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Mmm, I only created this topic to put my video about advertising, but, probably, other members will use it to speak about advertising (good idea  laugh new)
Thread title: 
I like it but it almost seems like an advertisement for stefan's accomplishments with MP1 until you get to the last 3 seconds where it mentions the forums.  Perhaps you could show his most impressive feat and then feature other impressive times on other games by other people. 
I agree. Metroid Prime isn't the only game that M2K2 breaks apart into tiny little pieces.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
But it is the most appropriate game to show all things considered.
Quote from tomatobob:
But it is the most appropriate game to show all things considered.

Agreed, to a point.  It considers the most of 'all things considered', yet considering only MP1 does not consider all things. 

How about leaving all the MP1 material in it as is, but ADDING some amazing feats from all the other games?
Maybe it's just me, but an advertising vid shouldn't be much longer than one minute. Your video doesn't feel very appealing. It gets boring after like 20 seconds, though it might be different for someone new to SBing.
Quote from Ryu:
Maybe it's just me, but an advertising vid shouldn't be much longer than one minute. Your video doesn't feel very appealing. It gets boring after like 20 seconds, though it might be different for someone new to SBing.

So cease calling it an ad and call it a 'promotional video'.
Quote from Opium:
Quote from Ryu:
Maybe it's just me, but an advertising vid shouldn't be much longer than one minute. Your video doesn't feel very appealing. It gets boring after like 20 seconds, though it might be different for someone new to SBing.

So cease calling it an ad and call it a 'promotional video'.

Eh, don't want to put TV ads and internet promo vids on the same level, but I still don't think a m2k2 promo should be as long as the posted one. It'd just get tiring without (imo unnecessary) flashy effects.


Then I could be all like

red chamber dream
real promo vids don't have so many grammatical errors. :P
not sure why you only mention the pal records and show mostly sw stuff. also, i still don't understand why people think 21% has been solved. oh well.

that said, the clip of ruined shrine with "boost ball required" onscreen while he bombed up was pretty nice.
Quote from arkarian:
also, i still don't understand why people think 21% has been solved. oh well.

lol is that really in there? I pretty much stopped watching after the 22% blended in, thinking "at least he doesn't believe 21% would be solved".


also, i would put in a link to metroid2002.com instead of the forum.
red chamber dream
there's a site too?
Jagger ftw
Update m2k2.com first.
My idea was to do a video about MP1 with things that I can find in this forum and then (much time later), make the same about MP2.
Mmm, it´s the first video which a made of this type, I have many problems because I am used to do music videos, but I have read ALL posts and I hope (thanks to them) to make a better video the next time.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Quote from juliano6010:
My idea was to do a video about MP1 with things that I can find in this forum

On the bright side, it's reminded me that the forum had originally been about the main site. I like that you're enthusiastic about being here, but really, it's definitely preferred that people visit metroid2002.com before coming to forum.metroid2002.com and asking for tips on beating Ridley in Zero Mission. >_<
Club 27 Goals
Just my two cents, I think that the text could go on the clip that's playing. For example instead of something like:
fade to black
white text comes up saying "Glitches & Bugs"
fade to black
then play clip

You could just have it play the clip with the text on top (as long as the text has some kind of outline so it's still easy to read).
What'd you say?
This is actually a really good idea, it may help to get the forum more lively. I know for every Metroid video I have on Youtube I have a link in the description for the forums. I'm considering making a video similar to this except possible for Super Metroid hacks.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
The forums will become more lively soon anyway, with the approach of Other M.
What'd you say?
Yea good point. I'm still considering making a video though.
Edit history:
Toozin: 2009-10-15 06:18:48 pm
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
I've had in my head for quite some time an advert/music video set to Rage Against the Machine's Renegades of Funk that would sort of chronicle in brief form the evolution of sequence breaking/speed running and celebrate the pioneer individuals and landmark moments. And, naturally, show Samus blowing up every celestial body she steps foot on during the "destoy all nations..." bit.

Alas, I have not the skill nor drive to do it justice.

EDIT: Alternately, Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger also would fit well.
red chamber dream
renegades would be much more bad ass. hbfs is too overused to be effective. maybe i'll try my hand at a promo vid someday soon.
my eternally unmade promo project which yours sounds very similar to is set to automaton (shimamiya eiko). basically the three history blocks with a little extra on either side in video form. idea comes from late 2005 iirc. finally a few weeks ago i actually wrote out the first third or so of the visuals. probably had to do with me seeing the golden gate bridge last summer. either that or the amount of stress i'm under now making me regress. i guess i'm always regressing though so maybe not.