.  It should be there.  Thats where I saw it in the video.
... I just saw hte vid.. I wasn't jumping from the right spot.  >_>
Ok for all PAL players. I have a screenshot where you exactly have to stay for SJB First.  www.nefkom.net/muffin2k/sjf.JPG
If found it a bit easier to look up just above the scan point in front of you, then I let go of the stick so the it goes back to it's center position, while it's setting back to center I quickly press the L trigger and jump to the right and usually make it in three attempts.

For some reason I find it easier this way because I don't have to worry about looking up with the right trigger and scanning the spot with the left trigger at nearly the same moment.  I find it that when I bring the view up just above the scan point it gives me time to let my hands "reset" and not worry about targeting... I can just think about the scan as the view falls back into place and like I said, it takes me about three times to get it where it used to take me 40.

Hope that helps.
Getting the SJ first was the hardest sequence break I've tried. Took me 3hrs+ to pull it off (yet surprisingly only 1hr to Bomb jump over the bars to skip the frigate and 20 minutes to get the Plasma beam!)

Something that REALLY helped me with it is during the video for it (PAL video since I'm in the UK) I took a screenshot JUST before Samus jumped. Coied, Pasted, Cut out and Printed off just the picture.

I put myself in that exact position and side jumped, and made it perfectly.

The right side of her ship has a long box with a triangle pointing down. I could see all of it then I jumped.

I still haven't managed the Ghetto jump off the frog to get the ice beam quick. I have to drain the pool. For me those wall jumps are a pain. L Lock jumps are much easier.

I personally find them easier to do when after my first jump I let go of L then do my space jump.

One question. In the first big outside room of Phazon Mines (cant remember name) I've seen a video of a guy dash jumping over to the other side, opens the door then goes and gets the Grappling hook.

How do I open the door? In my game there's a lock on it. Was this added to PAL games?
Yeah, the PAL version has a lock on it. I think collecting the grapple beam will make it dissapear.

Staying on topic, I also found SJ first pretty hard. I suppose that's because I have PAL, so each attempt at getting it takes me a lot longer. I can get it more-or-less every time, now. What I find funny, though, is that I managed the TBJ into the furnace twice before I ever managed SJ first.
I hate the way they changed the PAL version!

I started a new game of MP specifically for a speed run. Would never have bothered otherwise. I think more of my time went to the Space Jump than the other SBs combined!
I've checked here, and that door will actually unlock as soon as you collect the main power bomb upgrade. It's in the North American Player's Choice version where it won't unlock until you get the grapple beam.

Yeah, the changes to the PAL version can be annoying, but none of them will totally wreck an attempt at speed running or sequence breaking. It's just a small price to play for a game that won't crash on us for no discernable reason. Plus, with the release of the North American Player's Choice version, Americans can feel our pain and more when it comes to sequence breaking.

Pity the door is locked... I'd like to get the grappling beam that early. Won't wreck a speed run but it'll slow it down.

Im on my 2nd run through. Sitting on 4hrs or so and I'm most of the way out fo the Phazon mines after beating the Omega Pirate.

Only need 3 artifacts left. Artifact of truth, the one u gta beat the Elite Pirate for and theo ne in the chamber beneath were you get the Wavebuster.