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So, I dug up this pic that I saved which I had forgotten about for awhile. It's from a random thread that was on, I think, the acmlm hacking board from someone who was posting pics of his hack long ago (maybe 2004 or 2005?). However, I don't remember what hack it was supposedly from or who was making it. Does anyone else recognize it and have more info on it? Somehow I doubt it's still being worked on but it'd be interesting to know.

Thread title: 
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
I hope shes wearing chozo varia skin, that could burn, burn as in.. HOT  :-D
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
It looks like Redesign patched with the Justin Bailey hack
Edit history:
Gaius_4: 2007-11-30 11:37:33 am
I don't believe that is the (current) Justin Bailey hack...  Or, not the one we have all seen.  This looks like one of a much better quality.  And I don't believe we've seen this...  Well, most of us.  I know it's the 1st time I've seen it.

Justin Bailey was (supposed?) to be Aussi for (something like) Just In (a Bikini)...  and 'Bailey' would be the word for Bikini or Swimsuit.  :-?

Although, I could wrong on ^that.
Stuffs. Yar.
That and the Justin Bailey hack has Samus using a blaster, not an arm cannon...
And she's wearing a leotard instead of a bikini...
And... I think I'll stop there. :P
Yeah, it's definitely not the current Justin Bailey patch that's released publically. I believe the guy said that it was going to be some bonus mode he was going to add to his hack or something.
Now that would make sense.  Just like Metroid 1.  After you beat the game - you start over without the suit.  8-)

Er, I think.  I played through Metroid Deluxe with the narpassword, then started over as suitless Samus.  ...that's what happened on that one.  I haven't taken the time to beat the regular Metroid.  Embarassed
well i saw the patch for this the other day i think, when i was searching for new stuff now that i have a comp again, and found Golden Dawn (you know who the golden dawn are right  8-)
The patch was called BIKINI something.
You're not thinking of the other Justin Bailey patch, are you?
i did not think to download the patch.. darn me. So i cannot say what it really was, however the notes compared it to the bailey sprite as being different.
Eschews avatars
That room looks like the first Norfair room in Redesign... perhaps this was one of Drewseph's early projects that got scrapped later?
Quote from TheCheruben:
i did not think to download the patch.. darn me. So i cannot say what it really was, however the notes compared it to the bailey sprite as being different.

Well I'll have to look around for that patch then, thanks.

Quote from ducknerd:
That room looks like the first Norfair room in Redesign... perhaps this was one of Drewseph's early projects that got scrapped later?

Well I'd think if that were true, Drew would pop in and inform us. Although maybe he hasn't looked in this thread.
Edit history:
Gaius_4: 2008-01-21 01:29:34 pm
Or maybe he has been here/seen this topic and hasn't denied that it was his hack.  :-k

In snes9x is there a way to keep the screen from fading to all white after Samus dies?  I tried messing with the top number keys that affect the background, sprites, and other layers (or whatever).  But I don't think I used the right one or combination. :-? nvrmd, that's pointless.

I have a screen shot from SM-Redesign of Samus dying and what she's wearing seems to be 'skimpier' than what she's wearing when she dies in the regular SM.  Unless I'm mistakenEmbarassed
Can you post the SS?
I've copy/pasted from SMR into another pic from the regular SM when Samus dies.  The one on the left is from SMR (duh  :P ).

How you like them apples?  laugh new

Meri Kurisumasu! ^_^
Quote from Black Telomeres:
Can you post the SS?

Hahahahaha. <fap fap fap fap fap fap>
So I guess the question becomes why did he bother to change such a miniscule thing?
Almost happy
To see how long it took for people to notice/weird fetish probably.

why's every body looking at me?
I'm surprised I missed this topic!

This was an early test to see how easy/hard it would be to add a bonus mode for completing the game in under 3 hours.... of course it got ditched because I actually wanted to release the hack instead of wait forever.  plus the work would be too much for so little.

as for the skimpy,  =P  before I started on editing anything I first edited sprites of samus and her morphball, and those just stayed in the rom I used.....
Any chance you could release it as a second Justin Bailey patch? I actually like most of the graphics better than the already existing Justin Bailey patch.
Edit history:
playerman1230: 2008-04-25 09:47:49 pm
Hated by all
Quote from Black Telomeres:
Any chance you could release it as a second Justin Bailey patch? I actually like most of the graphics better than the already existing Justin Bailey patch.

Point taken. The picture does look good. And Sigfriedxx, I used SNES 9X slowdown for the death part, and I took a snap, sadly. =/

Edit: You obviously know I snapped the last frame. And no posting, since I don't want to humiliate DrewSeph and have the mods bust me off the forum and IRC.

Edit 2: I find a difference in the last-frame parts, when I used headered [plus the JB patch] for SNES 9X 1.51, and headerless for ZSNES 1.51.