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I've been subscribed to this Japanese guy for quite a while and I'm very glad I did. He has  some speed runs (with save-states by the looks of it) of the original release along with many first time playthroughs and speed runs of hacks as well. Which he has recently started to upload on a regular basis. He's also done a few TAS's which evidently use frame advance. If you search for some of his older videos you'll see some speed tricks and other crazy stuff you probably haven't seen before that are very unique and entertaining. I recommend it as he obviously puts a lot of effort into the game and doesn't stop for a second Razz 
Thread title: 
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
There were a few I hadn't seen before. aiwebs_004
The Bomb that says it all .!..
Some of these speed tricks are just genius. I watched a 100% SS run which he got a 0:48. I'm not sure if it was using save states or not. The translation of his video notes didn't mention any use of them, but it didn't say that he didn't use them either. Overall though it was a very enjoyable watch, I'm glad you pointed me in this direction Behemoth.
no problem aiwebs_004

The reason why I think he use savestates is because he doesn't appear to make any mistakes in a 100% SS run, and the reason he gets 48 and not 45 or 44 is because he hasn't fully optimized it. Due to lack of knowledge by the looks of it. I also believe he let a lot of movement errors pass. Not saying he tried to make it look genuine though either, but just wasn't too much of a perfectionist at the time on it. It's not played on console anyway as you can see some numbers and stuff going on at the top.

If it really was completely unnassisted then he actually owns the NTSC record. But I just doubt that he had no emulator assistance at all in it. Despite it being less than desirable optimably, it's just too perfect.
Edit history:
Reeve: 2011-08-02 07:29:41 am
I used google translator to try to understand what the guy was saying or at least find anything about the use of savestate, but by the look of the translation, it seems he didn' use... anyway, i'll post the translation i got. Btw, i used google translator to ask him in japanese language if he used savestates. Let's see if he can understand.

"Super Metroid: 100% Complete Time Attack item. A real-time Tuck (until the ending music - start the game), including. Training period is about Half - about a year now. To memorize all the basic behavior of monsters and all terrain I also memorized position. Thanks to Toon fans a bottleneck, each time frame may When you pass through the lower, 46 times longer to redo the play. Sam's behavior is his Postponed and avoided the risk and abilities. No overall fatal mistake, as strategy Be progressed. In addition, time attack game this time poured no more patience Not. And I hope you enjoy watching videos Moraeta if this play."TS

There is more information below the big text in japanese, but they are more about technical details of the game and his objectives.
well he replied to me very quickly after I left a message asking whether he used save states. According to him, he didn't Razz. Here take a look.
I watched the run and the guy really have skills! I think that if he had used the same route as you and Hotarubi and didn't stop too much to collect every drop like he did, he would get 46. Despite the sloppy strategies for most of the rooms, he didn't comite any big mistake. Most of the run seems legit to me, but his boss battles were all perfect. Torizo is the only one that is easy to be perfect in my opinion,  but his Crocomire using missiles and super missiles was almost as fast as using the Plama! And not forgeting that his Phantoon was faster than yours!

Btw, i only saw one trick that would save time in a 100% run in his run, and it is the way he did to enter the ball tunnel going to get the last missile in Wrecked Ship area. After collecting the Gravity Suit, he runs at full speed and before reaching the ball tunnel he does a mockball landing exactly in the tunnel. Unless somebody could consistently enter that tunnel mockballing straight to the missile, this strategy he used is the way to go.
Edit history:
Behemoth: 2011-08-02 01:18:18 pm
Behemoth: 2011-08-02 01:16:43 pm
Behemoth: 2011-08-02 12:26:58 pm
Behemoth: 2011-08-02 12:24:25 pm
What I don't understand though is he said he improved the route from Hotarubi's run. As we know we are all certain that the route is not faster than Hotarubi's.

So what he's implying is that his time is 48 comapred to Hotarubi's 50 because it's a faster route. It's not. It's faster because he made literally no mistakes at all. Where as Hotarubi's run with the faster route is littered with mistakes, some quite big. I know 48 is perfectly possible on SS and snuffit and forensic will be aiming to do just that or beat it. But this particular run I remain just a little skeptical I'm afraid.

[edit] Then again. watching the run, he does use a lot of slower, but SAFER strategies. which could be the reason for him keeping his consistency high throughout. Our route through the game deals with many very difficult parts so we inevitably fuck one or two of them up. Also I feel I have to say, I don't doubt this guys ability at all, and I believe he's perfectly capable of achieving that time. But this is the first time I've seen a run (including my own) where the runner just doesn't put a foot wrong for his full game strategy, give or take small movement errors dotted around numerously like bumping into doors and stuff. So maybe this is a shock to the system to what I and many others are used to watching. Like I say the 'safer' approach that he takes could be the reason for this kind of consistency, and therefore a very good final time.
My name is 4N6/Forensics.
This run was God awful!!! I'll comment more on it later.
Yeah I think it's just a difficult run to watch because of bad optimization, but these look like HIS optimizations and hadn't learned all the stuff that we do. From what I saw it looked like he nailed every room in the way that he wanted to do it.

(btw he subscribed to me lol)
Edit history:
Reeve: 2011-08-02 05:07:08 pm
Reeve: 2011-08-02 04:48:17 pm
As i said, the only thing that shocked me was his Crocomire and Phantoon fight,  mainly Phantoon. When he was fighting phantoon, in the second round, it was like if he was waiting for him to be in the position he apeared, and he managed to hit his fires exactly when it apeared, that is quite hard to do. I noticed his safer strategies too, but to be honest it doesn't seem to me that he thinks they're safer strategies, he just think that they are faster ones imo. Also, i thought the same as you about what he said about the route. It really seems that he thinks he improved Hotarubi's route, but that's clearly wrong.
Edit history:
Behemoth: 2011-08-03 09:14:39 pm
Behemoth: 2011-08-03 07:54:56 pm
Behemoth: 2011-08-03 07:34:47 pm
I think he might be using the phrase "Faster route" to describe how his route makes him more consistent than if he takes Hotarubi's route. Which could be indicating that he knows that what he does is safer. Just a hypothesis though.
He does make load of horrible little errors all over the place. But his route and approach to rooms makes very bad fuck ups unlikely. Remember he gets grapple first to enable the normal access to spring ball, just to name but one.
He does however have very good boss fight. All of them. Good luck, yeah sure. Perfect patterns on Phantoon, can and does happen I would know on a SS, but fucking unlikely. But then he successfuly does Botwoon one rounder, then Draygon gave him best pattern, Ridley was was a poor and slow strategy but it didn't go "wrong" based on what he was trying to do. This is probably the biggest suspicious part of the run for me, the bosses being perfect.

I'll have to watch it again to be sure on all this. I'm just exited that somebody has got 48 on NTSC aiwebs_011

Interesting bit of information. His in game time was 48:45:12. about 10 seconds faster than my segmented run
In his post he uses the term "Reset Factor", so i think he meant that he used safer strategies to avoid reseting the game. But i don't think the route was for better consistency, as killing Crocomire with just a simple Charged plasma is much easier than shooting loads of missiles and super missiles. I think he used safer tricks, but the wrong route due to thinking that it was faster. You can see that he stops a lot to pick up super Missiles. He could have beaten Ridley much faster if he have used more supers on him. He ended up the fight, iirc, with more than 20 supers.
His crocomire strategy actually looks harder than it really is I believe. he shoots by timing first of all, then shoots the next series of shots based on how many steps back croco takes, and so on. So again another strategy that he found comfortable with. Doing croco now gives him grapple early, and that above much else guarentees getting spring ball with minimal fuss. Where for our route that can sometimes be a game wrecker trying to use the ice ceiling glitch.

I should stress I'm not in awe of his route lol. I'm just interested by his approach to the game. The fact that he got a new world record with a slower route and some less than satisfactory room ops.
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F-Bomb: 2011-08-03 11:46:41 pm
The Bomb that says it all .!..
I believe that he used that strategy on Ridley to ensure that he had more than 10 Supers to do his version of the Metroid Skip.

On his leaving Lower Norfair he seemed to just jump through the Falling Spiked platform. Is that trick as simple as it looks or is there some specific timing needed?
Quote from F-Bomb:
I believe that he used that strategy on Ridley to ensure that he had more than 10 Supers to do his version of the Metroid Skip.?

Well spoted! I forgot about that.
Quote from F-Bomb:
On his leaving Lower Norfair he seemed to just jump through the Falling Spiked platform. Is that trick as simple as it looks or is there some specific timing needed?

You'll need the Screw attack for that trick and for it to work you have to space jump up in the momment the Spiked Platform is going down, so you go through it.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
For the Supers after Ridley thing, it'd still be quicker to pound Ridley with them, and enter / exit the door above Screw Attack a few times to get them from the rippers.
This is too cool aiwebs_011

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
The map overlay is pretty cool, but I think the Etecoons replacing Samus is kinda pointles since it's for TAS comparisons, and it's harder to judge the other Samuses' positions.  Just for a laugh I guess it'd be fun for five minutes. aiwebs_004
Yeah I know, but it's a good laugh that's why I posted it. I'd like to see Dachoras next. But since they don't have a proper jump animation it might look really weird and they would seemingly float around all over the place lol. How about a speed running space pirate ??? Cool
I'm having the hardest time figuring out what the numbers in the colored boxes are and if negative is good...
The Bomb that says it all .!..
Does anyone here have a clue how to use the LUA-script, I had a read on the website and got lost real quick. It'd be cool to use the timers that he used while practicing on Snes9x. If anyone knows what and where to type, it would be sweet.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
The numbers compare the four TASes - Samus, and the three Etecoons.  The numbers represent how many frames have been saved over those runs.  In this case, negative numbers are bad, as it means that the player is behind, as you can see more clearly as the run progresses.  Check the exiting of the Crateria shaft at 3:53 for a fairly clear example of the Etecoons advancing.

Where you see just one number, such as at the Gauntlet entry at 5:06, it means that the route has differed, and comparisons are not possible, so it just displays the current run's total frames to that room.

It's possible that this run may well be faster overall, due to route differences, but with TASes, accuracy is key, and if the player is already 34 frames behind before even reaching bombs, that lack of accuracy would tell over time (remember that 60 frames is one second), so even if the route is better, it could still be slower.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from F-Bomb:
Does anyone here have a clue how to use the LUA-script
Copy the text from the script you want to use, and paste it into a .txt file.
Click Save As..., and change the type to All Files.
Name it [whateveryouwant].lua
Open snes9x (with lua script support)
Click File > Lua Scripting > New Lua Script Window.
Browse for your file.
Open your ROM as normal.

I believe that's about it.
The Bomb that says it all .!..
Quote from Quietus:
Quote from F-Bomb:
Does anyone here have a clue how to use the LUA-script
Copy the text from the script you want to use, and paste it into a .txt file.

Hoping not to sound like a total deadshit. but where do you get the 'text from the script you want to use' from. The rest seems pretty easy.

Thanx for your help Quietus.