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Dood Trigger™
The one where you Aether jump waaay up to walk past both the huge room AND Grand Abyss. I'm having trouble with one step.

I can:

- get the mini Quadraxis' head to float and take Samus up that shaft
- load the huge room and (most of the time) keep it loaded
- backtrack to the other end of the mini Quad's corridor with the Annihilator door

The problem is, when I CAN keep the big room loaded and backtrack, I always terminal fall, even though the corridor doesn't have a terminal fall. Is there a specific part of that corridor where I can stand and finally start trying the Aether climb?

Thanks for any help!
Thread title: 
Watch Station's terminal fall is just that big. One of the edges of it is pretty much aligned with the door at the other side of Sentinel's Path; you need to backtrack all the way to the other side of the room to that door, and jump away from it. Make sure to jump far enough so that you land in the nearby Aether so you don't fall ridiculously far.

What he said. >_>

I was going to give you advice on Grand Abyss and felt a little plum I couldn't remember so many details clearly. Then I remembered I posted on this before!

Quote from Paltheos:
I did this (part of) the challenge a while ago, but I'll tell you what I can remember. Grand Abyss is tough. When you get on top of the door, jump out first. I don't think there's any way through the ceiling over the door. The transition's stubborn IIRC, but jumping back isn't hard. Don't be afraid of failure.

Once you've transitioned the room and are standing on top of the entrance tunnel before the chasm, be careful where you jump and where you're standing. Some parts of the roof of the tunnel are nasty traps. I've actually fallen off trying to get out, though I don't discount that I'm bad at the game. Stick to the safe spots in the video.

After passing the tunnel, follow the path across the abyss in the same way as in the video. I'm not sure of the geography of the room, but I believe the boundaries may let you fall out if you're too low (I have near the start).

I believe you already know this, but: If you fall out, you can enter the secret world in Sentinel's Path to try again. Bait the Quad over to beneath the cylindrical, overhead vent(?) nearest Watch Station, destroy the body, and jump onto its head. Continue jumping on it: It will raise its distance from the ground to boost you further up the vent until you can clear it completely. (The Quad is also a source of health) Transition to Watch Station and travel back over the top of Sentinel's Path over to Sanctuary Temple: The boundaries of Watch Station extend very far, and you can escape their reach only by jumping into the aether from the far side of Sentinel's Path. To that end, the horizontal beams on the roof are safe places to stand and jump, and they're all within jumping distance of each other. Using Sentinel's Path's SW is much faster than resetting; you just can't use turn your console off because you don't have a save point.

If you suck at Vault, practice before your next attempt. Practice until you're confident. I had never done No Grapple Vault before and died in my first attempt. I was very upset.

Getting SA feels awesome. "I can go places now!" lol

The video I refer to is not coincidentally the same video Miles kindly linked you to. Good luck.
Dood Trigger™
Thanks a lot Miles and Paltheos, very helpful info. Sorry for the late answer, I ended up beating the game normally (got Echo skip for the first time at least, though!). I'll just keep trying next time. That room is literally the only thing keeping me from doing Sanctuary before Torvus...
You're welcome. One more thing for next time: Near the end of crossing GA, *do not* deviate from the method Miles uses in the video. Don't try to bomb jump up the wall on the other side and walk over to the door. An invisible wall blocks you from getting over (and IIRC I got stuck and then fell out - Another lesson learned the hard way). Use the "touch the platform and fall" method, even if it is scary lol.
If you can't get it, you can always learn one of the in-bounds methods! :P
Dood Trigger™
Hah, Parax. I have enough trouble doing scan dashes that are considered easy. :) About the scan dash method, is there a visual cue that you got the distance right (if I want to practice the dash with the bot already gone)?

Thanks again, Paltheos! Gonna do another run in the next couple days.