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Instead of e-mailing it to nate (dunno if he's still here), why not send it here?

"I thought a couple theories:

1: The Charge + Move-Jump might cause to push him into part of the wall, by a pixel, causing him to freeze.

2: Getting hit by a Charge + Move-Jump beam, and hitting the player possibly freezes him.

3: Being in the spot where he instantly gets jump-charged, causing him to hit the player, and getting shot, making the boss, or mini-boss supposedly think he's hurt, causing a loop in the process, stopping him from moving, or something like that.

4: Somehow, when samus gets hit by the enemy, her charge beam hits forward, and also pushing her back. When that happened, it caused Imago to think something was blocking him, causing him the freeze, like a collision. More than two beams hit him, aswell as other things hit, causing the sprite to overload, freezing him.

I'm gonna give more detail to #3:

Now, my guess what, that by using the arrow keys to find out by each frame, i saw him jump with a charged blast, making the enemy think he made it to both edges. By some bug, caused in many of em, it causes the enemy to loop it's actions, like saying it thinks it's dead, or something. It probably thinks it is either dead, or made it to the right hole, causing him to loop his normal action, but not move. This is another part of my theory. These are theories on how the glitch happens, so i might be wrong, or right. I cannot know.

Sorry, but this is actually fascinating how this glitch happened from the movie. It's quite difficult looking, but if my theories are correct, then heck, i found out how the glitch works."

I was pretty fascinated how this glitch happened, so i clicked the quicktime thing and used the arrow keys to see frame by frame.

Thread title: 
You do know there's a Zero Mission forum, right?

Good thinking otherwise; I have never seen the imago glitch except the video on the site, so I can't really speculate what causes it.
Yea, i might try it.

But i thought i saw the part of that category where it's for speed runs, and sequence breaks, instead of normal posts.

I got confused, so i posted here.
rofl a forum for general talk about metroid and a forum about 1 game particular is confusing ?
I didn't mean the game was confusing, i mean't the category descriptions.

Anyways, can we get BTT?

So, has anyone tried reproducing this glitch on thier game?
wow, what a dream for me ... the people post the things in the forum themselves instead of making me do it! :D
I have now found out how the Imago Freeze Glitch happens.

If you Charge Attack (spin jump with a charge), it will cause him to freeze, instead of kill him.

I use Charge Attack on him, and bam, it made him mess up. The only thing is, it happens IF you kill him with it. First, i got hit, rushed up behind it, thin used a Charge Spin Jump, and bam, it froze.

Hopefully i'm right, because thats what happened on my game. *resets*

Edit: I mean't he had one hit before he died.
It happens when the upper (flashing sprite) Gets stuck in a wall. Because the trigger for it to crash into the roots is having the stinger fall off, it gets stuck and loops if it cant do that. I remember sitting in my school library during study hall playing ZM when it happened. That was sometime in October though.
Can someone post screenshots of this glitch? I have never seen or heard of this before thanks :D
Thanks :D