In normal 100%, is it faster to kill acid worm, then get the tank behind the save room? Also, is 0:04:27 a good time to have before the second Varia shaft?
Well, I don't know what shaft you're talking about, but I just played through to the energy tank next to varia, and I have the time of 4:46 after picking up the energy tank, so you count for yourself. (I didn't fail on anything... I think. :P)
And what energy tank are you talking about? If it's about backtracking, I'd say no.
gleep, there's a rule about asking for locks. Don't do it. This topic doesn't need to be locked anyway; it can just sit until it falls to the bottom of the pages.
Oh, but it's my topic. Is there a rule against doing it in your topics?
<b>No Lock Begging</b> - There is no need to request that a topic be locked simply because the original poster (you or another) has had his request fufilled. If there are other people who have more to add, they will do so; otherwise, the topic will simply fall to the bottom naturally with no intervention. If the topic needs to be locked, it usually will be. Violation of this will result in a <i>Warning</i>.