We should let Nintendo know what we really think of the game and make them actually LISTEN to their fans for once. Help us stop this atrocity of a game from bearing the beloved Metroid franchise name and make Nintendo halt production on it.
On the one hand, trying to get it cancelled is silly, and not just because of all the work that would be wasted. We should be pushing for more real games instead of fewer fake ones (which at least keep the series name out there).
On the other hand, I would fully support a six-month prison sentence for anyone who uses the "delicious X tears" meme.
Six months feels about right for verbal offenses in general, tbob... though I could get behind ironic punishments. Call games an atrocity? Suffer an actual atrocity to learn perspective. Use the term "mansplaining"? Nothing you say counts for a year because you're just yousplaining. Talk about "delicious X tears"? Get hit with tear gas and face-licked by, I dunno, a bear. And then shot.
Este juego no se merece llamarse asi, porque un Metroid sin Samus, sin su esencia de juego como los anteriores, es como dar un juego de Zelda sin Link o un juego de Sonic sin Sonic, por ejemplo.
Quote from In English:
This game doesn't deserve being called such, because a Metroid without Samus, without its gameplay essence like the old titles, is like giving us a Zelda game without Link or a Sonic game with without Sonic.
I signed it , honestly i refuse to just fucking let them ignore us and not listen to their gaming audience. I REFUSE to let them walk all over us and pretend this was a good idea, this is a travesty to the metroid series and NOBODY asked for this , EVERYONE wanted ANYTHING but a FUCKING SOCCER METROID GAME AND SAMUS ISNT EVEN IN IT. This is disguting so yeah i signed it and im happy i did becuase maybe now they’ll finally listen to us.
I'm not expecting Nintendo to cancel it or anything, but I'm wondering if they're going to consider rebranding it without the Metroid name to combat the backlash. At this point it seems to be doing more harm than good.
But then again it's just a bunch of internet nerds raging right now, 90% of whom are going to buy the game anyway, so fuck it I guess.