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Too many fangirls to count
I decree that on Friday, this week, 7:00 PM, eastern standard. Post friend codes here.
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red chamber dream
No, he's organising a game, not solely posting his friend code.

Ah, sorry, I saw the "friend code" part of his post and thought thats what he meant.

Anyways, it sucks that I cant get wifi working yet. I've wanted to play online games.
red chamber dream
Quote from The Dark Knight:
Ah, sorry, I saw the "friend code" part of his post and thought thats what he meant.

Don't worry, I thought that at first, too, and was about to tell him off. >.<
Too many fangirls to count
So many lined up to pwn me. ;;>_>
red chamber dream
You have all week still.
Too many fangirls to count
I meant telling me off, but I will prolly be owned online too. <_<;;
don't worry i suck ballz. The only way i get a win if i'm facing someone new or a little kid or using cheap stuff.
Too many fangirls to count
Being spire and using the rock thingy in his alt form. Cheapest stuff ever right there.
lol no way
Not true.

Shock Coil from long distance in the middle of other peoples' battles is more cheap.

Being the one bitch of four that chills in the center on Ice Hive is even cheaper.

Course, that's mostly cause I do the first one, and I can't stand the second one. Really neither is all that cheap.
Cheapness is a bad word to use for any game, really. NST did a good job balancing the characters, you just need to find a way to beat the tactic at hand. An alt user, for example, is countered pretty easily by finding a ledge to jump on.
Well, boo.  I'll be at work.

If in the event I manage to miraculously get my break at that time, I'll log on if possible.  Panera's wifi is flaky sometimes.
I plan on being logged on at 7pm.

last minute cancellation. I think i might be able to make it.
I am so totally in. Especially since it happens in like 15 minutes.
Ready and willing.
It is?

Yes it is. I better hurry... I need a win. Or 10.
Quote from Yoshi348:
It is?

Yes it is. I better hurry... I need a win. Or 10.

Friend/Rival games don't count for points. It'd be too easy to rig them if they did.

On an unrelated note, I'm hosting a game now. Join, peoples!

where the heck is everybody!?

I did get a few good games in tho
Damn...  i fell asleep.....
Too many fangirls to count
I had a last minute forcage to go to a resteraunt. >_>
red chamber dream
Haha, so no one even played? Darn.
Too many fangirls to count
Well, my fault. I would have had a two person bash up
Quote from Arkarian:
Haha, so no one even played? Darn.

While I said that "I [WAS] NO LONGER HOSTING A GAME", I sorta forgot to note that I had played several. I hosted a game, played a few with people I forget, and then stopped.
red chamber dream
You weren't the one hosting the game in the first place. >_>
I was talking about mangadood's game.