Wile it is kinda cool to have prequels & stuff t fill in story, I would prefer playing a game that is the latest in chronological order, so the story is more fresh and you dont know how it's all going to end.
I know why they do this, because supposedly the last of the Metroids are wiped out after the BSL is destroyed, but I think Nintendo/Retro Studios could easily come up with a story explaining how Metroids have continued to exist. For example:
After Samus escapes the BSL, she is attacked by Space Pirates, who raid her ship. They are unable to kill Samus, but manage to take her Power Suit. The Space Pirates study the Power Suit to attempt to extract whatever Metroid DNA may remain in the former Fusion Suit. Also, they return to Zebes to find the remnants of the secret Chozo society that protects the secret of creating Metroids. (The Chozo creating Metroids is canon btw)
However, I do have hope in another agme that follows sequentially, as there would be no Metroids in Metroid: Other M, because the last Metroid would have died in Super Metroid and Samus would not know about the GF's Metroid breeding yet. So, either there are no Metroids in this game, or there is another source of Metroids.
Another point: I don't see how all the Metroids were supposedly "wiped out" except for one in Metroid II. Yeah, SR388 is their homeworld, but they also lived on Zebes and were native to Tallon IV. While Samus does defeat many metroid in MP, she never eradicates all of them on Tallon IV.
I know why they do this, because supposedly the last of the Metroids are wiped out after the BSL is destroyed, but I think Nintendo/Retro Studios could easily come up with a story explaining how Metroids have continued to exist. For example:
After Samus escapes the BSL, she is attacked by Space Pirates, who raid her ship. They are unable to kill Samus, but manage to take her Power Suit. The Space Pirates study the Power Suit to attempt to extract whatever Metroid DNA may remain in the former Fusion Suit. Also, they return to Zebes to find the remnants of the secret Chozo society that protects the secret of creating Metroids. (The Chozo creating Metroids is canon btw)
However, I do have hope in another agme that follows sequentially, as there would be no Metroids in Metroid: Other M, because the last Metroid would have died in Super Metroid and Samus would not know about the GF's Metroid breeding yet. So, either there are no Metroids in this game, or there is another source of Metroids.
Another point: I don't see how all the Metroids were supposedly "wiped out" except for one in Metroid II. Yeah, SR388 is their homeworld, but they also lived on Zebes and were native to Tallon IV. While Samus does defeat many metroid in MP, she never eradicates all of them on Tallon IV.
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