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Could I add you guys as a affilate to my site? And you could add me?
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Strategy Guide Writer
As far as I'm aware Nate doesn't affiliate with other sites and doesn't link to them either on M2k2 itself, if my memory serves me correctly.
I'll be back. Maybe...
I've never seen even the smallest indication of affilation, so I must conclude likewise.
Too many fangirls to count
I'll affiliate you. But noone wants some of this affiliation. (I will keep tam when I have phpbb)
gotta love it when the guy who runs the other site answers questions on yours! :D
red chamber dream
0mg, joo 2 should lyke...merg!!!!!11
Who should merge? SCU and M2K2?
red chamber dream
m2k2 and SCU. I was poking fun at the topic about that.
Oh ok, well its cool if Nate dont want to affilate with me. Well at least not yet.
I've noticed that most of the sites that 'affiliate' are either:
A) Really umm... "new" websites, usually made by those new to making websites as a whole... who are just affiliating to anything and everything they have the vaguest interest in, that will affiliate back.
B) People with sites that have like... 50 affiliations on the homepage, which just tend to be a link-site with very little content.  Just basically a personal 'favourite links' page.
C) People affiliating with sites made by close friends.

It's rare to find a site that's not one of the above.  Most others just have links pages in general, such as myself.  And that's not so much affiliate, since I tend to not care if they link back to me or not.