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not that it isn't intensely interesting and very annoying, but the entire chozodia thing screams one long SA-X hunt. only you have nothing but a tiny pistol.  its an interesting gameplay aspect, but to me the entire thing is too drawn out...
Thread title: 
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
I thought it was fun, and it honestly doesn't last that long. You end up getting the new suit relatively quickly. And finding different ways to get the pirates off your ass is always cool.  :)
it's a detour in metroid. like turning the power back on in fusion, only probably with a greater sense of self-worth. ;) and indeed, the game as you knew it is hardly over when that sequence starts. ask toozin for more info on that if you are curious.
I loved that part.  I mean, her ponytail bounces!

On an unrelated note, do you realize how much being easily amused rocks?
It is indeed not bad, especially compared to the atrocity that follows it  In fact, after beating the game, i wish it had lasted longer,  and would have allowed you to gain a  plasma rifle and anti- grav belt. at least then i wouldn't have had 3 new abilites granted all at once (very un-metroidish)

still... i do get all paranoid when i have almost no health and have to try to fend off pirates who will kill me in two hits...

I noticed it bounces too. and  i do realize its a great boon to be easily amused (you'll almost never be bored).
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Atrocity is a little harsh, isn't it? I mean, I thought it was cool going from frail and vulnerable to walking death machine. Granted, 3 items at once is a little weird, but at least you actually did have to pick them up.
I personally wish the "barenaked" part would have lasted longer... I had so much fun tricing all those Space Pirates with my über-1337 stealth abilities. :P
I kinda liked Metal Gear Samus. At the very least, it was good wall-jumping practice. I think it was a good length, too. Just when I'm starting to get annoyed with it, along comes some good, mindless fun introducing all those space pirates who gave me so much trouble to my brand new plasma beam. Twisted Evil
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from DominicanZero:
I personally wish the "barenaked" part would have lasted longer... I had so much fun tricing all those Space Pirates with my über-1337 stealth abilities. :P

Quote from Light of Day:
I kinda liked Metal Gear Samus. At the very least, it was good wall-jumping practice. I think it was a good length, too. Just when I'm starting to get annoyed with it, along comes some good, mindless fun introducing all those space pirates who gave me so much trouble to my brand new plasma beam.  Twisted Evil

In agreement here. Although I wasn't getting really annoyed, I thought it was a good length and I wouldn't have minded it going a little longer. Everything else you guy said I completely concur with.
I can't say I liked that part of the game very much... Okay, it was cool, definitly, and her suitless animations rock quite a lot. But... I don't know, it felt kinda wrong. Plus, it made Samus look like a Nova-wannabe.

StarCraft: Ghost anyone?

The most annoying part of Chozodia was the music after you reclaim your suit.  That, "YOU'VE GOT YOUR CRAP BACK, YES!!!" music got annoying after about 10 minutes trampling around Chozodia.

What's even more fun than stealthing the pirates is getting the alarm going and dodging their shots only to see them hit and kill another space pirate.  That's awesome.
They can hurt each other? Awesome!

I agree about the music, but I'm not too sure the sneaking around music would work for when you have the new suit either.
Indeed, if while suitless, you make one space pirate shoot its beam in the direction where another one stands, if the beam hits, the second one will be destroyed (great for taking some of them out permanently... actually, the only way :P).
Man, that part was annoying after some time. It made me mad, that you never could say if the pirates would see you or not. Sometimes I hid, and they went on -> alarm stopped, sometimes they followed.

Moreover I thought it was a bit strange, that you could use energy tanks without the suit! I always thought that they were somehow connected with it.

But all in all it was a nice innovation.

Oh and yes, the music makes me mad while I search for these power bombs... forever :(
There are three other musics that played in the Mother ship, the panic music, the subdued panic music, and a soft creeping piece that plays right when you first enter the ship.

I REALLY wish they had retained that music for the ship itself, even if Chozodia was still on Prozac.
The best music in the game is imho Norfair, very well done on the little gba!
Quote from Chozo-Ghost:
Oh and yes, the music makes me mad while I search for these power bombs... forever :(

Try this, linked via a thread at GameFAQS.

On a random note: It's kinda funny that the entire game has been speedrun and all endings obtained and the game isn't even officially out yet.  :D
The Stealth part pwned! Finally you could show the Pirates you also kick ass without your suit. Loved that part.
I've been thinking about this. The stealth section, it's like the ultimate low-percent run. For that short period, you've skipped everthing, even the power suit itself. Also, we've seen ample proof that Zero Mission was designed with sequence-breaking in mind. Add together these two facts, and do you think it might be possible that the stealth section is a nod towards sequence breaking from Nintendo? Their way of saying "you guys have been trying to break our gaes for years now. Trying to see what items you can get early, what items you don't have to get at all, even when we thought you needed them. Just this once, we're going to give you a hand, let you skip everything for a little while."

Of course, chances are totally wrong here. Still, it's an interesting thought, don't you think?
Yeah, that is an interesting thought.

I've always wondered just how much Nintendo knows about sequence breaking and this whole little sub-community of Metroid fans.  I have to assume they know what's going on here. One reason I think they know is because of the infinite bomb jump that has been put back in from its absence in Fusion.

The pathway to the Varia suit is also another indication that they're trying to mess with the sequence breakers and thus, are aware of our existence. I mean, look at all the bomb jumping you have to do just to get to the Varia. I think they made it a horrible mess because they knew someone would try to get the Varia early. So putting the infinite bomb jump back in and making items in hard to reach places is kinda like a challenge, I dare you to try bomb jumping this. Sometimes it really does seem that they leave things in to allow for a little sequence breaking.  Infinite bomb jump is a large indication of that in and of itself.
And then there's the rather obvious shaft in Norfair that lets you reach Ridley's Lair without the Speed Booster or Varia.  Now, you'll have a hell of a time beating Ridley and getting out with your limited energy and weapons, but it's definitely there and definitely deliberate.
Quote from Faust:
I've always wondered just how much Nintendo knows about sequence breaking and this whole little sub-community of Metroid fans.  I have to assume they know what's going on here. One reason I think they know is because of the infinite bomb jump that has been put back in from its absence in Fusion.

another reason for that presents itself here: http://www.gamespy.com/interviews/february04/metroidzm/

everyone who reads this post should click on that link. read very carefully what mr. sakamoto is saying; remember that his comments are being translated out of japanese, a language that leaves a lot to interpretation. i read that interview before i ever played zero mission, and the result was that i was very pleased with the game, but not at all pleasantly surprised, because he <i>told</i> me it was going to be like that several days before the release of the rom.

so there it is. fusion was deliberate and zero mission was deliberate. fear nintendo.
Great read. I'm glad I missed it before I got a chance to play it.

Damn, Metroid is so cool.